
shí mò fǎn yìnɡ duī
  • Graphite reactor;carbon reactor
  1. 通过理论上的论证和对Oklo天然核反应堆遗迹的反演表明这些地质体可能有一部分具备了形成天然石墨核反应堆的条件。

    Theoretical verification and inversion deduction of the remains in the Oklo natural nuclear reactor indicate that at least some of the geologic bodies may have the requisites for the formation of natural graphite nuclear reactors .

  2. 颗粒状石墨冷却反应堆

    Granular graphite cooled reactor

  3. 更是制造火箭的点火极、激励极、喷嘴和舵板以及石墨核反应堆的减速材料和反射材料的绝好材料。

    Also is extremely good material for make a fire pole of the rocket , encourage the pole and spray the mouth with the rudder plank , and a deceleration materials and reflect materials in the graphite nuclear reactor .

  4. 石墨水冷型反应堆工程退役方案

    The Decommissioning Alternatives of the Water - cooled Graphite & moderated Reactor

  5. 轻水冷却石墨慢化反应堆

    Light water cooled graphite moderated reactor

  6. 天然铀石墨慢化反应堆

    Natural uranium graphite reactor

  7. 这一成果是科学家们通过加热石墨块发现的,这种石墨块是核反应堆中用来嵌入铀棒的,其中放射性碳大部分会变成气体释放出来。

    Scientists found that by heating graphite blocks - used to house uranium rods in nuclear reactors - much of the radioactive carbon is given off as a gas .