
  • 网络ore structure;structure of ore
  1. 有关矿石构造、结构研究的几个问题

    Some problems of study on the ore structure and texture

  2. 矿体呈脉状、透镜状产出,直接受断裂构造控制,矿石构造以浸染状、脉状为主。

    The veined , lenticular output , directly controlled by faults , ore structure , give priority to with disseminated vein .

  3. 矿石构造主要为浸染状构造、细脉浸染状、团块状构造。

    Ore structures are disseminated structure , veinlet-disseminated , crumb structure .

  4. 矿石构造简单,主要为块状构造,偶蜂巢状构造。

    The ore structures is simple , mainly for the massive structure and honeycomb structure .

  5. 矿石构造为条带状、浸染状、团块状,填隙结构。

    The textures of ores are common in banded , disseminated , massive and interstitial structures .

  6. 条带(条纹)状和豆鲕状构造是本矿床的主要矿石构造。

    The major ores of this deposit have a banded ( streaky ), pisolitic or oolitic structure .

  7. 矿石结构构造较为复杂,集中反映了热液矿床的构造特征。

    The complex ore structure and the sample structural style indicate the tectonic features of hydrothermal deposit .

  8. 该矿床矿化均匀,品位较富,矿石结构构造、矿物成份较简单,属大型锡矿床。

    The ore deposit is characteristic of uniform mineralization , higher quality , and simple ore structure and texture and mineral composition , belonging to the big one .

  9. 热水沉积成矿与正常沉积矿床在矿质来源和成矿机制上有很大的差异,反映在岩矿石结构构造上也有明显的差异性。

    There is a great difference not only between thermal water sedimentary deposit and sedimentary deposit from original material of ore and metallogenesis , but also ore texture of them .

  10. 根据矿床构造、围岩蚀变、矿石结构构造和矿物共生组合及其相互关系等,可将水银洞金矿成矿作用划分为两个成矿期:沉积成岩期和构造-热液期。

    Under the structure of deposit , wall-rock alteration , the fabric of ore , the symbiotic composition and relationship of minerals , and so on , mineralization can be divided into two periods : period of sediment diagenesis and construction-hydrothermal period .

  11. 对贵州某铝土矿矿样的两种脱硅工艺流程进行了探讨,试验结果证明该矿石结构构造不适宜采用选择性磨矿工艺;

    This paper explored two kinds of desilication process of some bauxite ore in Guizhou . The results prove that the structure of this sort of ore does not fit it for the desilication process by selective grinding but by direct flotation .

  12. 矿石的结构构造有利于各矿物的单体解离;

    Ore structures are very suitable for every minerals deforming to monomers .

  13. 论东乡铜矿含铜胶状黄铁矿矿石的结构构造与选矿

    Research on structure of copper-bearing colloidal pyrite ore and mineral processing at Dongxiang Copper Mine

  14. 地层铅、岩浆岩铅和矿石铅在构造模式图上主要落在造山带线附近。

    The leads of stratum , magma rock and ore are located around orogen belt in the pattern of tectonic ;

  15. 矿石类型有构造蚀变岩型和石英脉型(少量),围岩蚀变有硅化、绢云母化、黄铁矿化、绿泥石化、碳酸岩化(方解石化)、黄铜矿化、高岭土化等。

    Ore types are altered rock type and quartz vein type ( A few ) . Wall rock alterations are silicification , sericitization , pyritization , chlorite , carbonate rock ( calcilization ), brass mineralization , kaolin etc. .

  16. 从矿石结构、构造、矿体产状、矿石自然类型的分布规律及地球化学特征等方面分析,火山成矿作用是该矿床形成的重要因素。

    Volcanic ore-forming process proved to be the major factor in the formation of the deposit after analyses were made on the ore textures and structures , orebody occurrences , distribution law of the natural types of ores and geochemistry .

  17. 岩体主要由超基性岩组成,包括橄榄岩、辉石岩、辉长岩以及它们之间的过渡类型,矿石的结构构造以块状构造、浸染状构造、条带状构造、陨铁结构为主。

    The intrusions are primarily consists of ultramafic rocks , including peridotite , pyroxenite , gabbro , and the transitional type among them , the ore has massive , disseminated and banded structure as well as sideronitic texture . 3 .

  18. 并从矿体与岩浆岩的关系、矿体与围岩的关系、矿石的结构构造、围岩蚀变、分带现象、矿物包裹体6个方面总结了岩浆热液过渡型矿床的特征。

    The characteristics of magma hydrothermal transitional ore deposits are from six aspects & the relation of orebody to magmatic rock , orebody to host rock , ore textures and structures , country rock alterations , ore zoning and mineral fluid inclusions .

  19. 通过多种现代化测试方法,重点研究了矿石的结构构造、矿物成分和化学成分特征,为矿床成因和找矿提出了可靠的信息和标志。

    By means of manifold morden testing methods , we have mainly studied the constitutions and structures , mineral compositions and chemical compositions of the ores , and have put forward reliable information and indicators for the cause of the deposits formation and the exploration .

  20. 铀矿石的结构和构造

    Texture and structure of uranium ores

  21. 结果表明:矿石以鲕状构造为主,具有典型的同心环带结构。

    The research results showed that the main ore structure is oolitic with a typical band structure of concentric rings .

  22. 首先按风化程度、矿石组分结构构造不同特点,将磷块岩划分为十种矿石自然类型。

    The phosphorite in the study area was first divided into ten main ore types affiliated to two groups of primary and weathered phosphorite .

  23. 矿石以低品位构造蚀变岩型为主,褐铁矿、铁矿是主要的载金矿物。

    It 's a mid scale and its ore belongs to low grade structural altereds tyle , limonite , pyrite are mainly gold carriers .

  24. 本文从地质学角度,通过对碴瓦莫拉矿床矿石和岩石原生构造,次生构造以及热液物质与矿化关系等大量野外观察资料的研究,为同生沉积说提供了地质依据。

    From geological point of view , through the studies of a large quantity of field observations on the relationship between primary / secondary tectonic features of ore / hostrock , hydrothermal substances and mineralisation , the paper provides some evidences to ' synsedimentary theory ' .

  25. 矿石结构有变晶结构、交代-充填结晶结构两主要类型,矿石构造以块状构造、团块状构造、细脉状构造和浸染状构造为主。

    Ore textures are mainly blastic and metasomatic - infilling crystallization . Ore structures are mainly block , crumb , veinlet and disseminated .

  26. 矿石结构主要为压碎结构、半自形-自形粒状结构、填隙结构,矿石构造主要为脉状构造、细网脉状构造、浸染状构造。

    The main ore textures are cataclastic texture , hypidiomorphic-euhedral granular texture and interstitial texture . Ore structures are mainly vein structures , fine stockwork structures and disseminated structures .

  27. 其质地优劣取决于硬玉等辉石类矿物在翡翠矿石中所占的比例,以及硬玉中微量Cr3+离子的含量、矿石的结构构造类型。

    Its quality is determined by the ratio of jadeit in the ore , Cr3 + content in the jadeit , texture and structure of the ore.

  28. 矿石退火结构常见于具有多期成矿特点的硫化物多金属矿床,早期矿石受后来构造-热事件作用而升温,在封闭-半封闭状态缓慢冷却,形成特殊的矿石结构&退火结构。

    The annealing texture of ores is frequently observed in polymetallic Sulfide deposits characterized by multiphase ore-forming process . The early ore was heated under the influence of late structural-thermal event and then gradually cooled in an enclosed to semi-enclosed environment , forming a special ore texture & annealing texture .

  29. 矿石主要原生金属矿物为辉铜矿和斑铜矿,次生金属矿物主要为孔雀石等。矿石结构构造比较简单,主要为结晶粒状及溶蚀结构和侵染状胶结构造。

    The major primary metal minerals of ore are chalcocite and bornite , and the secondary metal minerals are malachite and azurite , etc. Ore texture and structure are simply , the ores are mainly in granular crystalline and dissolution textures and infection cementation structures .

  30. 矿石类型以锌为主,矿物成分简单,以闪锌矿、方铅矿与石英、白云石为主,具充填、交代矿石结构、构造,矿石平均品位含Zn9.94%、Pb1.50%;

    The ore is mostly composed of sphalerite , galena , quartz and dolomite and possesses filling and metasomatic texture and structure . The average ore tenor is that Zn makes up 9 . 94 % and pb 1 . 50 % .