
  • 网络suaeda;Suaeda salsa;Suaeda glauca
  1. 采用KOH为催化剂,正丁醇为溶剂,碱蓬籽油通过碱性异构化反应制备共轭亚油酸(CLA)。

    The conjugated linoleic acids ( CLA ) were prepared by alkali isomerization with KOH as catalyst , butyl alcohol as solvent and suaeda salsa seed oil as raw material .

  2. 对翅碱蓬籽的营养成分进行了分析研究。

    Progress of Study on Halophyte Suaeda salsa ;

  3. 模拟了1997年羊草及角碱蓬群落土壤盐分、碱化度、pH值动态,并与实验资料进行了比较,模拟结果可以反映土壤盐分和碱化的季节变化规律。

    Comparing with the experimental data , the simulation results can express the dynamics of saline and alkaline in different seasons .

  4. 盐地碱蓬胞质CAT超表达于拟南芥叶绿体中的功能分析在正常生长条件下,野生型和转s+CAT基因植株表型无差异。

    Functional analysis of cytosolic CAT over-expressed in the chloroplast No difference was observed in growth between transgenic plants and wild type plants grown under the normal conditions .

  5. 本实验用不同浓度的NaCl处理盐地碱蓬愈伤组织,来研究盐地碱蓬在细胞水平上的耐盐情况。

    S. salsa calli treated with different concentrations of NaCl were used to examine the roles of plasma membrane H ~ + - ATPase in salt tolerance at cellular level .

  6. NaCl处理96小时后,碱蓬地上部K+含量低于对照,而Na+明显高于对照,并分别随外界盐度增加而升、降;

    Results showed that the K + contents in seepweed seedlings grown in NaCl for 96 h decreased as the external salinity was increased comparing with the controls while the Na + levels increased substantially .

  7. 研究了盐生植物碱蓬(Suaedasalsa)生长在不同浓度的NaCl和KCl溶液中体内Na+、K+含量、甜菜碱水平和甜菜碱醛脱氢酶(BADH)活性的动态变化。

    The changes of ion contents , betaine levels and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase ( BADH ) activity in seedling of halophyte seepweed ( Suaeda salsa ) were studied under different salinity ( NaCl and KCl ) .

  8. 不同处理的实测渗透势(MOP)均小于COP,说明在这些条件下,还有其它的渗透剂参与盐地碱蓬幼苗的渗透调节。

    The measured osmotic potential ( MOP ) from each treatment was always lower than the COP , which indicated that the other osmotic solutes were involved in the osmotic adjustment in S. salsa seedlings under these circumstances .

  9. 结果表明碱蓬花粉皮试阳性变应性鼻炎组血清总IgE水平明显高于健康人组(P0.01),皮试阳性与血清总IgE阳性符合率为78.8%(26/33)。

    The results showed that the level of serum total IgE in patients was obviously higher than that in healthy people ( P 0 . 01 ) . The positive coincidence rate of skin test and serum total IgE was 78 . 8 % ( 26 / 33 ) .

  10. 以盐地碱蓬油为原料制备生物柴油。

    Suaeda salsa oil as raw materials was used to produce biodiesel .

  11. 而单频超声浸取适合作为分析碱蓬籽油时的提取方法。

    But SFU can be the leaching way for analyzing the oil .

  12. 总之,从上述结果可以看出,盐地碱蓬在其种子萌发和小幼苗阶段具有较高的耐盐性。

    In conclusion , S. salsa has high salt tolerance during seed germination .

  13. 盐处理影响碱蓬的生长、肉质化及相关生理指标。

    Salt treatment had effects on growth , succulence and some physiological parameters .

  14. 此外,翅碱蓬籽中还含有丰富的矿物元素。

    In addition , the contents of mineral elements are also very high .

  15. 这种草叫做碱蓬草。

    This kind of grass is called sea-blite .

  16. 经盐锻炼之后,盐地碱蓬幼苗恢复生长的能力提高。

    After being tempered by the salt , the ability of the seedling was improved .

  17. 上述结果表明,碱蓬的盐伤害与自由基有关。

    The salt injury of seepweed was partially resulted from membrane lipid-peroxidation induced , by free radicals .

  18. 碱蓬是一种优质蔬菜、经济作物和具有医疗保健价值的植物资源,目前对碱蓬的开发利用度还比较低,发展前景广阔。

    Seepweed is a high-quality vegetables , economic crops and plant resources with the value of health care .

  19. 综上所述,潮间带生境盐地碱蓬可能通过提高类囊体的垛叠程度来抵抗其在综合逆境下遭受的氧化胁迫。

    In conclusion , S. salsa from intertidal zone may resist oxidative stress by maintaining their thylakoid stacking degree .

  20. 在东营的黄河入海口,还有成片的碱蓬与芦苇,鲜艳夺目、生机勃勃。

    At the mouth of the Yellow River in Dongying , there are stretches of Suaeda Salsas and reeds , growing gracefully and energetically .

  21. 除了翅碱蓬和灰绿藜,其它五种植物籽油中油酸的含量也较高为13.00%-33.06%。

    Except for acuminate and salsa , the oleic acid content in the seed oil of other plants is from 13.00 per to 33.06 per .

  22. 以盐地碱蓬抗盐机制及其基因工程研究为重点对以上方面的成果进行了综述。

    In this review , we mainly discussed the recent advances in salt-resistance mechanism of Suaeda salsa and its corresponding genetic engineering besides its therapeutic study .

  23. 生长在两种不同盐浓度环境中的盐地碱蓬,在叶外部形态及内部结构方面表现出显著的性状差异。

    Pall is a typical salt store plant , which shows significant character difference in external morphology and internal structure of leaf in two different saline environments .

  24. 研究了盐胁迫对囊果碱蓬出苗、幼苗生长、离子积累以及光合放氧速率的影响。

    We investigated the effect of salinity on seedling emergence , seedling growth , ion accumulation and the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution of Suaeda physophora Pall .

  25. 碱蓬是未来海水农业中很有希望的一种新作物,对盐碱地及海滨滩涂农业的可持续发展具有很大意义。

    As a new prospective crop in future seawater agriculture , it would have great sense for sustainable development of agriculture on the salt soil and seashore beach .

  26. 翅碱蓬中丰富的水溶性红色素是夫然色素的重要来源,该色素经初步分析为花青素。

    The rich water-soluble red pigment from the S. heteroptera is an important resource of the natural pigment , the pigment was identified as anthocyanin by the preliminary analysis .

  27. 江苏大丰海岸碱蓬滩潮沟及滩面的沉积动力特征羌塘盆地东部中新生代沉积特征与动力学演化

    Sediment dynamic processes of salt marsh creek and adjacent tidal-flats on the Dafeng coast , Jiangsu Province , China The Mesozoic-Cenozoic Sedimentary Characteristics and Geodynamic Evolution in the East of Qiangtang Basin

  28. 有报道盐地碱蓬提取物的甲酯化产物对急性炎症有明显的抑制作用,其幼苗的分离提取物也具有增强非特异性免疫功能作用。

    Studies have shown that salsa methylated extract products on significantly inhibited acute inflammation , the separation of seedlings extract on the body also has enhanced the role of non-specific immune function .

  29. 潮滩湿地沉积物中叶绿素a浓度的变化特征及其与沉积物特性间的关系初探江苏大丰海岸碱蓬滩潮沟及滩面的沉积动力特征

    Primary Study on Relation between Variation of Chlorophyll a Concentration and Sediment Grain Size on an Intertidal Flat ; Sediment dynamic processes of salt marsh creek and adjacent tidal-flats on the Dafeng coast , Jiangsu Province , China

  30. 盐地碱蓬是江苏沿海一线从苏鲁交界的绣针河口到长江口1000多公里的平原海岸淤滩上的优势物种。

    And S. salsa is of Jiangsu coastal line , the junction of the embroidery needle from the mouth of Sulu to the Yangtze Delta Plain , 1 000 km of the coast to check the dominant species in sediment .