
  • 网络Phosphorite;phosphate rock
  1. 麦哲伦海山区MA、MC、MD、ME、MF海山的结壳基岩类型主要有玄武岩、火山碎屑岩,其次为灰岩和磷块岩。

    The substrate is mainly basalt and volcanic clastic rock , and then limestone and phosphorite in seamounts MA , MC , MD , ME , MF from Magellan seamounts .

  2. 寻甸先锋下寒武统磷块岩的地质特征及成矿机理

    On the geological characteristics and mineralization mechanism of Early Cambrian phosphorite of xianfeng , Xundian County

  3. 含稀土磷块岩普遍具Ce的负异常,显示其对源区的继承性,也指示成磷环境处于氧化程度相对较高状态。

    REE-bearing phosphorite has Ce anomaly , showing succession of original region and high oxidation environment during phosphorite formation .

  4. 水体倒转的另一效应是将深海负13C的碳酸盐带到浅水区域,碳酸盐盖帽和上覆磷块岩的负δ13C值证实了这一点。

    Another result of overturn was the transport of δ 13C depleted carbonate to the shallow water area . The negative excursion of δ 13C in cap carbonates and the overlying phosphorites can confirm this opinion .

  5. 采用测定近似功指数的简化试验方法,对贵州织金新华磷块岩矿床下矿层含稀土磷矿石的球磨可磨性进行了测定,得到该矿石的功指数约为16.16kWh/t。

    The grindability of ball milling of phosphate ore bearing rare earths was determined by using a simplified test method of determing approximate work index . The work index of the ore was about 16.16kWh/t .

  6. 脉石矿物主要为白云石、伊利石、高岭石、铁质。经测定当磷块岩磨矿粒度小于0.1mm,其磷酸盐矿物单体解离率可达92.53%,这为确定合理的选矿流程具有实际意义。

    Experiments suggest that when phosphorite ore is grinded up to a grain size below 0.1 mm , as much as 92 % of individual phosphate minerals will be separated from the ore. This suggestion has practical significance for reasonable decision of an ore-dressing flow chart .

  7. 磷块岩含化学元素22~24种。

    22 ~ 24 chemical elements in phosphate rock are presented .

  8. 滇东磷块岩及工业磷矿床成因

    The phosphorites and genesis of industrial P deposits in East Yunnan

  9. 沉积磷块岩结构类型、成因及成矿阶段

    The texture types , geneses and ore-forming stages of sedimentary Phosphorite

  10. 洗溪高镁低品位磷块岩的合理选矿工艺

    Flotation process for low grade phosphate rock with high magnesium content

  11. 鲕粒、豆粒磷块岩的显微结构和生成特点

    Microstructures of pisolitic and oolitic phosphorites and their genetic characteristics

  12. 中国南方上震旦统灯影组中的古喀斯特洞穴磷块岩

    Paleokarst Cave Phosphorites of the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation in Southern China

  13. 昆阳磷矿低品位沉积型磷块岩选矿工艺的研究

    Study on Beneficiation of Law & Grade Sedimentary Phosphate Rock of Kunyang

  14. 磷块岩正-反浮选流程数学模型的研究

    Mathematical models for two stage flotation circuit of Phosphorite Ores

  15. 滇东磷块岩矿床中磷灰石的富集特征

    The enrichment characteristics of apatite from phosphorites in East Yunnan

  16. 含稀土磷块岩选矿工艺研究

    Study on the beneficiation process of phosphate rock containing rare earth elements

  17. 中太平洋锰结壳的一种磷块岩基质

    A phosphorite ground mass of manganese crust in the central Pacific Ocean

  18. 贵州主要磷块岩基本物质组成特征

    The Ultimate Composition of Main Phosphate Rock in Guizhou

  19. 贵州某地含重稀土磷块岩矿工艺特性的研究

    Study on Process Characteristic of Heavy Rare Earths in Phosphorite in Guizhou Province

  20. 贵州省织金磷块岩风化过程中稀土元素迁移性状探讨

    Migrating Mode of REE in Process of Phosphorites Weathering in Zhijin , Guizhou

  21. 晋宁磷矿中低品位磷块岩选矿试验研究

    Study on Beneficiation of Mid low grade Phosphate Rock

  22. 本文研究了黔中磷块岩中磷灰石的结构硫同位素组成。

    The structural sulphur and carbon isotopes are studied .

  23. 滇东地区早寒武世磷块岩的藻类化石

    Phosphatic fossil algae from phosphorite deposits in eastern Yunnan

  24. 某磷块岩矿石的双反浮选研究

    Double reverse flotation test for a certain phosphate ore

  25. 磷块岩风化矿的研究与工业评价

    Study and industrial evaluation of weathered phosphate ore

  26. 黔西新华大型磷矿磷块岩稀土元素地球化学及其成因意义

    Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry and Genesis of Xinhua Large-size Phosphorite Deposit in Western Guizhou

  27. 鄂西磷块岩沉积序列

    Sedimentary Sequences of Phosphorites in Western Hubei Province

  28. 湘西磷块岩矿床特征及勘查开发建议

    The traits of phosphor block rock deposits and proposal on its survey and exploitation

  29. 沉积型磷块岩的重介质选矿技术

    Heavy medium separation technique for sedimentary phosphate rock

  30. 中国磷块岩矿石选矿评价预测技术的系统研究

    Systematic studies on predicting techniques in the beneficiation evaluation of Chinese sedimentary phosphate ores