
  1. 利用8个引物的特异带构建了砀山酥梨的DNA指纹图谱。

    The DNA fingerprint constructed by the special bands of 8 arbitrary primers had been established .

  2. 砀山水果产业发展SWOT分析及战略选择

    Dangshan Fruit Industry Development SWOT Analysis and Strategies Choice

  3. 安徽砀山地区梨种质资源的RAPD研究

    Study on Pear ( Pyrus spp. ) Germplasm Resources Cultivated in Dangshan , Anhui Province by RAPD Technique

  4. 本文报道六六六停用几年后安徽省砀山等16县农田土壤中六六六、DDT污染水平。

    Residues of BHC and DDT in soil samples from 16 counties of Anhui province were measured 6 years after stopping use of BHC .

  5. 砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝仅含极少量的游离氨基酸、游离Pro和可溶性蛋白质,不溶性蛋白质可能主要由Pro和Hyp组成。

    The dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear only contain very small amounts of free amino acid , free Pro and soluble protein . Perhaps the non soluble protein consists mainly of Pro and Hyp .

  6. 砀山酥梨土壤条件的研究

    Studies on the Soil Conditions of Dangshan Crisp Pear . Dangshan

  7. 套袋对砀山酥梨果实生长发育的影响

    Influence of Bagging on Fruit Growth and Development of Dangshan Pears

  8. 砀山县儿童高碘甲状腺肿初探

    Investigation on Goiter with iodine excess in schoolchildren of Dangshan county

  9. 砀山酥梨果实套袋效果试验

    Research Analysis of Contrast Trials on Fruit Bagging of Dangshan Pear

  10. 砀山县2001年肾综合征出血热疫源地主要宿主调查分析

    Investigation of EHF epidemic focus in Dangshan County in 2001

  11. 壳聚糖涂膜对砀山酥梨保鲜效果的研究

    Study on the Effect of Chitosan Coating Treatment on Dangshan Pear Fresh-keeping

  12. 砀山农业资源与生态农业建设探讨

    Analysis on the Agriculture Resource and Eco-agriculture of Dangshan Country

  13. 安徽砀山晚古生代煤系的孢粉组合

    Sporopollen assemblage in Late Paleozoic coal series of dangshan , Anhui Province

  14. 安徽砀山县域土壤有机质现状调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Soil Organic Matter in Dangshan County of Anhui Province

  15. 目的探讨砀山县补碘前儿童碘营养状况。

    Objective To investigate iodine nutrition status of schoolchildren .

  16. 砀山县生态农业可持续发展模式研究

    Study the Pattern of Sustainable Ecoagriculture in Dangshan County

  17. 加工前轻微热处理对鲜切砀山梨品质的影响

    Effects of mild heat treatments on the shelf quality of fresh-cut dangshan pear

  18. 安徽砀山风沙碱地治理与林业生态建设

    Ecological Construction in Dangshan County of Anhui Province

  19. 砀山酥梨果实石细胞与薄壁细胞发育关系的解剖学研究

    The Anatomic Study on Relationship of Stone Cells and Parenchyma Cells During Fruit Development of Pyrus bretschneideri

  20. 宿州砀山地处皖北,素有梨都之称,以盛产酥梨闻名于世,是全国水果加工第一大县。

    It is famous for its Dangshan-crisp pears and is the largest county of fruit processing in China .

  21. 黄河故道地区果园土壤肥力与砀山酥梨品质初步研究

    Primary Study on the Soil Fertility and the Quality of Dangshan Pear in Orchards in Area of the Ancient Yellow

  22. 人工低温对滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝的效应

    Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan

  23. 以砀山梨为原料,经过对酒精发酵和醋酸发酵工艺的研究,得到了梨果醋。

    This research take the Dangshan pear as a law material , pear vinegar was produced after alcohol fermentation and acetic fermentation .

  24. 采用冲击共振法无损检测砀山梨采后质地变化,并与插入型破坏性实验和感官评定等实验结果进行比较。

    Texture changes in harvested Dangshan pear were measured by nondestructive acoustic impulse response test , destructive puncture test , and sensory evaluation .

  25. 因此,梨黑星病防治就成为砀山酥梨病害防治的重中之重,而对其准确预测预报是进行有效防治的基础与前提。

    So the prevention against pear scab is the most important among all diseases , and accurate forecasting is the foundation to take valid prevention .

  26. 结果表明:不经冬季低温处理的砀山酥梨花芽必然不能解除休眠;

    The results indicate that : the dormancy of flower buds of Dangshan pear which are not treated by low temperature do not surely be broken .

  27. 低温冷害为砀山酥梨花期的主要气象灾害之一,其风险评估具有重要意义。

    Cold damage was one of the main meteorological disasters on florescence of Dangshan crisp pear , so risk assessment for cold damage was very important .

  28. 采收期Ⅴ即盛花期184天的砀山酥梨在采收时,已经接近完全成熟,因而其呼吸强度和乙烯释放酥梨相对较弱。

    The harvest ⅴ that bloom stage 184 days pear , was already close to full maturity at harvest , so their respiration rate and ethylene pear relatively weak .

  29. 作者在砀山县民族中学进行了一项实验研究,七年级的两个班级被选作实验组和控制组。

    The author had conducted an experimental study in Minzu junior high middle school in Dangshan County , and two classes of Grade 7 were chosen as experimental and control groups .

  30. 砀山酥梨套袋能明显改善果实的外观,有效避免病虫害对果实的侵害,提高果实的好果率;

    Fruit bagging of Dangshan could obviously improve the fruit external quality , effectively avoid the fruit damaged or infected by pests and diseases , and increase the percentage of high-quality fruit .
