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  • 网络CFRP;cfs;Carbon fiber fabric;Carbon
  1. 本论文采用有限元分析和试验研究相结合的方法,对碳纤维布、芳纶纤维布加固混凝土梁进行了基本力学性能的对比分析。

    In this paper , basic mechanics performances of CFRP and AFRP ( Aramid Fiber Reinforced Plastic ) are analyzed contrastively by using finite element method ( FEM ) and experimental method .

  2. 就预应力碳纤维布加固受弯构件的设计进行了探讨,介绍了界限加强率、开裂荷载、极限荷载以及挠度的计算公式。

    Strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets on flexural members it discusses the design , introduces to enhance the rate of the limits , cracking load , ultimate load , as well as the formula for calculating the deflection .

  3. 采用H型钢梁与碳纤维布加固在工程中的应用

    Application of H - Shaped Beam and CFRP Sheet in Strengthening of a Building

  4. 基于ANSYS的碳纤维布加固的钢筋混凝土梁的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Concrete with ANSYS

  5. 预应力碳纤维布加固RC梁的有限元分析

    FEM Analysis on Reinforced Concrete Beams with Pre-stressed CFRP

  6. 碳纤维布加固RC梁非线性分析

    Nonlinear numerical analysis of the RC Beams Strengthened with continuous carbon fiber sheets

  7. 碳纤维布抗弯加固RC梁的拟卸载法应用研究

    The Application and Research of Relief Method about Carbon Fiber Sheet Strengthen RC Bridges

  8. 卸载与不卸载的RC梁桥粘贴碳纤维布加固计算

    Research on rehabilitation with CFRP laminates of RC beam bridges under loading and unloading case

  9. 碳纤维布增强二次受力RC构件轴拉计算方法

    Computational method on axial tension of secondary load RC members strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced plastic sheets

  10. 然后介绍了碳纤维布修复补强工法,目的是使FRP更加有利于土木工程的应用,增强结构的使用性能。

    The construction method using carbon fiber sheet to repair and strengthen FRP properties are introduced .

  11. SiC微粉含量对先驱体转化制备碳纤维布增强碳化硅复合材料性能的影响

    Effect of SiC Powder Content on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Cloth Reinforced SiC Composites Fabricated via Precursor Pyrolysis

  12. 镀银碳纤维布的制备及其毫米波RCS特性

    Preparation of silver deposited carbon fiber fabric and its RCS characteristics in millimeter wave band

  13. 有碳纤维布侧向约束下的RPC冲击强度和弹性模量得到大大提高。

    The plain RPC with lateral restriction has higher dynamic compressive strength and elastic module .

  14. 采用有限元通用商业软件ANSYS,对碳纤维布抗震加固墙片的试验过程进行了模拟分析。

    Here is a simulating analysis on the experimental specimen of the carbon fiber reinforced shock-resisting masonry wall using the common limited member commercial software ANSYS .

  15. 碳纤维布增强杨木LVL柱试验研究

    Experimental study on poplar LVL columns strengthened with CFRP sheet hoops

  16. 碳纤维布(CFRP)加固修补混凝土结构技术是一项新兴的结构加固技术。

    The technology of concrete structural strengthened with CFRP ( Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer ) is a newly emerging structure reinforcement method .

  17. 利用碳纤维布(CFRP)加固钢筋混凝土构件是一种先进的工程加固技术,已经在土木工程中得到了较为广泛的应用。

    The project of CFRP strengthen RC beams is an advanced reinforcement techniques , it has been widely used in civil engineering .

  18. 本文采用高能球磨,将Si、C混合粉体的浆料浸渗到碳纤维布中,利用热压烧结过程中Si、C的原位反应制备了C/C-SiC复合材料。

    C / C-SiC composite was prepared by hot pressed sintering with in-situ reaction between Si and C powder , which was prepared through high-energy ball milling and then was mixed into slurry infiltration of carbon cloth .

  19. 本文介绍了采用H型钢梁结合化学锚栓和碳纤维布在改造加固工程中的综合应用,对其加固原理、计算方法和施工要点进行了论述。

    In this paper , the application of H - shaped beam strengthened with the chemical anchors and CFRP sheet in a retrofitted building was introduced , the principles of strengthening , calculating and construction points were discussed .

  20. 将碳纤维布加固梁的弯矩-曲率关系曲线理想化为三线型,提出了CFRP加固梁的刚度计算方法。

    The moment-curvature curve of the RC beam strengthened with CFRP was presumed the idealized three-segment line , under which the calculation method of stiffness of the strengthened beam was promoted here .

  21. 利用碳纤维布(CFS)对一个9层钢筋混凝土框架的底层柱进行了加固,运用有限元程序对加固前后结构的整体抗震性能进行了动力分析。

    Finite element dynamic analysis was carried out for a 9-story normal RC frame and a identical frame whose first floor columns were strengthened with carbon fiber sheet .

  22. 本文主要研究用碳纤维布(CFS)及小钢架加固核心区没有配置箍筋的混凝土框架节点的加固方法和加固效果。

    This paper mainly focuses on the rehabilitation of the RC frame joints with the Carbon Fiber Sheets ( CFS ) which had no stirrup in the joint cores .

  23. 研究表明,碳纤维布对提高墙片抗震性能效果明显,尤其是X型粘贴方式能显著提高墙片的抗震承载力。

    This research indicated that the seismic capacity of the walls was improved effectively by carbon fiber sheet attached to them especially the sheets in a shape of " X " which can enhance the ability of the walls obviously to assume seismic loads .

  24. 本文利用有限元软件ADINA对碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土T形梁进行了基本力学性能的非线形有限元研究。

    In this paper , nonlinear finite element analysis is presented on the basic mechanics performances of RC T-beams strengthened by CFRP in the ADINA software environment .

  25. 采用ANSYS有限元软件,对非预应力碳纤维布与预应力碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁进行仿真分析,在有限元分析中采用升温法施加预应力。

    The finite element software of ANSYS is adopted to do simulation analysis of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with non-prestressed and prestressed carbon fiber polymer sheets . In the finite element analysis , the temperature-rising method is adopted to prestress the beam .

  26. 目前,国内外关于CFRP加固混凝土柱的研究主要集中于碳纤维布包裹混凝土圆形截面柱的轴心受压下的应力-应变曲线和加固后的抗剪、抗弯、抗震性能研究;

    At the present time , the study of concrete column strengthened with CFRP is mainly focused on stress-strain curve of axial loaded circle column wrapped CFRP , as well as anti-shear 、 anti-bending and anti-seismic performances .

  27. 试验研究了碳纤维布约束混凝土柱的破坏形态及轴压应力与轴向、横向应变之间的变化曲线,确定了碳纤维布的有效应变系数。探讨了FRP材料约束混凝土矩形柱的侧向约束机理;

    The relationships between the axial compressive stress , axial and lateral strains of the concrete columns were analyzed , an efficiency factor of CFRP strain is proposed and the lateral confinement mechanism of FRP materials for rectangular columns is explored .

  28. 根据变形协调原理,推导了碳纤维布加固混凝土构件温度应力的解析解,并采用ANSYS软件对碳纤维布加固混凝土构件的温度应力进行了仿真分析。

    Based on the principle of compatibility of deformation , analytic solution for the temperature strain of carbon fiber reinforced concrete structural members is derived . Also Ansys software is used to make simulation analysis on temperature strain of carbon fiber polymer reinforced concrete structural members .

  29. 采用几种环氧树脂和碳纤维布制成碳纤维增强复合材料片材,通过测试拉伸强度、弹性模量、伸长率,研究探讨了影响CFRP片材拉伸强度的几种因素。

    The several factors which affect the tensile strength of CFRP were studied by testing the tensile strength , elastic modulus and elongation of the specimens , which were fabricated by several types of epoxy resins and several kinds of carbon fiber sheets .

  30. 为了考察持续荷载作用下外贴碳纤维布(CFRP)对梁的抗弯性能的影响,进行了16根外贴CFRP加固的钢筋混凝土(RC)梁和2根对比梁的抗弯试验。

    To investigate the effects of externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) sheets on the flexural performance of the beams strengthened at different levels of sustaining load , test of 16 RC beams retrofitted with CFRP sheets and 2 control beams was carried out .