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  1. 如果地狱扩张得比灵魂进入地狱的变化率慢,那么地狱中温度与压力就会增长直到地狱破散。

    If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell , then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all hell breaks loose .

  2. 他捡起那本儿童历史书,看着开卷第一页上的老大哥像。我捡起那本旧书,但书却在我手中破散了。

    He picked up the children 's history book and looked at the portrait of Big Brother which formed its frontispiece . I picked up the old book and it just came apart in my hands .

  3. 分析了动态流动迟滞特性的流动机理及缩减频率的影响和鸭翼涡对主翼涡的干扰影响及随鸭翼振动时主翼涡位置、强度、涡破散点位置的变化。

    And the flow mechanism of dynamic aerodynamic hysteresis characteristic was analysed . At the canard oscillation the interference of canard vortex and wing vortex , the change of position , strength and burst point position of wing vortex with vortex with canard vibration was analysed also .

  4. 分析上述参数对主翼涡大小和强度、主翼涡位置和破散特性、压力分布特性的影响及其造成该现象的上下洗效应、涡系干扰和动态迟滞特性等复杂流动机理。

    The effect of these parameters on the wing vortex size and strength , on position of wing vortex and breakdown , on pressure distribution was analysed . The produced those phenomena flow mechanism , such as up-and downwash , vortex interference and dynamic hysteresis were also discussed .

  5. 搜风通络、破痰散结;

    Dispelling wind and dredging collaterals , removing phlegm and dispersing stagnation ;