
duǎn ɡē
  • jingle;short song
短歌 [duǎn gē]
  • (1) [tanka]

  • (2) 日文五行诗的固定形式,其第一行与第三行各有五个音节,其它各有七个音节

  • (3) 形式短小的汉语古典歌行诗

  1. 他谱写英雄短歌并着手编写不少记叙巫术和骑士历险的故事。

    He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure .

  2. 约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌》集中独特的爱情表达方式

    The Unique Approaches to Love in John Donne 's Songs and Sonets

  3. 约翰·邓恩《歌与短歌集》中的悖论

    Paradox in John Donne 's the Songs and Sonets

  4. 因为在我的请求之下,他曾经为我拉过几支门德尔松的短歌和一些他所喜爱的曲子。

    because at my request he has played me some of Mendelssohn 's Lieder , and other favourites .

  5. 这时一只小鸟在矮丛里歌唱,他的脑中又浮现了那古老的短歌:

    Then a little bird in the thicket sang out clearly , and old Anthony thought of the minstrel 's song .

  6. 客家山歌是中国历史悠久的传统音乐,而且是一种具有浓郁地方特色、即兴作曲的短歌。

    Hakka song is a long history of traditional Chinese music , but also with a strong local characteristics and composition of jazz compositions .

  7. 据书面陈述显示,哈里亚纳邦过去一年记录在案的试图限制秸秆焚烧的方法只有一种,这种方法就是广播有关秸秆焚烧副作用的短歌和广告。

    The state only documented one way it tried to limit burning in the past year , and that was by broadcasting jingles and advertisements about its adverse effects , the affidavit showed .

  8. 作为这些短歌的序曲,我胆敢在此说出的,只是一个诗人到一首诗。倘若这些凋落的残花,能有一朵你觉得美丽。

    As a prelude to my lay , from a poet to a poem , I would dare to say . For if of these fallen petals , once to you seem fair .

  9. 长大了,开始写工人,想写出点比消遣性歌曲、短歌好一些的作品来,我就这么开始写起有份量的歌曲来了。后来,写了“你站在哪边?”那首歌

    After I got older , I began to write about the workers . I wanted to do something better than just frilly songs or little songs , so I began to write bigger songs , until I got up to write " which side are you on ?"