
  • 网络Ontology;Knowledge ontology
  1. 知识本体(Ontology)是共享概念的明确形式化规范说明,能够以一种明确的、形式化的方式来表示领域知识,提高异构系统之间的互操作性,促进知识共享。

    Ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization . It can express domanial knowledge with definitely and formalization , it can improve the operational capability of different system and accelerate the sharing of information .

  2. 语意网与中文信息化的前瞻:知识本体与自然语言处理

    Towards Chinese Information Processing in the Semantic Web : Ontology and Natural Language Processing

  3. 基于Agent与个人知识本体的搜索系统研究

    Search System Research Based on Agent and Personal Knowledge Ontology

  4. 基于知识本体的电子商务协商Agent

    Ontology Based E-Commerce Negotiation Agent

  5. 基于知识本体的协商Agents模型研究

    Research on Negotiation Model Based on Ontology

  6. E-Learning系统中课程知识本体的构建与实现

    Construction and Realization of Course Knowledge Ontology in E-Learning System

  7. 基于OWL的制造业知识本体构建研究

    Research on the building up of knowledge ontology in manufacturing domain based on OWL

  8. 基于OWL的制造工艺知识本体模型

    OWL-based Ontology Model with Manufacturing Process Knowledge

  9. 知识本体(ontology)是对概念体系的明确的、形式化、可共享的规范说明,即通过概念、概念间的关系等描述一个知识体系。

    Knowledge ontology is a specific , formal and explicit specification of concept system which can describe a knowledge system by analyzing the relationship among concepts .

  10. 本文首先讨论知识本体和概念联通模型技后分析基于Ontology的概念联通方法,最后给出在知识查询系统中的联通算法。

    The paper , firstly discusses knowledge ontology and concept model , and then analyzes methods of concept-interconnection , and finally provides three kinds of interconnection algorithms .

  11. 目前教育资源领域针对语义Web的应用,主要通过建立教育资源的领域知识本体库,并对教育资源元数据进行语义标注。

    At present , in order to realize the application of semantic Web in education resources field , the main ways are the establishment of the education resources of Domain Knowledge Ontology and the semantic annotation of education resources metadata .

  12. 首先利用知识本体对应用领域建立语义模型,得到领域相关的知识结构,然后添加对领域资源的RDF描述。

    First we build the semantic model of certain domain by ontology , and then add the semantic description about resources by RDF .

  13. 建立了基于OWL的质量知识本体模型和质量本体知识库,开发了面向语义网络的概念搜索引擎。

    Quality knowledge ontology model and database based on OWL language is built . Concept search engineer base on Semantic Web is developed .

  14. 介绍AI知识本体与问题上下文本体的创建和知识库设计,探讨两种基于本体的联通方法基于概念主干的联通和基于<属性,属性值>对的联通。

    The design of AI-ontology and ontology for problem context and knowledge base are expatiated . And two kind of knowledge interconnection that is based on concept-backbone or are discussed .

  15. 在对学习支持系统(SPSS)的设计中,利用领域知识本体模型,有效的支持了知识的共享、获取和管理,也支持了教学系统的开发。

    In the designing of study performance support system ( SPSS ), the application of domain knowledge ontology model effectively supports the sharing , retrieving and management of knowledge , and the development of instructional system .

  16. 在医学领域,系统化临床医学术语集(SNOMEDCT)是成功利用知识本体研究成果的范例。

    SNOMED CT ( Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine , Clinical Terms ) produced by the College of American Pathologists is a successful example of Domain Ontology in the medical field .

  17. 接下来通过对博物馆领域本体的建模,把博物馆领域内的概念、关系以及属性模型化和语义表达,得到了OWL语言描述的博物馆领域知识本体,并将其储存在关系数据库当中。

    After the modeling work , the concepts and there attributes were modeled , the semantics were described and the knowledge ontology of museum field described by OWL was obtained and stored in relational data base .

  18. 基于服装知识本体的知识获取与联通分析

    Garment Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Interconnection Analysis Based on Knowledge Ontology

  19. 从知识本体谈自然语言处理的人文性

    On Humanity Spirit of Natural Language Processing from the Viewpoint of Ontology

  20. 机械加工工艺知识本体及检索方法研究

    Study on Ontology-Based Machining Process Knowledge and Methods of Retrieval

  21. 中西医人体知识本体为解决类似难题提供了有效途径。

    Domain Ontology is efficient in medical knowledge representation .

  22. 产品配置知识本体表达与共享研究

    Research of Product Configuration Knowledge Ontology Representation and Sharing

  23. 基于知识本体的网络消费行为理论与方法研究

    The Study on Theory and Method of Online Consuming Behavior Based on Knowledge Ontology

  24. 良知自我坎陷说与知识本体论的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Self-fallen-of-consciousness and Knowledge Ontology

  25. 基于知识本体的语义信息检索框架设计

    Design of ontology based semantic information retrieval framework

  26. 飞机装配工艺设计知识本体

    Ontology for Aircraft Assembly Process Planning Knowledge

  27. 构建知识本体方法体系的比较研究

    Comparison of Seven Approaches in Constructing Ontology

  28. 特别是针对如何善用知识本体来表达中文系统化的内涵知识。

    In particular , we focus on how to represent the Chinese knowledge content with ontology .

  29. 基于知识本体的属性分析以及概念联通

    Based-Ontology Attribute Analysis and Concept Interconnection

  30. 知识本体与信息过滤

    Knowledge Ontology & Information Filtering