
juàn shǔ
  • Dependents;spouse;family dependants
眷属 [juàn shǔ]
  • (1) [family dependants]∶家眷,亲属

  • (2) [spouse]∶夫妻

  • 常愿天下有情人都成眷属。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • 愿天下有情人终成眷属

眷属[juàn shǔ]
  1. 已婚人员营房是军人与其眷属所住的宿舍。

    Married quarters are houses where soldiers live with their families .

  2. 约瑟和他父亲的眷属都住在埃及。

    Joseph stayed in Egypt , along with all his father 's family .

  3. 大卫回家要给眷属祝福。

    Then David returned to bless his household .

  4. 像许多美丽却忧伤的故事一样,有情人并没有成眷属。

    As many beautiful but sad love stories , they were not together in the end .

  5. 这样真的可以让有情人成眷属?

    Does that make love last ?

  6. 眷属&丈夫、子及子女可在家庭保险计划下得到保障。

    Dependents husband , wife , and dependent children can be protected under a family insurance plan .

  7. 吾自遇汝以来,常愿天下有情人都成眷属;

    Ever since I met you I have been wishing that all lovers shall finally live together .

  8. 愿天下的有情人都能够忠诚眷属,都能找到一个好归属。

    Perhaps the world would like to have loyalty to their families , can get a good attribution !

  9. 制装费[眷属津贴]标准配置的安装在贴片头上的对位镜头和显示器能使坐标数据的登入快速而精确。

    The system is standard-equipped with head-mounted teaching camera and monitor , for fast and precise coordinate data entry .

  10. 在简·奥斯汀笔下的世界中,真诚的爱情和智慧终能获得胜利,妇女必能和她心爱的人结成眷属。

    In Jane Austen 's world , true love and wisdom always triumph . The woman always gets her man .

  11. 但是,各个州政府开始将结婚证书用于其他用途:作为将财产分配给眷属的证明方式。

    But governments began relying on marriage licenses for a new purpose : as a way of distributing resources to dependents .

  12. 三位都是在2015年与这个歌手发展了恋人关系,尽管没有任何一段最终能成眷属。

    All three beauties were romantically linked to the star in 2015 although none of the flings developed into serious romances .

  13. 大概想让成年的后代或岁数教年夜的父母在公司事项,可能说想要成长成为一个真正的眷属企业。

    They may even want to put adult children or elderly parents on the payroll and have a true family business .

  14. 制装费[眷属津贴]此机种采用铝合金体,离合制动器相背贴,占地空间小易于安装。

    This unit features aluminum alloy construction with the clutch and drive attached back-to-back to save space and make installation easier .

  15. 喔,我丈夫和我比神仙眷属还要好。他非常爱我。

    A : Well , my husband and I are more of a storybook couple . He loves me a great deal .

  16. 他暗自庆幸自己是纽约人,并将与一个自己同类人结成眷属。

    He thanked heaven that he was a New Yorker , and about to ally himself with one of his own kind .

  17. 大卫也将跟随他的人、他们各人的眷属、同带上去、在希伯仑的城邑中。

    David also took the men who were with him , each with his family , and they settled in Hebron and its towns .

  18. 它们的回答充满欣喜:“我们今天结成了眷属。”

    I asked them the reason their hearts were so gay , It was joyfully they answered me , " We have mated to-day . "

  19. 侨眷是指华侨、归侨在国内的眷属。

    " Family members of overseas of Chinese " denote the family members , residing in the country , of overseas Chinese and returned overseas Chinese .

  20. 可是耶稣发展在木匠之家,属一介平平易近,是以能够发明他眷属的笔墨记实,其实出人意料。

    But Jesus , who was raised by a carpenter , was a man of the people , so finding documentation of his family is unexpected .

  21. 按照新的研究,超重妇女在有身期前做减肥手术能冲破眷属中的肥胖遗传链。

    An overweight woman who has weight-loss surgery before becoming pregnant may help break the cycle of obesity in her family , according to a new study .

  22. 就必然要求一种新艺术,超脱的慰藉之艺术,也就是说,要求悲剧,做自己的眷属、做海伦吗?他会跟着浮士德喊道:

    to desire a new art , the art of metaphysical comfort , to desire tragedy as his own proper Helen , and to exclaim with Faust :

  23. 约瑟用粮食奉养他父亲和他弟兄,并他父亲全家的眷属,都是照各家的人口奉养他们。

    And Joseph took care of his father and his brothers and all his father 's people , giving them food for the needs of their families .

  24. 今年的七夕之夜,让我们沉浸在芝华士的浪漫情怀中,重温神仙眷属们的传奇故事。

    During China 's Valentine 's Day this year , let us take a moment to immerse ourselves with Chiva 's in the legendary tales of love and romance .

  25. 两情相悦,心灵相通,彼此相爱,以致结为眷属,就是人世间最大幸福,并不很难,大多数人都能得到。

    Mutual , Empathy , love for one another , so that married families is the greatest happiness of the human world is not very difficult , most people can be .

  26. 将你们的父亲和你们的眷属都搬到我这里来,我要把埃及地的美物赐给你们,你们也要吃这地肥美的出产。

    And bring your father and your families back to me . I will give you the best of the land of Egypt and you can enjoy the fat of the land .

  27. 有一种友谊不低于爱情;关系不属于暖昧;倾诉一直推心置腹;结局总是难成眷属;这就是知己!

    There is a friendship , no less than love ; relations are not ambiguous ; talk has been confided ; the outcome is always difficult family dependents ; This is the friend !

  28. 我要在那里奉养你。因为还有五年的饥荒,免得你和你的眷属,并一切所有的,都败落了。

    And there will I nourish thee ; for yet there are five years of famine ; lest thou , and thy household , and all that thou hast , come to poverty .

  29. 而今,面对着这些大海边照相的情侣们,海誓山盟一而再、再而三地撞击着心海,唯愿天下有情人皆成眷属!

    Now , faced with these large photo of the beach lovers , eachother again and again and again to hit the heart the sea , I only hope that the world lovers are Chengjuan Shu !

  30. 什么是家呢?家的文字概念是:共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方,英文含义是,有爸爸妈妈和孩子构成的,有爱的地方。

    What is home ? The text concept is : the common life of families and their places of residence , English meaning is , consisting of father and mother and child , where there is love .
