
  • 网络masonry engineering
  1. 烧结多孔砖是重要的建筑材料产品之一,广泛应用于砌筑工程中,主要采用隧道窑烧结工艺生产。

    The sintered porous brick is one of the major building material products , which has been widely used in masonry engineering and produced mainly through the tunnel kiln sintering process .

  2. 提高焦炉砌筑工程质量的探讨

    New technique to improve the masonry works quality of coke oven

  3. 怎样保证焦炉砌筑工程质量

    How to Guarantee The Engineering Quality of Building Coking Furnace

  4. 砌筑工程施工操作规程设置混凝土柱砖砌体结构设计与施工规程

    Specification for design and construction of brick masonry structures with concrete column

  5. 中型化肥厂煤气发生炉砌筑工程施工及验收规范砌筑工程施工操作规程

    Code for construction and acceptance of gas generator in medium fertilizer plant

  6. 本文简要回顾了工业炉砌筑工程建设标准体系的历史。

    History of standard system of industrial furnaces building is reviewed in this paper .

  7. 该文从旁站监理的角度,探讨了砌筑工程存在的问题以及应采取的控制措施。

    The paper approaches the problems and measures of the laying project from a site supervision angle .

  8. 热风炉是高炉的重要附属设施,热风炉砌筑工程是高炉系统工程中的重点项目。

    The hot-blast stove is an important auxiliary facility of the blast furnace and its building and lining engineering is a key item in the blast furnace system engineering .

  9. 附表计量法不仅可以应用于现浇钢筋混凝土工程计量中,还可以在土石方工程、砌筑工程、防腐保温等工程计量中得以推广。

    Not only can be used in the cast-in-place reinforced concrete engineering calculation , but also can be adopted in dredging engineering , building project , anticorrosive preservation and so on .

  10. 砌筑工程质量是保证房屋工程质量的基础,砌筑工程的强度和刚度直接影响整个房屋的稳定性与使用功能。

    The quality of laying project is the base of the building project . The strength and rigidity of laying project directly affects the steadiness and function of the whole building .

  11. 在山地或丘陵城市中,车站、港口、广场、立交桥等大型市政设施,通常都要砌筑护坡加固工程断面。

    It 's usual necessary for mountainous city to build the cross section of retaining wall strengthening project in the large scale municipal establishment construction such as station , port , square , crossroads etc.

  12. 文章通过热风炉拱顶的砌筑施工,介绍了大跨度组合拱胎模具在拱顶预砌筑及在正式工程砌筑中的重要作用,从而解决了热风炉拱顶不能挂钩砌筑的重大技术难题。

    With the laying construction of dome of HBS , the thesis makes the detailed explanations for the important role of the large span assembled frames in the pre laying of dome and formal project laying .