
  • 网络hard SF;hard science fiction;Hardcore SF
  1. 您的故事总是完美地结合了硬科幻的高越概念和以人物角色为重心的文艺书写。

    Your stories always well combine the character-oriented literary fiction and high-concept hard SF .

  2. 其科幻小说深入探讨社会现实问题,这有别于传统的硬科幻,被称为软科幻,并赢得了主流文学界的赞誉。

    Her science fiction works are called " soft science fiction " for exploring social practical problems , differing from the traditional " hard science fiction ", and have won her appreciation of mainstream literature .

  3. 可惜,他们那不寻常的天堂美梦,却在海伦首次踏上荷李活舞台后完全幻灭。您的故事总是完美地结合了硬科幻的高越概念和以人物角色为重心的文艺书写。

    However , their unusual bliss is shattered when Helen Catherine lands the lead in a major Hollywood movie . Your stories always well combine the character-oriented literary fiction and high-concept hard SF .

  4. 他集流行和争议于一身,并专注于“硬”科幻小说&严肃对待科学的科幻小说。

    He was both popular and controversial and he concentrated on " hard " science fiction & science fiction that took its science very seriously .