
  1. 我无法解释这封信如何在感恩节到了黄油碟里。

    I can 't explain how it made its way into the butter dish on Thanksgiving Day .

  2. 在一张浅碟里倒些可乐,然后把它放在花园中虫子经常出没的地方附近。

    Pour some cola into a shallow dish and place it in the garden near the problem area .

  3. -我就没听说过他们-我把他们放进了我给你的混音碟里

    I 've never heard of them . I put ' em on that mix I made you .

  4. 从保险卡到当地俱乐部的会员卡,都把它拍下来存到网路随身碟里或者是印象笔记里。

    From insurance cards to local club memberships , take a picture of the card and store it in Dropboxor Evernote .

  5. 不要直接把面包放在黄油盘里,而是取些黄油放在你的面包碟里。

    And never butter your bread directly from the butter dish . Instead , transfer some butter from the butter dish to your bread plate .

  6. 她把信带到澡盆里去,捏成湿淋淋的一团,直到她看见它碎得像雪花一样,才让我拿过去放在肥皂碟里。

    She took it into the tub with her and squeezed it up into a wet ball , and only let me leave it in the soap-dish when she saw that it was coming to pieces like snow .

  7. 凯西:谢谢你,如梅,不过我要把盘子放进洗碟机里。

    Kathy : Thanks , Rumei , but I 'm going to wash them in the dishwasher .

  8. 这一天我工作特别不愉快。回到家,迎接我的却是洗碟槽里装得满满的早餐后没洗的碗碟。

    I came home after a particularly bad day at work , only to be greeted by a sink full of breakfast dishes .