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  1. 对于总部位于珀斯(Perth)的FMG来说,这意味着要放弃在明年6月之前将皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石年产量提高到15500万吨的计划。

    For Fortescue , based in Perth , that means backing off plans to raise the annual iron-ore output rate at its Pilbara operations to 155 million metric tons by next June .

  2. 力拓正处于扩张阶段,不出几年,他们(的铁矿石年产量)就能突破3亿吨。

    Rio is in an expansion phase and in the next few years they should go over 300m tonnes [ of iron ore a year ] .

  3. 总部位于伦敦的矿业企业力拓周五表示,加上今年早些时候批准的矿山扩建计划,港口扩建将使公司的铁矿石年产能从2.2亿吨提高至2012年的2.3亿吨。

    Together with a mine expansion plan authorised earlier this year , the port expansion will boost annual iron ore production capacity from 220m to 230m tonnes by 2012 , the London-based miner said on Friday .

  4. 利用伊利石测年确定油气成藏期,能够得出其绝对年龄,因而受到人们重视。

    Since the technique of age measurement by using illite can yield absolute age , it has received a great attention .

  5. 传统地质分析、储层流体包裹体和伊利石测年等方法对于浅层油气藏油气充注时间的确定,都存在着明显的不足。

    For the timing of hydrocarbon charging in shallow reservoirs , methods such as traditional geological analysis , fluid inclusions in reservoirs and illite dating have obvious shortages .

  6. 焉耆盆地包裹体特征和伊利石测年对油气成藏期次的指示我把宝押在这个包裹不会拢乱你的生活上。

    Indication of Oil-Gas Migration & Accumulation with Fluid Inclusion Characteristics and Illite Dating in Yanqi Basin I 'm gambling that this package won 't upset your life in any way .

  7. 利用包裹体测温和成岩矿物伊利石测年数据资料,对东海盆地西湖凹陷中央背斜带油气运移及成藏的基本模式进行了研究。

    By means of inclusion thermometry and authigenic illite dating data , the oil and gas migration and accumulation model in the central anticlinal zone in the Xihu Sag of the East China Sea Basin has been studied .

  8. 佐治亚引导石于1979年由一位化名R·C·克里斯蒂安的人委托建造,由四块巨大的厚板花岗岩支撑一块顶板组成。

    The monument , which consists of four monolithic slabs of granite that support a single capstone , was commissioned in 1979 by a man who went by the pseudonym of R.C. Christian .

  9. 伊利石K-Ar测年在确定油气成藏期中的应用

    Application of K-Ar dating technique to determination of timing of oil / gas entrapment

  10. 沉积岩中自生伊利石K-Ar定年研究&存在问题及原因讨论

    Study on the K-Ar Dating of Diagenetic Illite in Sedimentary Rock Samples & Question and Discussion

  11. 利用自生伊利石K-Ar定年分析烃类进入储集层的时间

    The K-Ar isotopic dating of authigenic illites and timing of hydrocarbon fluid emplacement in sandstone reservoir

  12. 欧洲中部一地区,有丰富的煤和铁矿石储量;年成为普鲁士的附属国,但现在大部分在波兰。

    A region of central Europe rich in deposits of coal and iron ore ; annexed by Prussia in 1742 but now largely in Poland .

  13. 一件上品灵璧石,几年前产地价上百元,在国外可卖数千美元。

    A top grade Ling Bidan , producing price on the hundred dollars a few years ago , thousands of dollars can be sold in foreign countries .

  14. 我国钢铁工业的发展越来越多地依靠进口铁矿石,2004年进口铁矿石的比例超过了50%。

    The development of steel industries in our country depends more heavily on the imported iron ores than before . In 2004 , the proportion of imported iron ores used in the iron making surpassed 50 % .

  15. 绿泥石对自生伊利石KAr体系测年结果的影响不明显。

    The development of chlorites are unlikely to have much impact on the K-Ar system of authigenic illites .

  16. 这是火山喷发形成的天然巨型火山石,经历万年。

    The huge natural stone resulted from the volcanic eruption ten thousand years ago .

  17. 庐山星子杂岩中绿帘石花岗岩的定年和成因

    Epidote Granite in the " Xingzi Complex " of Lushan Mountain : Dating and Genesis

  18. 上周,铁矿石价格自2009年以来首次跌至60美元/吨以下。

    Last week it sunk below $ 60 a tonne for the first time since 2009 .

  19. 江西省弋阳县大源岭瓷石矿是2009年江西省发现的重要矿产地之一。

    The Dayuanling chinastone mine in Yiyang , Jiangxi province , is a significant mineral deposit discovered in2009 .

  20. 需求不足导致现货铁矿石价格跌至5年低点。

    A lack of demand for physical cargoes has seen the price of iron ore hit a five-year low .

  21. 第一部《哈利?波特与魔法石》于2001年11月上映。

    The first Harry Potter film - Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone - was released in November 2001 .

  22. 含油气盆地的伊利石分离与定年研究含油气盆地岩性油气藏的形成和分布特征

    Study on Seperation and Dating of Illite in Petroliferous Basin Predominant characteristics of formation and distribution for lithologic reservoirs in petroliferous basin

  23. 元中统二年(1261年)县入石州,三年(1262年)复置县。

    Million years in EC ( 1261 ) to Stone County , State , three years ( 1262 ) Home County Complex .

  24. 据中国冶金矿山企业协会统计,全球铁矿石消费在2001年超过了10亿吨。

    According to statistics from the Metallurgical Mines'Association of China , global iron ore consumption in 2001 was over 1 billion tons .

  25. 2009年最后三个月的铁矿石产量从2008年同期的2940万吨增加到3245万吨。

    Iron ore production in the three months hit 32.45 million metric tons , up from 29.4 million tons a year earlier .

  26. 此二石都是1905年南非矿山的经理在非常偶然的情况下发现的。

    Both of them are parts of an immense diamond which was found quite by chance by the manager of mine in South Africa in1905 .

  27. 力拓已表示,其现货铁矿石销量在2008年将增加两倍多,至1500万吨,约占其总销量的7%。

    Rio has already said it will more than triple its spot iron ore sales in 2008 to 15m tonnes , or about 7 per cent of its total sales .

  28. 担心全球经济放缓的中国投资者在整个工业大宗商品市场掀起了一波抛售潮。铁矿石价格已经跌至年内低点,铜价也暴跌了逾6%。

    Iron ore fell to its lowest level of the year and copper plunged more than 6 per cent as Chinese investors led a wave of selling across industrial commodities markets amid concerns of a global economic slowdown .

  29. 采矿业和自然资源板块的其它股票也纷纷下跌,油价自金融危机爆发以来首次跌破40美元/桶,而全球开采量最大的矿产——铁矿石价格跌至10年低点。

    Other mining and natural resources stocks also fell as oil dipped below $ 40 a barrel for the first time since the financial crisis and iron ore , the biggest mined commodity , hit a 10-year low .

  30. 石翔简介石翔,1954年出生于湖南,苗族,现定居美国。

    Shi Xiang , born in Hunan province in1954 , the Miao , settles in America .