
  • 网络sulfur resource;sulphur resources
  1. 溶剂再生得到含较高浓度H2S的酸性气,如果直接排到大气中不仅污染环境,也浪费了其中的硫资源。

    The acid gas with a high concentration of H2S is extracted from solvent regeneration . If directly discharged into the atmosphere , it not only pollutes the environment , but also is a waste of sulfur resource .

  2. 世界硫资源的生产及消费展望

    Outlook for production & consumption of sulfur resource in the world

  3. 有效的SO2控制技术不仅能减轻环境污染更可以对硫资源进行回收利用以节约自然资源。

    Effective SO2 control technology can not only reduce the environmental pollution but also the sulfur can be recovered in order to conserve resources .

  4. 通过加热再生活性焦,可获得高浓度的SO2气体,用于生产硫酸、液体二氧化硫或硫磺,有效回收硫资源。

    The charged activated coke can be regenerated by heat process , obtaining high concentration SO_2 , which can be used in the production of sulfuric acid , liquid sulfur dioxide or sulfur .

  5. 天然气中硫资源的加工利用途径

    Approaches to Processing and Utilizing the Sulfur Resources in Natural Gas

  6. 回收利用脱硫渣中的钙硫资源

    To Recycle the Sulfur and Calcium as Resource in FGD Sludge

  7. 基于化肥生产的硫资源流动规律研究

    Research on the Rule of Sulfur Resources Flow Based on Fertilizer Manufacturing

  8. 磨溪气田硫资源利用探讨

    Discussion on Utilization of Sulphur Resource of Moxi Gas Field

  9. 我国硫资源利用现状及发展战略

    Utilization Actualities and Development Strategy of Sulfur Resource in China

  10. 天然气中硫资源及其综合利用

    The Sulphur Resource in Natural Gas and Its Utilization

  11. 金川冶炼烟气中硫资源的回收利用

    Recovery of Sulfur Resources From Smelting Fumes in Jingchuan

  12. 中国硫资源供需展望

    Supply / Demand Prospects of Sulphur Resource in China

  13. 催化氧化法回收低浓度SO2烟气中硫资源的研究

    Research of Sulphuric Products Recovery from Low SO_2 Concentration Flue Gas with Catalytic Oxidation

  14. 中国硫资源的生产和利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of China 's Sulphur Resources

  15. 中国的硫资源及其利用

    Sulfur Resource and Its Usage in China

  16. 主张综合利用回收硫资源,开发市场需求的硫化工产品。

    It is advocated to comprehensively utilize recovery sulphur and develop chemical technology products of sulphur that the market needs .

  17. 我国硫铁矿储量居世界首位,一直以来都作为硫资源。

    China enjoys the largest reserve of pyritic in the world , which has always been used as sulfur resource .

  18. 加强冶炼烟气制酸和有色金属伴生硫资源的回收和利用;

    Enhancing recovery and utilization of effluent gases from nonferrous metal smeltery and combination sulfuric sources with nonferrous metal mine ;

  19. 我国硫资源生产概况及进口硫磺情况;我国对硫磺需求的预测。

    Meanwhile , the production and import of China 's sulfur are presented and the demand to sulfur is predicted .

  20. 从世界硫资源的供应和需求角度分析世界硫磺市场总的发展趋势。

    The general trend of sulfur market in the world is given with the total supply and demand of sulfur resource .

  21. 我国硫资源比较丰富,它的开发利用具有重要的现实意义。

    , society and ecology , sulfur is rich our country . Therefore , its development and utilization should have very practical significance .

  22. 我国是硫磺消费大国,然而我国硫资源存在着较为严重浪费的现象。

    China is a big consumer of sulfur . However , there is a serious waste phenomenon of the sulfur resource in China .

  23. 1987年建成硫酸一车间用于回收硫资源,治理二氧化硫污染。

    In 1987 the No. 1 sulfuric acid workshop was built and commissioned for sulfur recovery and for control of sulfur dioxide pollution .

  24. 因此,在制定我国化肥品种结构调整规划时应当考虑硫资源的合理利用问题。

    Reasonale utilization of sulfur resources should be considered in working out the program for regulating structure and varieties of chemical fertilizer in China .

  25. 限制油料中的含硫量是确保烟气达标排放的有效途径金川冶炼烟气中硫资源的回收利用

    Restrict content for sulphur in oil is effective method to ensure to fumes discharged acceptable Recovery of Sulfur Resources From Smelting Fumes in Jingchuan

  26. 中国的煤炭资源丰富,其平均含硫量为1.31%,是较大的潜在的硫资源;

    Coal will be an important potential S supply according to the fact that China is rich in coal containing 1.31 % S on an average .

  27. 磷石膏制酸联产水泥工艺过程不仅消除了磷石膏的环境污染问题,而且实现了硫资源的循环利用。

    The process for sulfuric acid and cements based on phosphogypsum can not only eliminate environment pollution , but also achieve the circulating utilization of sulfur resource .

  28. 现有的脱硫技术要么脱硫率较低,要么脱硫产物抛弃处理,造成硫资源的浪费。

    The existing desulfurization technology has some shortcomings , such as the low desulfurization efficiency and the abandon of desulfurization product that causes the waste of sulphur resources .

  29. 随着天然气工业的高速发展,含硫气藏愈来愈多,因此研究天然气中硫资源的特点及其开发技术具有现实意义。

    It is of great significance to study the characterstics of sulphur in gas and develope the technology of production with the gas reservoir discovered more and more .

  30. 海口浮选厂尾矿库回水利用方案探讨选铜尾矿综合回收硫资源研究及实践

    Study on the Proposal for the Application of Recycle Water from Tailing Dam in the Flotation Plant at HaiKou DISCUSSION ON RECOVERY SULPHUR MINERAL FROM THE TAILINGS OF COPPER