
  • 【电影】The Eyes, the Mouth
  1. 介绍了基于Gabor小波的眼睛和嘴巴检测问题。

    A Gabor wavelet-based eyes and mouth detection system is presented .

  2. 基于Gabor小波的眼睛和嘴巴检测算法

    GABOR Wavelet-based Eyes and Mouth Detection Algorithm

  3. 先对面部表情图像进行了分割,得到眼睛和嘴巴区域,然后分别对眼睛和嘴巴区域提取不变矩和奇异值特征向量,并进行Fisher线性判别分析,最后训练了支持向量机分类器。

    First , eyes and mouths are segmented from the facial expression image and variant moments and singular value feature vectors of eyes and mouth are extracted . Then Fisher linear discriminant analysis is used to find a set of optimal feature vectors .

  4. 眼睛和嘴巴部位采用SUSAN算子检测眼角和嘴角,鼻子采用水平和垂直积分投影定位鼻孔,眉毛部位先用Canny算子检测边缘,然后对边缘图像进行积分投影定位眉毛的左右边缘点。

    SUSAN operator is used to locate eye and mouth corner . Nose is located by gray level projection . Canny operator is adopted to detect the edge of eyebrow , and then gray level projection is applied to locate eyebrow edge points .

  5. 把甲酸直接射向蒙哥的眼睛和嘴巴

    And fires formic acid straight at the mongoose 's eyes and mouth .

  6. 伊朗士兵全身以白色覆盖,只露出眼睛和嘴巴。

    The file photo Iranian soldiers wearing white uniforms with only openings for eyes and mouths .

  7. 为了能够逼真的驱动模型,我们还设计了眼睛和嘴巴的弹性形变模型。

    In order to driven model , we design Elastomer metamorphosing models for eyes and mouth area .

  8. 没有脸的话,舌头、牙齿、鼻子、眼睛和嘴巴都要露在外面了。

    Without a face , the tongue , teeth , nose , eyes and mouth will have to stay outside .

  9. 蜥蜴的大部分身体都在她的手上蠕动,但是它的眼睛和嘴巴里仍有一个灰色,让它窒息的“灰色帽子”。

    Most of the lizard is squirming in her hand but there 's still a grey hood choking its eyes and mouth .

  10. 在人脸检测的基础上,面部关键的特征点定位试图定位人脸面部主要特征点的位置以及眼睛和嘴巴等主要器官的形状信息。

    It aims to locate the facial feature points and the shape information of eyes , mouth and so on based on the facial detect .

  11. 我们先利用脸部图像的垂直投影和水平投影对脸部器官进行了粗定位,然后通过一种快速的模板匹配算法进行了脸部器官(主要是眼睛和嘴巴)的精确定位。

    We roughly locate the organs using horizontal projection and vertical projection of the image , then we locate them exactly using a fast module-matching algorithm .

  12. 切断套筒或腿,把它在你的头上,并纪念在你的眼睛和嘴巴是用钢笔或标记。

    Cut off a sleeve or leg , pull it over your head , and mark where your eyes and mouth are with a pen or marker .

  13. 分别针对人脸上下半区域进行眼睛和嘴巴的定位节省了检测时间,提高了检测的准确度。

    To detect the eyes and mouth respectively in the first and second half of the face regions can short the testing time and improve the accuracy .

  14. 由于瘦削,眼睛和嘴巴就大得不成比例,眼睛里似乎有一种对什么人或什么东西都怀有刻骨仇恨的恶狠狠神情。

    Because of its thinness the mouth and eyes looked disproportionately large , and the eyes seemed filled with a murderous , unappeasable hatred of somebody or something .

  15. 我抚摸着虎妞,一边对她说她是多么美丽,一边检查她的眼睛和嘴巴,听她的心肺,轻按她的胃部。

    Stroking Tigress , I told her how beautiful she was while I examined her eyes and mouth , listened to her heart and lungs , and felt her stomach .

  16. 东亚人特别注重眼部神情,而西方人则观察整个脸部,包括眼睛和嘴巴。

    East Asians participants tended to focus on the eyes of the other person , while Western subjects took in the whole face , including the eyes and the mouth .

  17. 然后使人的眼睛和嘴巴在正常状态和疲劳驾驶时候有不同特征表现,提取不同时期的特征,机器能够自动标定采集图像特征点。

    Then make the eyes and mouth in the normal state and fatigue performance have different characteristics , extract the characteristics of different period , the machine can automatically calibrate gathering image feature points .

  18. 他钓了溺水者,并把三蛇叶,他曾与他在年轻的国王的眼睛和嘴巴,他成功地恢复了他的生活。

    He fished up the drowned man , and by putting the three snake-leaves , which he had with him , on the young king 's eyes and mouth , he successfully restored him to life .

  19. 在特征提取问题上,采用了基于人脸局部信息的矩特征提取方式,通过分割人脸局部区域,提取了最能反映表情信息的眼睛和嘴巴子图像,对子图像计算矩特征向量。

    In the feature extraction problem , the method of moment invariants feature extraction based on local feature regions is adopted . First , eyes and mouths are segmented from the facial expression image and variant moments feature vectors of eyes and mouth are extracted .

  20. 别老是摸眼睛鼻子和嘴巴什么的&降低传染的概率。

    Don 't touch your eyes , nose and mouth , which can limit your chances of infection .

  21. 砰地一声,一个长着淘气的黑眼睛和大嘴巴的小矮人出现了。他盘着腿飘浮在空中,手中握着那捆拐杖。

    There was a pop , and a little man with wicked , dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared , floating cross-legged in the air , clutching the walking sticks .

  22. 本文在图象中分割人脸区域,在检测出的人脸区域内定位眼睛区域和嘴巴区域,并定位相关的重要特征点,如:区域中心、眼角、嘴角等。

    In this paper , find the location of the face regions , then detect and locate the eyes and mouth in the existed face regions and target the important characteristics of the relevant points , such as : regional center , eyes corners , and mouth corners .

  23. 通过区域增长从人脸图像中分割出人脸,再利用边缘检测、Hough变换、模板匹配和方差投影技术可以快速有效地提取出人脸面部器官眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴特征。

    First human face is segmented from the input image by using region growth . Then by using edge detection , Hough transformation , template matching and variance projection , facial features such as eyes , nose and mouth are located quickly and effectively .

  24. 一天,眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴在开会。

    One day , the eyes , nose and mouth in a meeting .

  25. 看,一个大鼻子,两只黑眼睛和一张大嘴巴。

    Look , a big nose , two black eyes and a big mouth .

  26. 她们只露着眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴,乍一看像一位‘蒙面超人’。

    They show only their eyes , with their nose and mouth covered just like a covered superman .

  27. 届时脸上会有更多沟壑褶皱,而眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴附近的纹路会深得多。

    There will be more lines and wrinkles , and these will be much deeper around the eyes , nose and mouth .

  28. 这个羊羔的头上长着人类的眼睛,鼻子和嘴巴,只有耳朵看起来像羊的耳朵。

    The lamb 's head had the eyes , nose andmouth of a human and only the ears were those of a sheep .

  29. “美妆魔镜”利用摄像头捕捉到你的面容图像,并你的眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴部位显示出试妆效果。

    The Magic Mirror uses a camera on the device to captures your face and work out where your eyes , nose and mouth are .

  30. 更近一步观察,这个淡蓝色的面具看起来是手缝的,为眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴开了洞。

    On closer inspection , the pale blue headgear looks to be hand-stitched , with holes cut out for the eyes , nose and mouth .