
  1. 本文着重介绍了在一定温度下、经112d的土壤培育后、用直线回归方程(零级反应)叙述氮矿化反应。

    The objective in this study is to describe the nitrogen mineralization reactions by the linear regression equations ( zero-order ) after soil incubation about 112d at a certain temperature .

  2. 胶原生物矿化反应的冻结及其矿化机制研究

    Study on Frozen and Mineralization Mechanism of Collagen Biomineralization Reation

  3. 矿化垃圾反应床反硝化处理NO废气的初步研究

    Denitrification of no in waste gas streams using aged - refuse - based bioreactor

  4. 改性矿化垃圾反应床处理填埋场渗滤液研究

    Enhancement of the aged refuse based reactor in treating landfill leachates by inducing materials

  5. 而且,催化剂在对甲醇、乙醇、丙酮光催化消除时,均可将其完全矿化,反应过程未检测到其他有机副产物的生成。

    Moreover , the methanol , ethanol , acetone can be completely mineralized without by-products .

  6. 镨也是与矿化剂反应后,以气态迁移到锆石反应位置的。

    Praseodymium reacts with mineralizer , and is transported in vapor state to the reaction site of zircon .

  7. 微生物群落结构分析表明,多重微孔颗粒床内的生物多样性包括硝化细菌数量均高于矿化垃圾反应床。

    Community composition was analyzed and results showed that there is higher biological diversity and more nitrifying bacteria in the micro-porous particles bed than aged refuge bed .

  8. 矿化垃圾生物反应床处理渗滤液的示范工程研究

    Research on Demonstration Engineering of Treating Leachate with Mineralized Waste Bio-Reaction Bed

  9. 温度对矿化垃圾生物反应床脱氮的影响研究

    Influence of Temperature on Nitrogen Removed from the Aged Refuse by Bioreactor

  10. 本工作研究了矿化垃圾生物反应床处理焦化废水的可行性。

    In this study , the possibility of coke plant wastewater treatment using aged-refuse-based bioreactor was investigated .

  11. 试验矿化垃圾生物反应床工艺处理奶牛场废水出水水质与配水负荷的关系。

    The relationship between effluent water quality and wastewater load were investigated in the treatment of livestock wastewater by aged refuse bioreactor .

  12. 说明矿化垃圾作为反应屏障介质更加经济可行,可以达到以废治废的目的。

    In conclusion , mineralized refuse used as medium in reactive barrier was cost-effective and feasible to application , which is a strategy of controlling waste by waste .

  13. 综述了矿化垃圾生物反应床对城市污水、填埋场渗滤液、畜禽废水以及离子交换树脂再生废水处理的工况条件及其处理效果,并对其存在的主要问题进行了分析。

    Operating conditions and treatment efficiencies of mineralized refuse bioreactor in treatment of municipal wastewater , landfill leachate , livestock and poultry wastewater and ion-exchange resin regenerating wastewater are described with analyses of the main problems .

  14. 分析了体系的pH值、Zr~(4+)与部分水解聚丙烯酰胺配比、温度及水的矿化度对交联反应速度的影响。

    The effects of the pH value of the system , Zr4 + to HPAM ratio , temperature and salinity of water on the crosslinking velocity are analyzed .

  15. 介绍了矿化垃圾的概念、性质(物理、化学、生物)及矿化垃圾生物反应床去除有机物的机理。

    The concept and properties ( physical , chemical and biological ) of mineralized refuse and the mechanism of removing organic substances by mineralized refuse bioreactor are described .