
  • 网络inspection teams
  1. 督查组在所到学校查看了校园宣传栏、图书馆、卫生教师讲课和相关资料,听取了有关情况介绍。

    Inspection teams in the school campus to see the propaganda field , a library , a health teacher lectures and related information , listen to a briefing about .

  2. 督查组发现,石家庄的33家企业未按要求进行停产、限产,18个施工场地未按要求停止施工。

    The inspection teams found that 33 enterprises in Shijiazhuang had not halted or cut back on production as directed , and that work had continued as usual at 18 construction sites .

  3. 督查组认为,电力公司行风评议工作起步早,行动快,制定的实施方案、整改措施可操作性强。

    Inspection team that the power companies MORALS appraisal work started early , fast action , the development of implementation plans , corrective measures can be workable .

  4. 督查组认为,该公司在行风评议工作中,上下联动,狠抓落实,着眼整改,取得了实效。

    Inspection team that the company in the professional climate appraisal work , the upper and lower linkage , implement the plan , focus correction , and achieved practical results .

  5. 周三,环保部派出督查组在北京及其周边地区检查空气质量,确认石家庄的几十个工作场所违背了污染控制规定。

    Inspection tours , which were carried out on Wednesday by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in Beijing and surrounding regions to check air quality , identified dozens of workplaces in Shijiazhuang in violation of pollution control regulations .

  6. 教育部上周三表示,七个督查组将被派往全国所有省份和自治区,评估教育部门对中小学校外培训机构的治理情况。

    Seven teams will be sent to all of China 's provinces and autonomous regions to evaluate how well education authorities are regulating after-school training institutions for primary and secondary school students , the Ministry of Education said last Wednesday .

  7. 根据教育部网站发布的通知,教育部、民政部、国家市场监管总局派出的督查组还将抽查中小学校以及校外培训机构。

    The inspectors , sent by the Ministry of Education , the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the State Administration for Market Regulation , will also make random checks on tutoring institutions as well as on primary and middle schools , according to a notice on the education ministry 's website .