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  • Alum;vitriol
  • 含水复盐的一类,是某些金属硫酸盐的含水结晶。最常见的是“明矾”,亦称“白矾”。


{化} (某些金属硫酸盐的含水结晶) vitriol:

  • 绿矾

    green [iron] vitriol; copperas;

  • 明矾


  1. 黄钠铁矾渣及其浸取液中铁的测定

    Assay of iron in iron vitriol dreg of yellow sodium and its extract

  2. 黄钠铁矾渣中铜的含量较高,用重铬酸钾容量法来测定其中的铁时,干扰铁的测定,需预分离才能准确测量。

    The content of copper in iron vitriol dreg of yellow sodium is relatively high , so it interferes with the determination of iron in dreg by means of potassium dichromate method .

  3. 绞股蓝对铝钾矾与环磷酰胺诱发DNA损伤的修复

    Repairing Function of Gynostemma on Damaged DNA Induced by Pentaphyllum Potassium Aluminum Sulfate or Cyclophosphamide

  4. 结果表明温度和晶种以及溶液pH值是影响铁矾沉淀的重要因素。

    The temperature , pH and crystal seeds were found to be critical for Fe precipitation as jarosite .

  5. K2能表征聚矾铸膜液在凝胶过程中,良溶剂与凝胶介质双向扩散速度之比;

    In the gelation process , the diffusion ratio could be indicated by K_Sbetween good-solvent and gelation medium .

  6. 结果表明,矿石中铁主要以赤铁矿形式存在,杂质元素P和S主要以菱磷铝锶矾形式存在,还可见少量磷灰石及黄铁矿。

    The results show that Fe in the ore is predominantly as hematite , while the impurities of P and S are mainly in svanbergite .

  7. SCM加矾自动控制系统

    An automatic alum-dosing control system by using SCM

  8. 矾土基Al2O3-MgO质振动浇注料的流变性能

    Rheological property of bauxite based Al_2O_3-MgO vibration castable

  9. SCD加矾自控系统数学模型的建立

    The Establishment of the Mathematical Model for SCD Automatic Alum Dosing Control System

  10. 本论文主要进行了矾土基β-Sialon/Al2O3/SiC复合材料的制备工艺、高温性能及显微结构的研究。

    The preparation , high temperature properties and microstructure of bauxite based β - Sialon / Al_2O_3 / SiC composites have been investigated detailedly in this paper .

  11. 试验表明,混凝条件的变化会影响矾花的尺寸大小和表面的Zeta电位,因而对膜过滤阻力有较大的影响。

    Varying coagulation condition could change particle size and zeta potential of flocs , thus influencing cake resistance .

  12. 国内外湿法冶金中常采用黄钾铁矾法或针铁矿法等方法除铁,硫化沉淀法分步沉淀或较高pH条件下萃取分离镍、钴,不适用于常温、较低pH的生物浸出液。

    Iron was precipitated by the formation of jarosite or goethite . And sulfide precipitation or extraction of nickel and cobalt at high pH were used in the hydrometallurgy at home and abroad .

  13. SCD加矾控制系统的应用

    The Application SCD in Chemical Dosing

  14. X射线荧光光谱法测定铁矾土中二氧化硅、氧化铝和氧化铁高硅矿对高温高酸&黄钾铁矾除铁工艺的影响和处理实践

    Determination of silicon dioxide , aluminum oxide and ferric oxide in laterite by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry Impact of high silica mine on high temperature-high acid iron removal process by jarosite and the practice

  15. 沉矾过程的表观活化能为94.66kJ/mol。

    The apparent activation energy for the jarosite formation was 94.66 kJ / mol , which indicated that the process was chemically controlled .

  16. 观察黛矾散及其各组分对雌激素苯甲酸雌二醇(EB)诱导的大鼠肝内胆汁淤积的影响。

    To observe the effect of Daifansan and its components to rat 's intrahepatic cholestasis induced by estradiol benzoate ( EB ) .

  17. 并对固定床生物反应器运行中在载体表面形成的络合物进行了研究,X射线衍射证明此络合物为黄钾铁矾[KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6]。

    The complex compound formed on the surface of the carriers during operation has been studied and by X-ray diffraction analysis it was proved to be jarosite .

  18. 本文研究了以高铝矾土、Si、电熔白刚玉颗粒及细粉和部分添加剂为原料,氮气气氛下通过反应烧结的方法一步制备矾土基β-Sialon结合刚玉复合材料的工艺。

    Preparation of bauxite based p-Sialon bonded corundum composite ( BSC ) through reactive sintering were investigated , using bauxite , silicon , fused white corundum grains , and additives as the raw materials .

  19. 首先进行了磁种凝聚的试验,研究了pH、磁种、聚丙烯酰胺对Ni(OH)2沉淀物与磁种凝聚成磁性矾花过程的影响。

    The test of magnetic particle coagulation was conducted to study the effects of pH value , magnetic particle and polyacrylamide on the formation of alumen ustum by Ni ( OH ) 2 deposit and magnetic particles ;

  20. 黄钾铁矾类矿物的沉淀过程可用来处理矿山及其他工业废水,去除S、Fe和Cr(Ⅵ)等有毒有害元素。

    The precipitation process of jarosite group minerals can be use to tackle wastewater produced from mines and other industries for reducing and removing S , Fe and other toxic and harmful elements , such as Cr.

  21. 聚芳醚矾(PES)无广角X-射线的结晶衍射,但其本体及溶液均具有解偏振效应。

    There is no crystalline diffraction of wide-Angle X-ray to be discovered in PES , but there is birefringence effect both in its bulk and solution .

  22. Weiss理论(1948)为基础的计算表明铬矾单晶的顺磁各向异性是存在的。

    Weiss 's theory ( 1948 ) shows that the paramagnetic anisotropy does exist in the single crystals of chrome alums .

  23. 本文介绍在水处理过程中,应用流动电流仪(SCM)控制混凝加矾量的自控系统,详述了该系统PID控制中的参数整定。

    This paper presents an automatic alum dosing control system in a water treatment process by using a streaming current monitor ( SCM ) . The paper also describes a method to adjust PID parameters in detail .

  24. 将该溶液用黄钾铁矾法除去溶液中的铁,经KMnO4和(NH4)2S2O8除Mn,沉淀得纯ZnO。

    After iron re - moval by Jarosite methode the solution is sent to purify the Mn by KMnO_4 and ( NH_4 ) _2S_2O_8 , then to precipitate pure ZnO .

  25. 软钾镁矾溶解动力学Ⅱ:MgCl2对其溶解转化影响的研究

    Study on the Dissolution Kinetics of Schoenite . Part ⅱ the effects of MgCl_2 on the dissolution-transformation of schoenite

  26. 当矾花表面的Zeta电位与膜表面的电位相同时,滤饼层阻力较低,相异时,滤饼层阻力较大。

    When Zeta potential of flocs was the same as that of membrane surface , the cake resistance was decreased , when they were different , cake resistance was increased .

  27. 目的用谷胱甘肽(GSH)合成酶抑制剂丁硫氨酸亚甲矾胺(BSO)抑制大鼠GSH合成,探讨多药耐药相关蛋白2(MRP2)与GSH共转运体系在肝脏砷代谢过程中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of multidrug resistant protein 2 ( MRP2 ) and glutathione ( GSH ) cotransport system in hepatic arsenic metabolism in rats .

  28. 当溶液中Fe3+浓度达到一定程度的时候形成黄钾铁矾沉淀,而溶液的pH值会先变大后变小,维持在2.0~2.5之间。

    When ferric iron concentration was high enough in the solution , jarosite was produced . In this process , the pH value of the solution became larger firstly , and then smaller , and always maintains in the range of 2.0 ~ 2.5 .

  29. 东天山地区风化矿物黄钾铁矾的K-Ar年代学研究及其环境意义探讨洗选精煤;经销精煤、焦炭、铝矾土、生铁。

    K-Ar Chronology of Jarosite in Eastern Tianshan and Its Environmental Significance Methods Plant ; Distribution Plant , coke , bauxite , pig iron .

  30. 文中给出在室温时,几个不同磁场值的情况下,铬钾矾单晶的<100>方向磁化率(x〈100〉)舆<110>方向磁化率(x<110>)的相差百分数(n)。

    Percentage differences (γ ) between the susceptibility along < 100 > direction ( X < 100 > ) and that along < 110 > direction ( X < 110 > ) in KCr alum single crystal at room temperature are given for several values of magnetic field .
