
  • 网络Calcium sulfide;cas
  1. 加压下硫化钙氧化反应动力学和模型

    Kinetics and model of oxidation of CAS under pressure

  2. 多硫化物浸出具有能消除硫化钙的影响,浸金速度快,试剂基本无毒等特点。

    Polysulfide leaching has such advantages as elimination of the influence of CaS , speedy gold leaching and nontoalcity of reagents .

  3. 采用Fe-Ni复合催化剂,在温度650℃条件下即可将烟气脱硫石膏催化还原为硫化钙,还原率达95%以上。

    The catalytic reduction of flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ) gypsum to calcium sulfide over Ni Fe composite catalyst was investigated . An optimum conversion rate of more than 95 % was obtained at 650 ℃ .

  4. 粗硫化钙碳化生产硫化氢气体小试

    The Production of Hydrogen Sulfide by Carbonation of Crude Calcium Sulfide

  5. 烟气脱硫石膏催化还原为硫化钙的研究

    Study on Catalytic Reduction of FGD Gypsum to Calcium Sulfide

  6. 铜离子掺杂的硫化钙荧光体的微波辐射快速合成及其光致发光

    Synthesis of CaS : Cu + Photoluminescence Materials by Microwave Radiation Method and Luminescent Properties

  7. 石硫合剂中多硫化钙分析

    Analysis of Calcium Polysulfides in Lime Sul-fur

  8. 难处理金矿石加石灰法焙烧时,所得焙砂含有一定量的硫化钙。

    When refractory gold ore is roasted by addition of lime , the calcine will contain some of calcium sulfide .

  9. 在最佳浸出条件下,所得焙砂浸出结果,与焙砂预脱硫化钙后的氰化浸出效果相当。

    Under the optimum conditions , the leaching results achieved match to those obtained in cyanide leaching after pre-eliminating of calcium sulfide .

  10. 稀土离子激活的硫化钙发光材料具有优良的转光性能,是农膜中的重要助剂(简称转光剂)。

    Rare-earth ion activate calcium sulfide has excellent luminescent property , it is important assistant agents of plastic film , which named light conversion agent ( LCA ) .

  11. 大样电解结果显示,高碳钢中主要有尺寸在100~400μm左右的硅酸铝镁、氧化硅、硫化钙、氧化钠夹杂。

    Bulk sample electrolysis results show that magnesium silicate , silicon oxide , calcium sulfide , sodium oxide inclusions in the main sizes of 100 ~ 400 μ m exist in high-carbon steel .

  12. 高温燃烧使得炭灰(富含硅和铝)和硫化钙熔为一体,从而产生固体残渣,从锅炉底部溢出。

    The high combustion temperatures melt together the coal ash ( largely silica and alumna ) and calcium sulfide solids to form an inert slag that drains from the bottom of the boiler .

  13. X60管线钢硫化夹杂物钙处理技术研究

    Analysis on Calcium-treatment of Sulphide Inclusion in Pipeline Steel

  14. 介绍了以四聚丙烯烷基酚为主要原料,合成高碱值硫化烷基钙的工艺过程。

    The synthesis technology of high basic value calcium sulfurized alkyl Phenate using dodecyl phenol as one of main materials were introduced in this paper .

  15. 硫化烷基酚钙添加剂的组成分析及结构饲料添加剂磷酸二氢钙

    Component Analysis and Chemical Structure of Sulfurized Calcium Alkyl Phenolate Lubricant Additive

  16. 硫化烷基酚钙添加剂产品质量控制

    Contorl on the Product Quality of Sulfurized Alkyl Phonate Additive

  17. 高碱值硫化烷基酚钙的合成研究

    Synthesis of High Basic Value Calcium Sulfurized Alkyl Phenate

  18. 中碱值硫化烷基水杨酸钙的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and performance of medium basicity sulfurized calcium alkylsalicylate

  19. 硫化烷基酚钙型润滑油添加剂的化学结构研究

    The Study of Chemical Structure on the Lubricant Additives of Sulfurized Calcium Alkyl Phenolate

  20. 高效液相色谱用于硫化烷基酚钙添加剂水解物的分离制备

    Semi-Preparative Separation of the Hydrolysis Products of Vulcanized Calcium Alkylphenol by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  21. 高碱度硫化烷基酚钙添加剂兰-115B的合成,已通过了30和200升反应釜的中型试验。

    The synthesis of over-based sulfurized calcium alkyl phenolate ( Lan-115B ) has passed the pilot production test in both 30 and 200 1 reactors .

  22. 硫化十二烷基苯酚钙盐;

    Phenol , dodecyl - , sulfurized , calcium salts ;