- carbonization

The article studies the effects of carbonization on the performance of lime-sand brick including pore and strength . Influences of Porosity Error on Electrical Properties of Rock and Updating Formula as Well as Correction Charts
Reinforced concrete in marine engineering environment is impacted by the sea salt and humid environmental , and easily caused to corrosion . Carbonation reduces the pH value of concrete , and destructed the alkaline environment .
) stored in air is resulted from carbonation , Although carbonation can occur automatically from thermodynamic analysis , in fact YBa_2Cu_2O_ ( 7 - (?) ) does not react with CO_2 in dry condition .
With sodastream , for example , users decide how much carbonation to add to their water through a carbon dioxide tank .
CARBONATION OF HYDRATED CALCIUM SILICATES On the Value Orientation of Higher-vocational-college Journals
Research on the Correlation of Concrete Permeability with Steel Bar Corrosion Rate of Carbonated Concrete
Effects of flexural loads , chemical attack , carbonation and their combination on Freezing-Thawing Durability of concretes
However two phenomena , chloride attack and carbonation , would cause severe corrosion for steels in concrete .
It is concluded that acid gases corroding concrete involved the three respects : carbonation , sulphate corroding and acid corroding .
The sodium silicate makes the cork stick to the mold surface and also helps to withstand the charring action of the molten lead alloy .
The various factors including carbonation , chloride ion , sulfate erosion and improper operation of process of steam curing , construction and maintenance etc. significantly reduced the life of many major bridges engineering structure .
The corrosion mechanism of concrete induced by acid deposition is explained by the thermodynamic condition of concrete corrosion in acid medium , carbonation , sulphate corrosion , acid corrosion plus H ~ + and SO ~ 2 - _4corroding together .
Based on the characteristics of durability failure of prestressed concrete structures , the attribute to durability limit state in the carbonation environment is put forward . And with the help of structural reliability theory , some reliability analysises and life prediction of prestressed structure are done .
Study on function mechanism of carbonized layer at the surface of la_2o_3-mo cathode
The Damage Model of Concrete under the Alternate Action of Freeze-thaw Damage and Carbonization
And the changing process with time of concrete under the interaction of carbonation and freeze-thaw is analyzed .
The effect of carbonation on the mechanical properties of reinforcement concrete was studied , including compressive strength , cross-section of steel , yield strength , elongation etc. and then the dynamic elastic-plastic analysis was done for the four-story building on the base of above analysis .
In situ carbonization and reinforcing effect of carbon fiber precursor in MgO C Composite
Thinking the influence of wind pressure is important for equal durability design of the section of concrete structure .
The results show that it will prevent the formation of dehydrated - β - D-glycopyranoside , thus increasing the carbon content in the product , enhancing the tenacity of the fiber and shortening the duration of carbonization .
It is the result of sunlight reacting with hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere .
The influence of carbonation on diffusion of free chloride and total chloride in concrete was investigated by using alternation of immersion and carbonation method to simulate marine atmospheric region .
The results show that additional RE accelerates the precipitation of NbC in ferrite while retards the precipitation of NbC in austenite .
The paper has synthetically described the P / M characteristics of uranium carbide and thestrenthening method by hard secondary phase produced by using the effectS of sintering aids and uranium carbide .
Concrete carbonation and chloride attack is always regarded as an important cause of deteriorating in service-life performance of reinforced concrete structure ( RC ) . Loads and carbonization have a significant effect on chloride ion induced erosion .
The durability experiment of prestressed concrete specimens in the bending tensile status or in the directly compressive status in carbonation environment has been carried out .