
lì yán
  • conglomerate;conglomeration;conglomerate rock;bibbey-rock
砾岩 [lì yán]
  • [conglomerate; conglomeration] 由水冲岩块的磨圆碎块固结而成,或卵石经硅质或泥质物胶结而成的岩石

砾岩[lì yán]
  1. 大同矿区云冈沟K21砾岩层特征研究

    Research on Characteristic of Conglomerate Layer K21 in Yungang Ditch

  2. 砾岩地层中钻柱损伤机理分析

    Analysing the damage mechanism of drilling string drilling through conglomerate formation

  3. 如今,在砾岩峭壁上,有洞穴七千余处,492窟

    Today , some7 , 000 caves with 492 grottos remain extant in Dunhuang .

  4. 克拉玛依油田530区P2w~1砾岩油藏储层随机模拟

    Stochastic simulation of p_2w ~ 1 conglomerate oil reservoirs in block 530 of Karamay Oilfield

  5. 对浙江温岭火山角砾岩中的碳化树木进行了高分辨电子显微镜、X粉晶衍射和激光拉曼光谱研究。

    The carbonated tree in volcanic breccia has been studied through high resolution transmission electronic microscopy ( HRTEM ), X-ray powder diffraction and laser Raman spectroscopy .

  6. 在ErnestHenry矿床中存在着两种类型的角砾岩,而且在角砾岩特征和矿石品位之间存在着一个明显的相关性。

    Two types of breccias are identified at Ernest Henry deposit . There is a clear relationship between grade and breccia characteristic .

  7. 旅大油田由于地层均质性差,馆陶组地层的底砾岩对钻头破坏异常严重,需要对PDC钻头进行一系列的改进和处理。

    Several improvements and adjustments are required considering the severe damage to PDC bits due to the Guantao layer and heterogeneity of the reservoir .

  8. 变形体和危岩体主要分布在1000m高程左右,岩性主要为二叠系下统角砾状灰岩、石英角砾岩等分布地带,少量发育在震旦系白云质灰岩中;

    Distortion and dangerous rock mass is distributed in the area at 1000m which lithology is limestone of Sinian and breccia of Permian .

  9. 按金铀矿床的成因类型可划分为:1.变质砾岩型Au-U矿床,2.沉积角砾岩型Cu-U-Au矿床;

    According to their genesis , Au-U ore deposits may be divided into six types : ( 1 ) metamorphic conglomerate Au-U type ore deposits ; ( 2 ) sedimentary breccia Cu-U-Au type ;

  10. 主要含矿角砾岩的RbSr同位素等时线年龄为191Ma,两期隐爆角砾岩之间侵入的二长花岗斑岩脉的等时线年龄为177Ma。

    The Rb-Sr isochron age of early ore-bearing breccia is 191 Ma , and the age of monzonitic granite porphyry emplaced after the early breccia pipe is 177 Ma .

  11. 沙捞越西部Punda金铜矿床为浅成&半浅成角砾岩筒控制的典型高硫化型浅成低温热液矿床。

    Punda gold-copper deposit is a typical high sulphidation type epithermal deposit controlled by hypabyssal breccia pipe structure .

  12. LJ地区砂砾岩地层具有岩石结构复杂、储集层非均质性强、稠油和稀油并存的特点,利用测井资料解释含油性难度很大。

    Identifying oil bearing property of glutenite reservoir is very difficult in LJ area with complex structure , strong heterogeneity , heavy and light oil .

  13. 就隧道主要特殊岩层膏溶角砾岩的地球物理异常特征进行了详尽分析,给出了CSAMT法在本区隧道结构面综合地质解释结果。

    The resistivity anomalies for the typical geology layer of gypsum breccia in this railway tunnel are particularly analyzed , and the integrated interpretation results for CSAMT survey conducted for the tunnel is illustrated .

  14. 用光学显微镜和SEM/EDS研究了沸石化珍珠岩和硅质砾岩的结构构造及ASR反应特征,讨论了集料的物理构造和颗粒尺寸对ASR过程和膨胀的影响。

    The texture , structure and ASR features of zeolitic pearlite and siliceous gravel were studied by optical microscope and SEM / EDS. The influences of the physical structure and particle size of aggregate on ASR process and expansion were discussed .

  15. ErnestHenryIOCG矿床中的Cu-Au矿化与角砾岩密切相关,在成矿过程包括有多期次的热液活动,至少牵涉到了两种不同的成矿流体(岩浆流体和盆地流体)。

    The Cu-Au mineralization at Ernest Henry IOCG is intimately associated with the brecciation and consists of multiple hydrothermal activities and involved in at least two different ore-forming fluids ( magmatic fluids and basinal fluids ) in the formation of Ernest Henry orebody .

  16. 介绍了测井约束波阻抗反演技术的方法原理,以及在CFD18-1、18-2构造下第三系底砾岩及太古界花岗岩风化壳储层研究中的应用,分辨率可达到10m。

    The method and theory of seismic wave impedence inversion restrained by well log were introduced in this paper , together with its application to the paleogene conglomerates and Archaeozoic weathered granite rocks in the CFD 18 1 and 18 2 structures . The resolution reached 10 meters .

  17. 在一定条件下,砂砾岩的FMI图像不仅可以与其岩心资料相媲美,而且在沉积体定位方面更具优势,可以极大地提高识别复杂岩性油藏的能力。

    On certain conditions , the FMI ( Full Bore Formation Micro Imager ) data of glutenite interval , just as good as its core data , may be more effective in identification of sedimentary bodies , and could drastically improve the ability of identifying complicated lithologic oil pool .

  18. 克拉玛依油田七区砾岩储层综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Conglomerate Reservoir of 7th Tract in Karamay Oilfield

  19. 大溪砾岩的砾石成分有向上趋于复杂的特点。

    The pebble component of Daxi conglomerate trends to complicated upwards .

  20. 砾岩储层精细描述中标准测井资料的应用

    Application of Standard Logging Data in Fine Description of Conglomerate Reservoir

  21. 冲积扇砾岩油藏裂缝预测新技术

    A new technique to predict fractures of alluvial fan conglomerate reservoir

  22. 水力压裂角砾岩:一种重要的地质异常和找矿标志

    Hydraulic fracturing breccia : an important geological anomaly and ore-finding indicator

  23. 注水开发油田砂砾岩储层含油饱和度解释模型

    Oil saturation interpretation model of sand CONGLOMERATIC reservoirs developed by waterflooding

  24. 克拉玛依砾岩油藏微观孔隙结构及分类

    Micropore structure and classification of conglomerate reservoir formation in Karamay Oilfield

  25. 砾岩边坡稳定性分析与防治工程

    Study on stability analysis and prevention of the conglomerate 's slope

  26. 黑吉东部砾岩型金矿成矿古地理环境

    Paleoenvironment of the gravel-type gold mineralization in eastern Heilongjiang and Jilin

  27. 克拉玛依油田砾岩油藏注水开发

    Development of conglomerate oil reservoir by waterflooding in Karamay oil field

  28. 蒲塘金矿床属爆破角砾岩型。

    Putang gold deposit belongs to explosive breccia pipe type .

  29. 砾岩储层沉积微相研究新方法

    A new approach to study the sedimentary microfacies in a CONGLOMERATIC Reservior

  30. 克拉玛依砾岩油田注采压力系统研究

    A study of injection & production pressure system for Karamay conglomerate reservoirs