
suì liè
  • fragmentation;crack;disintegrate;splintering
碎裂 [suì liè]
  • [crack] 指物品出现裂纹或裂开破碎

  • 花瓶碎裂

碎裂[suì liè]
  1. 一个完全新的粒子可以由于固体或液体表面因分裂或碎裂而形成。

    A completely new particle can be produced by disruption or splintering from solid or liquid surfaces .

  2. 46.7MeV/u~(12)C引起的弹核碎裂反应

    Projectile Fragmentation in 46.7MeV/u ~ ( 12 ) C Induced Reactions

  3. 唯一的声响是冰层噼噼啪啪碎裂的声音。

    The only sound was the crackle of breaking ice .

  4. 子弹嵌进了中士的腿里,使其股骨碎裂。

    The bullet lodged in the sergeant 's leg , shattering his thigh bone

  5. 当岩石碎裂时其承受的压力突然释放出来,地震就发生了。

    Earthquakes happen when stresses in rock are suddenly released as the rocks fracture .

  6. 更糟糕的是,两个物体在太空碰撞后会碎裂成许多更小的碎片。

    To make things worse , when two objects in space crash , they break into many smaller pieces .

  7. 高能p-A碰撞中领头粒子快度分布的几何效应和碎裂效应

    Geometric and Fragmentation Effects of Leading Particle Rapidity Distributions for High Energy p-Ag Collisions

  8. 46.7MeV/u~(12)C引起的核反应中碎裂与转移的竞争

    The Competition Between Fragmentation and Transfer in 46.7MeV/u ~ ( 12 ) C Induced Reactions

  9. 而在靶碎裂区,它却主要依赖于参加反应核子数的涨落.推广到核-核反应(B<<A),其间歇强度低于强子-核反应。

    For nucleus-nucleus reactions ( B < < A ), its intermittent strength is lower than that of hadron-nucleus reactions .

  10. 46.7MeV/u~(12)C引起的弹核碎裂及轻带电粒子关联

    Projectile Fragmentation and Light Charged Particle Correlation Induced by 46 . 7 MeV / u ~ ( 12 ) C Ion

  11. WC基高锰钢结硬质合金的异常碎裂机理研究

    Research on Cracking Mechanism of WC Based High Mn Steel-bonded Carbide

  12. 期20个,CT表现为骨质硬化、囊变,新月征阳性,骨质轻度碎裂,关节面轻度塌陷;

    Stage ⅲ was 20 places , CT showed osteosclerosis , cystic hyalomere , meniscus sign , slight fraction of bone , slight joint surface depressed ;

  13. 碎裂QRS波群&心电图的新概念

    QRS Complex Fragmentation & A New Definition of Electrocardiogram

  14. CH3I分子多光子电离和碎裂的机理

    Mechanism of multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of CH_3I

  15. 在SEM下其颗粒主要呈粒状、棱角状和碎裂状,大小约2~5μm;

    Under SEM , the crystal grains are in granular , angular and cataclastic shapes , with size of 2 ~ 5 μ m.

  16. 两种氨基酸中[MH-CO2H2]~+的特征质谱碎裂

    Characteristic Fragmentations of [ MH-CO_2H_2 ] ~ + in Two Kinds of Amino Acid

  17. 不需引入任何其它假定,就自然解释了Υ→3g三胶子碎裂末态重子多重数增高的重要特征。

    The important character of increment of the baryon multiplicity in Υ→ 3g fragmentation is interpreted naturally without any other assumptions .

  18. 维生素D不够会引起骨质疏松和碎裂;抗氧化维生素(A,E,C)不够会出现好几种慢性病。

    Lack of vitamin D can cause osteoporosis and bone fracture ; lack of antioxidant vitamins ( vitamin A , E , C ) can lead to several chronic diseases .

  19. 溶入奥氏体Ni量的增加有利于奥氏体稳定化和提高奥氏体断裂韧性,从而进一步增加了裂纹在涂层中扩展的阻力并对防止涂层碎裂与剥离起到一定作用。

    Increasing Ni can increase the structure stability and the fracture toughness of austenite as well as the resistance to fretting crack propagating in the coating .

  20. 丙酮在XeCl准分子激光辐射下的多光子电离和碎裂研究

    Multiphoton ionization and fragmentation study of acetone at XeCl excimer laser radiation

  21. 结果:TNF-α诱导BAEC产生典型的凋亡细胞形态学变化(核浓染,核碎裂)和DNA断片。

    RESULTS : TNF - α elicited typical apoptotic morphologic changes ( chromatic condensation , nucleus fragmentation ) and DNA fragmentation .

  22. AO支撑钢板适用于髁间碎裂严重的C2、C3型骨折。

    AO buttress condylar plate is suitable for fracture between condylus which was broken seriously ( types C2 and C3 ) .

  23. 将心房/肺静脉外膜电图形态分为单电位(SP)、双电位(DP)和碎裂电位(FP)。

    The epicardial atrial electrograms were classified as single potential ( SP ), double potential ( DP ) and fragmented potential ( FP ) .

  24. 通过亚稳离子分析,探讨了某些离子碎裂和形成途径,提出了Ln(Ⅲ)→Ln(Ⅰ)可能的还原变价机制。

    The fragmentation pathways of several ions been investigated and the reduction mechanism of Ln (ⅲ) & Ln (ⅰ) has been suggested by metastable the ion analysis .

  25. 结果表明,病毒感染24h后,MDCK细胞产生明显的染色质凝聚,核碎裂及形成凋亡小体等现象。

    It shows that marked chromatin condensation and nucleus fragmentation can be easily detected in MDCK cells at 24h post infection .

  26. 通过实验发现钢内部轧制时碎裂成带棱角的Al2O3夹杂导致了显微组织中存在带状的不均匀组织,造成材料的各向异性,使材料的韧性降低。

    The experiment discovered that the Al2O3 inclusions which have edges and corners cause the belt-shaped non-uniform microstructure , the aeolotropism of the material and reduction of toughness .

  27. 在SppS能量,分析了强子相互作用的碎裂区是否存在Feynmanscaling的问题。

    The problem of whether Feynman scaling exists or not in the fragmentation region of hadronic interactions at SppS energies is discussed .

  28. 碎裂化现象(Fragmentation)是材料在高速冲击载荷下的一种重要的失效模式,因此,动态碎裂的研究无论在理论研究以及工程应用上都具有重要意义。

    Fragmentation is an important material failure mode in high-velocity impacts . The study on dynamic fragmentation is of great significance both in the academic research and the engineering applications .

  29. TUNEL染色所见阳性凋亡细胞,其凋亡特征为胞体缩小、核固缩、核碎裂、凋亡小体形成。

    The apoptotic features of apoptotic positive cells found in TUNEL staining were shrinking cell body , nuclear pyrosis , nuclear fragmentation and the formation apoptotic body .

  30. 分析论述了烧结过程中烧结坯内部所形成的孔隙,在锻造时对大晶粒WC的碎裂及钢基体塑性流动所产生的影响。

    Analysis is made of the effect of porosity of sintering compact on the fracture property of large-size tungsten carbide grain and the plastic fluidity of steel substrate during forging .