
miáo zhǔn
  • aim;point;take aim at;take aim;train on;aim (level) a gun at;lay
瞄准 [miáo zhǔn]
  • [take aim at;train on;aim (level) a gun at] 射击时注视目标,以期命中

  • 瞄准靶心

瞄准[miáo zhǔn]
  1. 这么着才能瞄准。

    You should take aim like this .

  2. 船长终于下令“瞄准”。

    The captain orders " take aim ", finally .

  3. 导弹主要瞄准的是美国。

    The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States .

  4. 他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。

    Their latest product is aimed at the mass market .

  5. 瞄准靶心。

    Aim for the middle of the target .

  6. 枪瞄准了她的头。

    The gun was aimed at her head .

  7. 她瞄准靶子射箭。

    She fired an arrow at the target .

  8. 持枪歹徒瞄准后就射击了。

    The gunman took aim and fired .

  9. 她还是年轻演员的时候,就瞄准了好莱坞。

    Even as a young actress , she always had Hollywood firmly in her sights .

  10. 对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。

    Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders

  11. 我一直将枪径直瞄准他的双眼。

    I kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes .

  12. 那名枪手瞄准了德比利,伺机而动。

    The gunman had singled Debilly out and waited for him

  13. 他们的休闲服系列瞄准的是追求时髦的13到25岁青少年。

    Their range of leisurewear is aimed at fashion-conscious 13 to 25 year-olds .

  14. 他再一次举起双筒望远镜,瞄准了11层的一个房间。

    He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room .

  15. 他将步枪瞄准了韦德。

    He was aiming the rifle at Wade .

  16. 他仔细地瞄准她劈了过去。

    He slashed at her , aiming carefully .

  17. 坦克停了下来,长长的炮管转过来瞄准了山脊。

    The tank stopped with the long snout of its gun turned to the ridge .

  18. 他用步枪瞄准,射出一枚子弹,然后退出空弹壳。

    He aimed his rifle , fired a single shot , then ejected the spent cartridge .

  19. 我不知道自己应该一直瞄准同一目标。

    I didn 't know I was supposed to aim at the same spot all the time .

  20. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。

    He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them .

  21. 这名士兵只是举枪瞄准,没有射击。

    The solider only aimed his gun but did not shoot .

  22. 他用枪瞄准了那头野猪。

    He pointed his gun at the boar .

  23. 开火之前他仔细地瞄准了目标。

    He took careful aim at the target before he fired .

  24. 他们端起枪,瞄准了敌人的后背。

    They raised their guns and aimed at the enemies'backs .

  25. 他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。

    He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly .

  26. 导弹是瞄准军事目标而不是瞄准城市人口稠密居住区的。

    The missiles are aimed at military targets , not at urban centres .

  27. 他向那只鸟瞄准,但未射中。

    He took aim at the bird but missed .

  28. 我瞄准了那个黑点,但没打中。

    I aimed at the black spot and missed .

  29. 伐木工人瞄准大树。

    Woodcutters targeted big trees .

  30. 该行业还瞄准了作为替代品出现的产品:可重复使用的购物袋。

    The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement : reusable shopping bags .