
  1. 我便慢慢地踱着,向石道的那边走去。

    I walked slowly towards the far end of the stone-flagged path .

  2. 脚步在石道上回响。

    Footsteps echo on the stone .

  3. 我们以为钱财就是安全,在通往大笔财富的石道上你争我夺。

    We scramble and scrabble up the stony path toward the pot of gold we have taken to mean security .

  4. 01九龙兽医医院,香港九龙九龙城狮子石道20号地下。

    Kowloon Veterinary Hospital , G / F , 20 Lion Rock Road , Kowloon City , Kowloon , Hong Kong .

  5. 这些是人生道路上的歧途。斜铺的石道上满生了薄苔,我穿的皮鞋踏在上面,显出分明的印痕。

    Those are all sops along the way . My leather shoes left sharp prints on the moss-covered flagstones of the inclined path .

  6. 对幅员广阔国家而言石道尤为重要,因为它们经常需要快速调动军队以奔赴远方前线。

    They are particularly useful for kingdoms and empires that have distant boundaries that need a means to send troops to the front quickly enough to be effective .

  7. 中世纪城邑修建石道所费不赀,但良好路面状况令军队和商旅都能迅速通行。

    Paved Roads outside of a settlement are somewhat opulent in the Medieval age , but offer the best possible surface for both armies and traders to traverse quickly .

  8. 在吉南样子哨坳陷北缘石道河镇一带,于元古代新老盖层间存在韧&脆性滑覆断层。

    There occurs ductile-brittle gliding-nappe faults in the Proterozoic , new and old cap rocks on the north margin of the depression in the Shidaohe area , Yangzhishao , southern part of Jilin Province .

  9. 两边铺筑雨花石健康道,以精湛的陶瓷艺术、深厚的文化底蕴和美丽的园林景观构成了世界独特的风景线。

    Paving stone on both sides of the health , with exquisite ceramic art , the profound cultural and beautiful landscape of the world constitute a unique landscape .

  10. 新罗教育思想的誓记石:花郎道之发凡

    Milestone of Silla 's Educational Thoughts : the Origin of Hwa Rang Do

  11. 京石高速公路及其辅道汽车油耗比较分析

    Comparison Analysis of Vehicle Fuel Consumption on Jing - Shi Expressway and Its Corresponding Parallel Road

  12. 国王北行之后没多久,史坦尼斯大人便回了龙石岛。瓦里斯道,

    Lord Stannis took himself to Dragonstone not long after the king went north , Varys said ,

  13. 次生韧皮部由垂直系统的筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞、石细胞、乳汁道以及水平(径向)系统的韧皮射线组成。

    The vertical system of secondary phloem consists of sieve tubes , companion cells , parenchyma cells , stone cells and secretory ducts , and radial system were composed with the phloem rays .