
  • 网络Nitrocellulose varnish;zapon
  1. 第三代硝基清漆的研制

    The Study of The New Generation Nitrocellulose Varnish

  2. 阻燃型硝基清漆的研制

    Development of Fire Retardant Nitrocellulose Varnish

  3. 硝基清漆膜厚度对硝基清漆VOCs释放的影响

    Effect of paint film thickness on VOCs emission from nitrocellulose varnish

  4. 以硝基清漆为基质甲醛吸收剂的研究

    Research of Polyurethane Varnish as Host of Formaldehyde Absorbents

  5. 改性硝基清漆的电子显微镜研究

    Study on the modified nitrocellulose lacquers with electron microscopy

  6. 在光泽度的变化上,硝基清漆涂饰处理对光泽度的提高较醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆慢;

    For gloss increasing , Alkyd and Polyurethane Varnish are faster than Nitrocellulose Varnish .

  7. 介绍了碳酸二甲酯在热塑性丙烯酸清漆、硝基清漆、醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆中的应用。

    The preparation of5 tri compound driers and their properties in alkyd varnish are introduced .

  8. 保护层,也称表层,由无色硝基清漆和其它辅助剂经涂布而成,并可根据需要在上面进行各种花纹图案的加工。

    Protective cover , also known as achromatous epikarst , clear nitrocellulose lacquer and other supporting agent coating , and can be used as needed in which various patterns of processing .

  9. 35%、45%环保型硝基装饰清漆的研制

    Research of 35 % 、 45 % Environmental Protection Type Nitric Decorative Varnish