
  • 网络sulfatides;Sulfatide;sulfolipids;sulpholipid;Sulfolipid
  1. CSF中IgM-抗硫脂抗体阳性率与各对照组比较差异有极显著性(P<0.01);

    The levels of the sulfatide antibodies in CSF were much higer in CIDP group ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 结果(1)GBS患者血清中高滴度抗硫脂抗体与疾病组和正常对照组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results ( 1 ) Compared to patients with other neurological diseases and normal control group , the levels of the sulfatide antibodies in CSF were significantly higer in GBS group ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 单环刺螠(Urechisunicinctus)对硫化物的氧化解毒及代谢适应青少年代谢综合征与脑硫脂相关性研究

    The Oxidative Detoxification and Metabolic Adaptation of Urechis Unicinctus to Sulfide ; The correlation between metabolic syndrome and brain sulfatide of young people

  4. 硫脂致敏豚鼠血清诱导体外培养的施万细胞凋亡及其机制

    Antisera of guinea pigs against sulfatide induce apoptosis in cultured Schwann cells

  5. 2型糖尿病患者脑硫脂、胰岛素抵抗与颈动脉内膜&中层厚度的关系

    Correlation between serum sulfatide and insulin resistance and carotid intima-media thickness of type 2 diabetes mellitus

  6. 青少年代谢综合征与脑硫脂相关性研究有些制造厂也用少量细质的一氧化铅和碱式硫酸铝。

    The correlation between metabolic syndrome and brain sulfatide of young people Some manufacturers used a little fumed litharge and basic lead sulfate here also .

  7. 方法SD大鼠给予30%Ⅲ度烧伤延迟复苏,伤后随机分为对照组和硫苷脂治疗组。

    Methods SD rats received 30 % TBSA , full_thickness burn injury and received delayed resuscitation . Burned rats were divided into control group and sulfatide treated group .

  8. 硫苷脂、烫伤血清对大鼠中性粒细胞产生超氧阴离子的影响

    Effects of sulfatide and postburn serum on superoxide anion production in isolated rat neutrophils

  9. 硫苷脂和烧伤后血清刺激大鼠中性粒细胞产生活性氧

    Sulfatide and postburn serum increasing the production of reactive oxygen in isolated rat neutrophils

  10. 硫苷脂对烧伤延迟复苏大鼠脏器血管通透性的影响

    Sulfatide Inhibits the Enhancement of Vascular Permeability in Severe Burned Rats after Delayed Fluid Resuscitation

  11. 第二部分以小鼠大脑为分析样本,建立流动注射电喷雾串联质谱测定鞘磷脂和硫苷脂的分析方法。

    The second part of the thesis was establishing the method for analyzing SM and ST by flow injection electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry ( FI-ESI-MS / MS ) .

  12. 方法通过蛋白交联固化及N羟基琥珀酰亚胺基3(2吡基二硫)丙酸脂(SPDP)交联的方法制备蛋白免疫微球。

    Methods Immuno-nanospheres were prepared by methods of protein cross-linking solidify and SPDP cross-linking .

  13. 吡咯烷二硫氨基甲酸脂对缺氧再给氧冠状动脉内皮细胞凋亡的影响

    Effect of PDTC on apoptosis of coronary arteries endothelial cell during hypoxia / reoxygenation

  14. 泛硫乙胺治疗高脂血症40例

    Pantethine in the treatment of 40 patients with hyper-lipidemia

  15. 硫辛酸对高脂日粮大鼠脂类代谢和抗氧化能力的影响

    Effects of Lipoic Acid on Blood Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidation Capability of High-fat Diet Fed Rats

  16. 硫辛酸对高脂饮食小鼠肠道氧化还原状态及消化吸收功能的影响

    Effect of lipoic acid on redox regulation , digestive and absorptive function in intestine of mice fed high fat diet