
shí yá
  • clint
石芽[shí yá]
  1. 石芽地基上桩顶作用效应计算

    Calculation of Pile Butt Effective Effect on the Changeable Depth Rock Base

  2. 石林在地貌上是一种高大的石芽。

    Stone forest is a kind of tall clints in geomorphologic structure .

  3. 菹草石芽萌发及幼苗生长对光、温因子的响应

    Responses of Potamogeton crispus to Light and Temperature in Turion Germination and Seedling Growth

  4. 石芽地基上的予制桩

    Precast Piles for the Foundation Full of Embedded Rock Peaks ON ROCK BLASTABILITY Embedded System

  5. 洞穴景区内有世界上罕见的地质剖面、地质构造;有溶洞、漏斗、块状石芽、峡谷、陡壁等典型岩溶地貌景观;

    There is rarely geology section , the structure of the geology , dissolve cave , funnel , gorge , precipice , and so on .

  6. 上述特征表明,较高的裂隙渗透张量及随裂隙下渗的富侵蚀性的水是石芽、石林发育的两个重要因素。

    These features suggest that higher fracture permeability and aggressive allogenic water percolating down the fissures are two important factors for the development of stone forests .

  7. 将经上述不同生长调节物质处理后的休眠石芽种植到以水稻土为基质,自来水为上覆水的塑料盆中在夏季高温水体中培养,结果表明,各处理均能显著提高菹草成株数。

    The turions treated with the plant growth substances said above were planted in basin using paddy soil as sediment and water as overlying water in summer . The results showed that all treatments increased the plant surviving number significantly .

  8. 沂水喀斯特地貌形态除地表的石芽、溶沟、溶槽、喀斯特泉等小形态外,较为突出的是有许多的溶洞,和称之为崮的石灰岩方山形态。

    The more prominent is that there are many karst caves in Yishui karst geomorphologic forms besides stone buds , melting groove , melting tank , karst springs on the surface , and the limestone mountain shape is called as " Gu " .