
  1. 用于XLPE电力电缆局放检测的宽频带电磁耦合法的研究

    Study of the wideband electromagnetic coupling method used to detect partial discharge in XLPE power cables

  2. 结果表明,Cr掺杂量增加,每个Cr离子的饱和磁矩随之减小,这是Cr离子之间反铁磁耦合作用增强的结果。

    The results show that the saturated magnetic moment per Cr is decrease with increasing Cr concentration , owing to the enhancement of antiferromagnetic coupling between Cr ions .

  3. 基于等效磁耦模型的钢丝绳损伤定量检测

    Steel rope fault quantitative detection based on equivalent magnetic coupling model

  4. 端接配体原子的电负性对磁耦合作用的影响

    Effect of Electronegativity of Atoms in Terminal Ligands on Magnetic Coupling Interactions

  5. 分析了电机转子的磁耦合作用以及磁阻和笼型转子的等效关系;

    The magnetic coupling function and equivalent relationship between reluctance rotor and cage rotor have been analyzed .

  6. 应用微扰理论,分析了端接配体原子的电负性对体系磁耦合作用的影响。

    The influence of electronegativity of atoms in terminal ligands on magnetic coupling interactions has been analyzed with perturbation theory .

  7. 结果表明:对于异自旋三自由基体系,形成异自旋后对称性降低使部分占据的近简并轨道能级劈裂值增大,反铁磁耦合作用普遍增强。

    Th e result shows that part-occupied near-degenerate orbitals split value and dia ferromagnetic coupling increases when symmetry of hetero tri-radicals decreases .

  8. 结果表明,当界面为反铁磁耦合时,随着冷却场的增大交换偏置会从负值逐渐变化到正值。

    The results show that exchange bias changes from negative value to positive value with increasing cooling field as the interfacial coupling is antiferromagnetic .

  9. 系统在硬件结构上分为控制、驱动、电源、显示、电压转换五大模块电路,各电路板之间采用磁耦进行隔离。

    The system hardware architecture is divided into control , drive , power supply , display five blocks circuits , and magnetic coupling is used to isolate circuit boards .

  10. 无刷双馈电机变频调速系统的设计依据与实验不同转子结构无刷双馈电机转子磁耦合作用的对比分析

    Design Principle and Experiment of Variable-frequency Adjustable-speed System for Brushless Doubly Fed Machine Comparative analysis of rotor magnetic coupling ability for doubly - fed brushless machine with different rotor structure

  11. 对于聚变反应堆中受到外加横向强脉冲磁场和面内恒定磁场联合作用下的悬臂导电薄板,建立了描述其力-电-磁耦合作用下动力行为的理论模型。

    For application to cantilever conductive thin plate in fusion reactor under the interaction of externally lateral strong impulsive and in-plane uniform magnetic field , a theoretical model for describing the dynamic behavior under the condition of the coupling mechanics-electricity-magnetism interactions was established .

  12. 表面等离体子波(SPW)可与入射光横磁波极化能量耦合并被共振激发,这种现象被称为表面等离体子共振现象(SPR)。

    Surface plasmon resonance ( SPR ) is a phenomenon induced by the polarizing energy coupling and resonant exciting of surface plasmon wave and incident TM light wave .

  13. 对快淬Nd-Fe-B永磁粉末采用硅烷耦联剂、重铬酸盐及其还原剂进行表面处理。研究了包覆处理前后快淬Nd-Fe-B磁粉的抗氧化性能。

    The oxidation resistance of rapidly quenching Nd Fe B was investigated before and after surface treatment . The silicone oil , the dichromate and the reducer were used to realize the surface treatment .

  14. 并且,随着异硫氰酸根取代三唑桥的数目增加,配合物的铁磁作用增强,在一定意义上说明了混合桥磁耦合作用的加合性。

    As increasing the number of isothiocyanate bridge the ferromagnetic characteristic is enhanced .