
duǎn cù
  • short;very brief;short duration;transitory;of very short duration;pressed for time
短促 [duǎn cù]
  • (1) [transitory;short duration]∶时间短暂而急促

  • 将尘世的短促欢乐换取天国的希望

  • (2) [short]∶突然出其不意的缩短或结束的

  • 一段短促但令人兴奋的经历

短促[duǎn cù]
  1. 由于产期这一时间得短促,女性在角色学习和掌握中难免会出现偏差。

    Because childbirth period this time is very brief , women will unavoidably present the deviation in the role study and grasp .

  2. 激情是一种强烈的情感表现形式,是强烈的、暴风雨般的、激动而短促的情绪状态。

    Excitement is the form of expression of a kind of intense emotion and the state of mood which is strong , excited and very brief like a rainstorm .

  3. 她的呼吸急迫短促。

    Her breath was coming in short bursts .

  4. 他呼吸短促。

    He was breathing shallowly .

  5. 电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。

    The Chief Constable 's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line .

  6. 有人短促、嘲弄地笑了一声。

    There was a short , derisive laugh .

  7. 可是坡在短促一生中从没有像他们那样达到显赫水平。

    Poe , however , never during his short life reached their level of eminence .

  8. 屏气凝神、呼吸短促和气喘吁吁都会触发交感神经系统。

    Breath-holding , shallow breathing and hyperventilating can all trigger something called the sympathetic nervous system ( SNS ) .

  9. COPD相关的组织损伤也能导致肺排气显著的障碍,从而使人感觉呼吸短促。

    COPD-related tissue damage can also make it particularly difficult to expel air from the lungs , which can make you feel short of breath .

  10. 经过多年演变,它的意思逐渐演变,如今已经变得迥然不同:按照《简明牛津英语词典》(ConciseOED)的释义,它表示“短促、尖利的叫声,尤其是由于疼痛或受惊所致”。

    Over the years , it came to mean something quite different : " a short , sharp cry , especially of pain or alarm " as the concise OED puts it .

  11. 抱歉,太阳是万物在地球生存必不可少的条件Frosty只是一个冰冻的超自然生命短促之物,戴着偷来的帽子。

    Sheldon : Excuse me , but the sun is essential for all life on Earth . Frosty is merely a bit of frozen supernatural ephemera in a stolen hat .

  12. 但是,我的运气多坏,时间是短促的。

    But ah , my evil fortune , time is short .

  13. 一下短促的、胆怯的门铃声惊起了她。

    A short , timid ring at the doorbell summoned her .

  14. 像小铃发出的声音一样短促、高亢、清脆。

    Like the short high ringing sound of a small bell .

  15. 您有呼吸困难吗?你有时感觉短促的喘气吗?

    Do you have difficulty breathing ? Do you feel short-winded ?

  16. 短促的、不经意的、一闪即逝的、偷偷的、怯生生的一瞥

    A brief , casual , fleeting , furtive , timid glance

  17. 要两个部门的头头来治疗呼吸短促?

    It takes two department heads to treat shortness of breath ?

  18. 作为信号或警告的高音调短促音。

    A short high tone produced as a signal or warning .

  19. 他俩的会谈是很短促的,但是很有决定性。

    Their conference was very short , but very decided .

  20. 短促,短暂在时间上简暂的性质或状态。

    The quality or state of being brief in duration .

  21. 春秋为过渡季节,比较短促。

    Spring and autumn are transition seasons and are short .

  22. 如果你投去的目光过于短促,你会显得目中无人或有所遮掩;

    If you look too little , you appear haughty or secretive ;

  23. 使(某物)破裂,发出短促清脆的声音

    Cause ( sth ) to burst with such a sound

  24. 科学家们已努力使短促的人类寿命略为延长。

    Scientists have endeavored to prolong somewhat the brevity of human life .

  25. 吠声刺耳的短促的狗叫声。

    The harsh , abrupt sound uttered by a dog .

  26. 症状包括呼吸短促、胸闷、咳嗽。

    The symptoms include shortness of breath , chest tightness and coughing .

  27. 汉(前赵)、后赵、前秦立国短促的原因

    Reasons of Exist Briefly for Han ( Qianzhao )、 Houzhao 、 Qianqin

  28. 我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?

    How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life ?

  29. 忍受新郎之戏的短促嘲弄?

    Endure the short scorn of a bridegroom 's play ?

  30. 他的呼吸变得越来越短促。

    His breath was coming in shorter and shorter gasps .