
  • 网络short-term deposit
  1. Fed的降息减少了投资者持有美元短期存款的收益,从而降低了投资者持有美元资产的兴趣。

    The Fed 's cuts reduced the return that investors receive on shorter-term dollar deposits , making the dollar a less-attractive currency in which to park cash .

  2. 简而言之,我们应当为所有短期存款设置利率上限。

    In short , we need to cap rates on all short-term deposits .

  3. 去年11月,台湾宣布禁止外国投资者将资金存入短期存款,并且至今仍经常干预市场。

    In November , Taiwan banned foreign investors from parking funds in short-term deposits and still intervenes regularly .

  4. 事实上,一开始把银行推到悬崖边缘的正是烫手的短期存款。

    In fact , it was hot short-term deposits that put the banks on the brink in the first place .

  5. 换句话说,与短期存款利率比较,持有5年期债券可得到的回报相对多了2%。

    In other words , relative to short-term de-posit rates , one can pick up 2 % more by hold-ing the bond for 5 years .

  6. 个人通知存款是为了满足像您这样的有短期大宗存款的优质客户而设置的一种储蓄种类。

    Personal notice deposit is specifically designed for the valued clients like you with a large sum of short-term deposit .

  7. 上月,瑞银和瑞信对短期现金存款实施负利率,此举旨在制止欧元区危机中寻求避险的投资者将资金注入瑞士。

    Last month , UBS and Credit Suisse imposed negative interest rates on short-term cash deposits in an attempt to stem inflows from investors seeking a haven from the eurozone crisis .

  8. 短期通知及定期存款

    Short notice and time deposit

  9. 分析人士表示,银行通过发行短期理财产品操纵存款数据,这些理财产品使它们能够在每月末使存款回到表内几天时间,而官方数据正是在月末编制的。

    Analysts say banks manipulate the deposit data by offering short-term products that allow them to bring deposits back on to their books for a few days at the end of each month when official data are compiled .