
  • 网络nitrate nitrogen
  1. 反应器的生物反硝化过程受到水力停留时间、pH和温度以及进水硝酸盐氮浓度不同程度的影响,但是其抗酸碱波动和耐低温能力仍较强。

    Biological denitrification process in the reacter is influenced by HRT , pH and temperature and nitrate nitrogen concentration in the different level , but its ability of against acids fluctuation and low temperature resistance is still strong .

  2. 纳米铁还原硝酸盐氮的表观活化能较低,还原反应在常温下即很容易进行;

    Due to low ap-parent activation energy for reduction of nitrate nitrogen by NZVI , the reduction reaction can be per-formed at normal temperature .

  3. 水环境硝酸盐氮污染研究新方法&~(15)N和~(18)O相关法

    New Way in NO_3 ~ N Contamination Study of Water Environment : Correlative Method of ~ ( 15 ) N ~ ( 18 ) O

  4. 综合Mo6+的对硝酸盐氮和COD去除的影响规律以及对活性污泥TTC-脱氢酶活性的影响,认为Mo6+在质量浓度为1mg?

    Based on the integrated effect of molybdenum on nitrate and COD removal , 1 mg ?

  5. HatCreek煤作为固相有机碳源去除地下水中硝酸盐氮的基础研究

    The Basic Research on Using Hat Creek Coal as the Solid-phase Organic Carbon-source to Remove the Nitrate from the Water

  6. 地下水硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)污染已成为世界性的环境问题。

    Nitrate pollution of groundwater constitutes an important and cosmopolitan environmental problem .

  7. 以海藻酸钠、低聚合度PVA为包埋材料包埋海水反硝化细菌制成固定化小球对硝酸盐氮的去除效果优于高聚合度PVA包埋的小球。

    Using sodium alginate , Oligomeric heterozygosity of PVA as the embedding material embedded denitrobacteria , the nitrogen removal efficiency was better than a high degree of polymerization of PVA .

  8. 试验采用化学沉积法负载钯-铜合金(4∶1)的多孔钛板作为电解反应器阴极,电解硝酸盐氮(NO-3-N)和五氯酚(PCP)的混合溶液。

    Pd-Cu ( 4 ∶ 1 ) was loaded on a porous titanium as cathode by chemical deposition .

  9. 对整个周期连续取样,试验结果表明进水不曝气的2h中整个反应器中的硝酸盐氮得到了大量的去除。

    Continuous sampling of the entire cycle , the results show that two hours without aeration for influent make a lot of nitrate nitrogen removal in the reactor .

  10. 高浓度硝酸盐氮HACH测定方法中试剂国产化的探讨

    Concentration nitrate - nitrogen with HACH method

  11. 总氮和总磷、硝酸盐氮、高锰酸盐指数之间相关性极显著(P0.01),表明河流水总氮的变化受到硝酸盐氮含量的影响。

    The correlation between total nitrogen , total phosphorus , nitrate nitrogen and permanganate index were significant ( P0.01 ), which showed that changes of total nitrogen in river water influenced by the content of nitrate nitrogen .

  12. 检验指标包括色度、浑浊度、pH值、总硬度、铁、锰、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸盐氮、硫酸盐、氟化物、细菌菌落总数、总大肠菌群和粪大肠菌群。

    The indexes for the test were mainly chroma , turbidity , PH , the total hardness , Fe , Mn , ammonia nitrogen , nitrite nitrogen , nitrate nitrogen , sulfate , fluoride , colony forming unit ( cfu ), total coliform , and fecal coliform .

  13. 经过对比分析发现,单纯的MBR工艺处理城市生活污水具有良好的有机物和总磷去除效果,但脱氮效果不明显,通常仅能使氨氮转化为硝酸盐氮。

    From the results , simple MBR technology in municipal wastewater has a good removal of organic matter and phosphorus , but nitrogen removal was not obvious , usually only the ammonia is converted to nitrate nitrogen .

  14. 驯化污泥采用聚乙烯醇(PVA)作为包埋载体,添加适量活性炭粉末及海藻酸钠包埋固定后,做成固定化小球,用于处理不同条件下含一定浓度硝酸盐氮的水样。

    Immobilized bacteria technology was employed with polyvinyl alcohol as entrapment agent which was mixed with activated carbon and sodium alginate and made as immobilized small ball bodies for treating water samples with different concentrations of nitrate under various treatment conditions .

  15. 当槽压低于1.5V或电流强度小于5mA时,阴极几乎不会发生硝酸盐氮的还原反应;

    Little nitrate reduction was observed when cell voltage ( or current ) was lower than 1.5 V ( or 5 mA );

  16. 以太湖沉积物为悬浮颗粒物(SPM)材料,进行了SPM对磷酸盐(PO4-P)、氨氮(NH4-N)、硝酸盐氮(NO3-N)的吸附特性及其影响因素的试验研究。

    Adsorptive characteristic of phosphate ( PO4 - P ), nitrate ( NO3 - N ), ammonia ( NH4 - N ) on suspended particular matter ( SPM ) of sediment in Taihu Lake were analyzed in laboratory .

  17. 结果表明,同CAS相比,MBR处于高容积负荷、低污泥负荷的运行状态下,硝化效果较好,除了短期的pH控制故障外,氨氮转化为硝酸盐氮的转化率可达99%。

    Compared to the CAS , the MBR was operated under the conditions of high volumetric loading and low sludge loading , except for a short period after the failure of pH control , the NO ~ - _3-N transformation rate in the MBR was constantly above 99 % .

  18. 本文研究了用电极-生物膜反应器处理地下水中硝酸盐氮的方法,得到了该方法的最佳工艺条件,即C/N比为3,温度为35℃,电流100mA,HRT8h。

    The method for removal of nitrate in the underground water by electrode-biomembrane reactor was studied and the optimal technological conditions were achieved , i.e. , C / N , 3 ; temperature , 35 ℃; current , 100mA ;

  19. 实验证明,Cu-Ni-Zn电极在电化学还原和电迁移共同作用下,20min内即可达到90%以上的硝酸盐氮脱除率。

    We studied migration and back-diffusion , current density , flow rate and other factors on the removal of nitrate nitrogen . Experiments proved that the removal rate of nitrate can reach above 90 % by using Cu-Ni-Zn electrode within 20 minutes .

  20. 硝酸盐氮对反硝化除磷的影响及过程控制

    Effects of Nitrate on Denitrifying Phosphorus Removing and the Process Control

  21. 硝酸盐氮的最终还原产物为氨氮。

    The final reduction product of nitrate nitrogen is ammonia nitrogen .

  22. 介绍了地下水硝酸盐氮的危害和来源;

    The hazard and source of nitrate in groundwater were introduced .

  23. 硝酸盐氮的离子电极测定法

    Determination of nitrate nitrogen with a nitrate ion & selective electrode

  24. 水杨酸比色法测定水中硝酸盐氮的含量

    Determination of Nitrogen Content in Nitrate by Salicylic Acid Colorimetry in Water

  25. 强化微电解沉淀离子交换工艺处理高浓度硝酸盐氮废水的研究

    Research on Treatment of Nitrate-nitrogen Wastewater by Internal Electrolysis-precipitation Process

  26. 补充生物质强化水平潜流湿地去除硝酸盐氮研究

    Adding Biomass for Removal of Nitrate in Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland

  27. 三种不同组合电极催化还原高浓度硝酸盐氮的研究

    Catalytic Reduction of High-concentration Nitrate Nitrogen by Three Combined Electrodes

  28. 合肥市地下水硝酸盐氮污染程度及其防治对策的研究

    Studies on Nitrate Contamination and Its Prevention Countermeasures in Groundwater of Hefei

  29. 海水反硝化细菌培养物对硝酸盐氮具有较好的去除效果。

    The denitrifying bacteria had a good removal of nitrogen . 2 .

  30. 连续流动分析仪测定环境水样中的硝酸盐氮

    To Detect Nitrite in Environmental Water with Continuous Flowing Analyzer