
  1. 北京瞽叟通文馆与中国盲文体系的初建

    The School for the Blind of Peking and the Tentative Foundation of Braille System in China

  2. 相传他的父亲瞽叟及继母、异母弟象,多次想害死他:

    According to the legend , his father Gusou ( literally the blind old-man ) , stepmother and half brother Xiang plotted to kill him for many times :

  3. 让舜掘井时,瞽叟与象却下土填井,舜掘地道逃脱。

    they also let Shun dig a well , but Gusou and Xiang filled soil to the well while the digging , Shun then dug underground tunnel to escape .
