- 名petrodollars

Middle East petrodollars are pouring into countries such as China and Singapore .
Petrodollars also increased the international stock market liquidity and , to some extent , contributed to the generation of foam .
A combination of economic reforms , a favourable global environment and high oil prices produced real GDP growth across the region of 6.5 per cent last year , bringing up average per capita incomes 75 per cent higher than 2002 , the first year of this petrodollar boom .
How Does Oil Dollar Influence the Global Balance of Payments
Influence of Petro - Dollars on Iraqi Economy
Oil Dollars Seek Business Opportunity in China
These petrodollars , as they used to be called , create what are now called global imbalances .
Tentative Thoughts on the Role of the Oil - dollar Regime in the US Interests in Middle East
Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .
With stronger local currencies the state would get fewer dirhams , dinars or riyals for every petrodollar .
A lesson of the recycling of petrodollars in the1970s is that equity investments are more sustainable than debt .
The Saudis have never abandoned the use of petrodollars for political ends ; it is its principal diplomatic weapon .
THERE is no crime involved , but the mystery of the petrodollar billions is worthy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle .
In addition , the recycling of petrodollars is driving down interest rates providing an unsustainable boost to US private consumption .
A classic example came in the 1970s , when petrodollars flooded the international capital market and drove interest rates down .
Petrol-Dollar has emerged as a strong economy support with victory in Oil-produced country who struggled for national benefit since 1970s ' .
Middle East countries , especially those rich in petrodollars , and some countries in Latin America notably Venezuela also subsidies their fuel .
There were other sources of liquidity , too : oil money and sovereign wealth funds built up by countries with surplus savings .
The flow of petrodollars into the global financial system boosted liquidity , spurred asset prices and helped to keep borrowing costs down .
Gulf petrodollars have been recycled not to improvident governments in Latin America but instead to improvident homebuyers in the uncreditworthy fringes of America .
Another possible explanation is that the signals from all three financial markets are being distorted by petrodollars and Asian central bank reserves pouring into dollar assets .
In an absolute monarchy flush with petrodollars , where the line between state and royal finances is blurred , arms deals are assumed to carry lucrative commissions .
As oil is quoted in dollars , and higher oil prices create petrodollars that must be recycled , a higher oil price means a weaker dollar , all else being equal .
However , as the Dollar continuously depreciates and also due to some other factors such as Twin Deficits and New Triffin Dilemma , the Petro-Dollar system has been on the slide .
Applying this analysis to the future , Mr Mauboussin pointed to two new sources of capital Asian central banks and petrodollar assets and two newly powerful agents hedge funds and private equity .
The non-oil sector leads the Saudi economy , rising at 7 per cent annually as petrodollars trickle down into sectors such as construction and finance , which have also seen strong upward pressure on wages .
Next year , they could fall below $ 100bn if prices average $ 78 a barrel , he said , on top of other trends that seem to be sucking liquidity out of the system .
Although he was one of the wisest men that ever lived , yet he felt that he knew but very little . Only an imperceptible portion of petrodollars bankroll terrorism , which is anyway quite cheap .
The concept of petrodollar not only indicates the fact that international trade in oil transactions are mostly settled and priced in dollars , but also implies the influence of the United States on oil price formation .
The faith of the Chinese in America 's power and responsibility , and the petrodollar holdings of the gulf countries that depend on US military protection , are the twin props for the dollar 's global status .