
  • 网络Mine rent;rent in mining;Minign Rent;land rent of mine
  1. 第二,矿山地租的合理征收,是使用者成本补偿的主要渠道;

    Second , the reasonable collection of mineral rent is the main compensational way ;

  2. 前者就是级差矿租和绝对矿租(统称为矿租或矿山地租),是通过收益现值法公式计算出来的超额利润。

    The former is called the graded mine rent and the latter absolute mine rent and they are the excess profit obtained by the equation of existing income value .

  3. 文章运用劳动价值论、存在价值和外部性理论、代际公平理论以及矿山地租理论对资源性商品主要贸易全成本的理论依据进行了深入阐述。

    Several theories , such as the labor value theory , the externality value theory , the intergenerational equity theory , as well as mining rent theory , have been applied in analysis of the total trade cost of rare earth .