
tàn bàng
  • carbon rod;carbon electrode;carbon-point
碳棒[tàn bàng]
  1. CRT型电池碳棒电阻率测试仪的研制

    Development of CRT type resistivity tester for carbon rod of battery

  2. 介绍了CRT型碳棒电阻率测试仪的工作原理、设计思想以及试验结果。

    The operation principle , design concept and test results of CTR type resistivity tester for battery carbon rod were introduced in this paper .

  3. 碳棒涂膜式PVC膜BF4~-离子选择电极的制备和应用

    A PVC Coated Carbon Rod Ion Selective Electrode for BF ; and Its Application

  4. 本文作者研制成功以四苯硼铯为活性物质的碳棒涂膜式PVC膜铯离子选择性电极。

    A cesium ion selective electrode prepared by coating a graphite rod with PVC membrane has been investigated .

  5. 碳棒涂膜式PVC膜阴离子表面活性剂电极及其在测定化学驱油体系中石油磺酸盐的应用

    A new PVC-coated carbon rod electrode for anionic surfactants and its use in analysing petroleum sulfonates in chemical flooding fluids

  6. DB型硅碳棒的冷端部和发热部的电阻比已经发生了巨大的改进。

    Improvements in the cold-end-to-hot-zone resistance ratio between the original DB and new DB has been dramatic .

  7. SER型硅碳棒的冷端部的内径通常是堵上的。

    The ID of the SER cold end is normally plugged .

  8. 这种RU型硅碳棒通常从冷端部穿过炉壁进行安装。

    The RU is normally installed with the cold end through the wall of the furnace .

  9. 本文研制了以丁基罗丹明B-AuCl4~-为电活性物质的碳棒涂膜式PVC膜金离子选择电极。

    A new Au (ⅲ) ion-selective electrode prepared by coating a graphite rod with PVC membrane containing butyl rhodamine B-AuCl_4 ~ - is described .

  10. 在熔炉温控范围内,SER型硅碳棒可以被替换。

    SER Elements can be replaced while the furnace is at operating temperature .

  11. 可以选择的,SER型硅碳棒有空旷的内径,常被用作加热管。

    Alternatively , the SER is available with a clear ID which allows it to be used as a tube heater .

  12. 以Pt为阳极,石墨碳棒为阴极,Na2SO4为支持电解质,实验探讨了电化学原位产生H2O2的规律。

    In an electrochemical reactor using Pt as anode , graphite as cathode and Na_ 2 SO_ 4 as supporting electrolyte , the in situ generation of H_ 2 O_ 2 electrochemically was investigated .

  13. 在碳棒温度1470K下甲烷转化率约为36%,C2选择性可达40%,其中乙炔和乙烯的摩尔分数在95%以上。

    At the carbon pyrogen surface temperature of 1 ? 470 ? K , methane conversion was about 36 % , C_2 product 's selectivity reached 40 % , in which the molar percentage of acetylene and ethylene was above 95 % .

  14. 以焦粉制备的碳棒为碳源,以镍为催化剂,在负压条件下,于乙炔和氦气气氛中,采用电弧法合成了无定形纳米碳管(ACNT)。

    Amorphous carbon nanotubes ( ACNTs ) were firstly synthesized with carbon rod as anode from coke powder using Ni as catalyst in He and C2H2 medium at negative pressure by the arc discharge .

  15. 清理所有油性部分尾巴碳棒。

    Clean up any oily part of the tail carbon rod .

  16. 碳棒处理及克服绿帽的新工艺

    A New Technology of Carbon Rod Treatment and Its Copper Cover Anti-corrosion

  17. 当定购这种硅碳棒时,提供额定电阻是非常重要的。

    It is important to provide the nominal electrical resistance when ordering .

  18. 用电渗法测定电池碳棒的毛细管半径

    Electroosmosis method for determination of radius of capillary tube in carbon rod

  19. 硅碳棒在玻璃容器行业中的应用

    Application of Silica Carbide Heating Elements in Glass Ware Industry

  20. 在安装这些硅碳棒时,需要用一个连桥支撑着。

    When these elements are mounted horizontally the bridge should be supported .

  21. 有时这些碳棒包上一层铜,以增加其导电性。

    Sometimes the carbon rods are copper coated to improve electrical conductivity .

  22. 锌型电池碳棒的特殊浸蜡工艺

    Special Paraffin Soaking Processes for Zinc Type Paper-lined Battery

  23. 硅碳棒在铝液保温炉上的应用

    Application of the silicon carbide in aluminium holding furnace

  24. 同样的原因,Y型硅碳棒必须是垂直安装的。

    The Y Element should be mounted only vertically for the same reason .

  25. 这种硅碳棒不同于金属加热元件,没有固定的输出功率。

    They are not sized to a specific wattage output like metallic heating elements .

  26. 高功率电池碳棒漏液的探讨

    High Power Battery Leakage Caused by Carbon Rods

  27. 碳硅棒电阻式发热元件正电极是一个装有黄铜帽的硬碳棒。

    The positive electrode is a rod of hard carbon fitted with a brass cap .

  28. 型硅碳棒有两段,总辐射面积则为75平方英寸。

    This U has two legs , for a total surface area of75 square inches .

  29. 碳棒电极示波极谱阳极溶出法测定多维元素片中微量铜和锌

    An anodic stripping method for the determination of zinc and copper by Oscillopolarography with carbon electrode

  30. 其中二氧化铅电极是通过在碳棒上电镀而成的。

    A kind of lead-dioxide electrode was prepared by plating lead dioxide on the surface of kryptol .