
yǎn bǐng
  • eyestalk;eye stalk;ocular peduncle
眼柄 [yǎn bǐng]
  • [eye stalk] 在十足类甲壳动物中末端生有眼睛的可动的柄

眼柄[yǎn bǐng]
  1. 眼柄神经内分泌系统的主要组成部分为X器官一窦腺复合体。

    The complexus of X - organ sinus gland is the main part of the neurosecretory system of eyestalk .

  2. 本研究利用SSH技术,成功构建了中华绒螯蟹眼柄视上神经节特异性表达的cDNA消减文库,从而为进一步筛选想要得到的基因和发掘新基因提供素材。

    In this experimentation we constructed the cDNA library of E. sinensis eyestalk speciality expression with SSH successfully , and provide material to new gene .

  3. 表明较高的血淋巴孕酮水平对克氏原螯虾MO合成MF产生反馈抑制作用。研究中对涉及MF合成的眼柄-大颚器官-卵巢轴的调节机理作了探讨。

    A regulation mechanism of eyestalk-mandibular organ-ovary axis on MF biosynthesis was also discussed in this paper .

  4. 中国对虾PENAEUSCHINENSIS(O'SBECK)肌肉系统的研究Ⅱ.眼柄及附肢肌肉解剖1

    Studies on the Muscular System of Penaeus Chinensis ( O'SBECK ) . - II . Anatomy of the Muscles of Appendages 1

  5. 本文以甲壳动物十足类中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)的眼柄视神经节为材料,通过超声波破碎并加热离心,得到眼柄激素粗提液,之后应用反相层析的方法,分离得到13个样品。

    Through ultrasonic fragmentation , heat and centrifugation , the crude hormones liquid of Eriocheir sinensis ' optic ganglia was obtained , and also 13 samples after the further isolation by reversed phase chromatography ( RPC ) .

  6. MIH肽产生于端髓X器(MTXO),储存在眼柄的窦腺中,通过抑制Y器分泌蜕皮激素来调节蜕皮。

    MIH is produced in the medulla terminalis of the X-organ ( MTXO ) and stored in the sinus gland of the eyestalk . It regulates molting by inhibiting the production of ecdysone by the Y-organ .

  7. 小眼面呈正六边形,仅在复眼与眼柄交界处有四边形和五边形的小眼。

    But at border of eyestalk there were pentagon and quadrangle .

  8. 眼柄上长出眼睛身体化为化学枪

    eyes grow on stalks . Bodies become chemical guns .

  9. 眼柄不是武器

    The eye stalks are not weapons ,

  10. 早熟中华绒螯蟹眼柄视神经节对卵巢发育的生殖调控作用

    Effect and regulation of eyestalk optic ganglia on ovarian development in precocious Chinese mitten crab , Eriocheir sinensis

  11. 眼柄切除及注射黄体酮对中华绒螯蟹幼蟹卵巢发育的影响

    Effects of eyestalk - ablated and injecting progesterone on the Chinese Mitten - Handed juvenile crab ovarian development

  12. 采用切除单侧、双侧眼柄及注射黄体酮药物的方法研究对幼蟹卵巢发育的影响。

    The effects of unilateral , double eyestalk-ablated and injecting progesterone on the juvenile crab ovarian development were studied .

  13. 结果表明,眼柄内的激素可抑制黄体酮对卵巢发育的作用。

    The results show that hormone in the eyestalk of prawns can inhibit the progesterone effect on the ovary development of M.nipponesis .

  14. 这些结果对处于常暗环境和眼柄退化的海底热液口甲壳类的生物钟研究提供了十分重要的基础。

    These results will provide important information for researches on circadian clocks of vent crustaceans that live under constant-dark environments and lose their eyestalks .

  15. 本文报道了摘除眼柄对中华绒螯蟹精巢发育及其氨基酸含量的影响。

    The effect on testis development and the variation of amino acid content in Eriocheir sinensis by eyestalk ablation was studied in this paper .

  16. 采用注射孕酮;切除眼柄和激光照射复跟等技术,人工诱导青虾成熟和产卵,效果明显。

    Obvious effects were obtained while techniques of progesterone injection , laser radiation on the compound eye and ablation of eye stalk were adopted to induce maturation and spawning of the prawn .

  17. 1997、1998年利用越冬亲虾进行性腺促熟,用镊烫法切除眼柄,促进亲虾发育。

    In 1997 and 1998 , the over - wintering parent prawns were conducted to accelerate the gonad maturity and their eye stems were cut with the burning tweezers to promote their development .

  18. 结果表明,切除双侧眼柄可明显增加幼蟹体重、蜕壳频率,极显著提高卵巢指数、肝胰腺指数和卵巢/肝胰腺质量比,极显著增大卵母细胞直径;

    The results showed that double eyestalk-ablated can effectively increase the weight and molting frequency of the juvenile crab , significantly improve the ovarian index , hepatopancreas index and ovary / hepatopancreas mass ratio , significantly incease the oocyte diameter ;

  19. 野外生长的龙虾估计可以长到50岁。科学家可以通过测量龙虾体内随着时间积聚的已知材料等级来估计它们的年龄,比如它们眼柄的脂肪含量或大脑里一种叫eurolipofuscin的色素。

    Some estimate that lobsters in the wild can live up to 50 years . Scientists estimate a lobster 's age by measuring levels of materials known to accumulate in its body over time , such as deposits of fat in its eyestalks or a pigment called eurolipofuscin in its brain .