
  • 网络magnetoresistance;Magnetoresistor;magneto resistance;Semiconductive magneto-resistor
  1. 和其它磁场传感器如霍尔器件、半导体磁敏电阻相比,AMR传感器具有灵敏度高、温度稳定性好、体积小等优点。

    Compared with other magnetic sensors such as Hall elements , semiconductor magnetoresistance elements , the AMR sensors have advantages of high sensitivity , good temperature stability and small volume .

  2. 对磁敏电阻的阻值随其在磁场中的角度位置变化而改变这一特性进行了实验研究。

    The research is based on properties of magnetoresistor , whose resistance varies with the angle position in the magnetic field .

  3. 齿轮传感器是NiFe合金薄膜磁阻元件的一种重要的应用。本文介结采用NiFe合金薄膜的磁敏电阻元件制成的齿轮传感器的原理、结构、特点、技术参数和应用。

    The thin film Magneto-resistive Gear Sensors are presented in detail by their working principle , structure , technical feature and application .

  4. InSb磁敏电阻角位移传感器的研究

    Study on the Angular Displacement Sensor of the InSb Magnetic Resistance

  5. 提高InSb磁敏电阻检测灵敏度的方法研究

    Study on the Methods of Sensitivity Improvement of the InSb Magnetic Sensing Resistance

  6. 讨论了锑化铟(InSb)磁敏电阻的工作原理、设计与制备工艺,并介绍了InSb磁敏电阻作为一种非接触敏感器件的典型应用。

    Operating principle , design and preparation of the magnetoresistors of InSb crystal were discussed . Some typical uses of the device as non-contact sensors are presented .

  7. 本文介绍一种新型半导体InSb磁敏电阻的小位移传感器的工作原理、结构、技术性能和应用电路等。

    A new type semiconductor InSb magnetic sensing resistor little displacement transducer is presented in details by its working principle , structure , technical feature and application circuit .

  8. 介绍两种新型的半导体InSb磁敏电阻的单相齿轮传感器和双相齿轮传感器的工作原理、结构、技术性能和应用。

    Two new type InSb magnetic sensing resistor single-phase gear transducer and double-phase gear transducer are presented in detail by their working principle , structure , technical feature and application .

  9. 应用于电液伺服油缸的磁敏电阻式位移传感器研究

    Study on Magnetic Resistance Displacement Sensor for Electro-hydraulic Servo Cylinder

  10. 因此,它不但适合制造霍尔器件和传感器,而且适合于制造磁敏电阻和传感器。

    Therefore , it can be used to make not only Hall device and sensor , but also magneto-resistor and sensor .

  11. 由于半导体材料对温度十分敏感,因此对磁敏电阻在无偏置磁场和有偏置磁场条件下的温度特性进行了实验研究;

    Owing to the semi-conductor is sensitive to the temperature , so an experimental research on the temperature characteristics of magnetic sensing resistance are conducted under both the free and the biasing magnetic field .

  12. 分别介绍磁敏电阻传感器、磁性墨水文字图形识别传感器、齿轮传感器、磁性编码器、直线位移传感器、无接触电位器等工作原理、结构、主要技术性能和应用。

    For the magnetic-sensing resistor transducer : magnetic ink pattern recognizing transducer , gear transducer , magnetic encoder , Linear displacement transducer and Contactless magnetic-sensing resistor potentiometer etc. The working principle , structure , the main technical feature and their applications are also presented respectively .

  13. 本文讨论了磁阻效应原理,介绍了磁敏位置传感器的结构设计,将磁敏电阻的短路条采用人字型结构,将传感器设计成悬臂梁结构,实验表明,传感器的分辨率达0.01°。

    In this paper a principle of magnetoresistive effect has been discussed , a structure design of a magneto position sensor has been presented . We adopted a herringbone in short-circuit of magneto resistor . We designed a cantilever structure for the sensor .

  14. 该智能化磁编码器能够在&10℃~70℃正常工作,信号输出稳定准确,解决了半导体锑化铟磁敏电阻温度特性差的问题。

    The encoder can work properly from - 10 C to 70 C , the output signals are stable .