
  • 网络color layer
  1. 测试了彩砂的色度值和理化性能,并分析了影响彩砂呈色的因素、影响彩砂着色层牢固性的因素等。

    The chroma value and the physical chemical performances of color sand were test , and the factors effecting the generation of color and firmness of color sand were analyzed .

  2. 由于多了着色层的关系,它们比普通隐形眼镜更厚、更硬,另外其渗透性也较差,这可以导致眼睛缺少水份和氧气。

    Due to the layer of tinted color , they are thicker and harder than ordinary contact lenses , and additionally are less permeable , which can lead to the eyes being deprived of moisture and oxygen , Lu explains .

  3. 结果:1.正常对照组视网膜形态正常,结构层次清楚,视网膜内界膜下可见少许状棕色阳性GFAP着色,其余各层未见着色。

    Results : 1 . In the normal control group , the retinal tissue structure is normal , and there is little brown positive GFAP stain in internal limiting memberane .

  4. 在铁制工艺品上先进行常温化学镀铜然后进行着色处理,获得了效果满意的着色层。

    Satisfactory colored-films on iron craftworks were obtained by coloring process of electroless Cu plating at room temperature and chemical coloring in turn .