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  • 网络phosphate rock;apatit;Rock Phosphate
  1. 宜昌磷矿岩体移动分析的Fuzzy数学方法

    Fuzzy mathematical method for analysis of movement of Yichang phosphate body

  2. H(907)磷矿捕收剂的研究与应用

    Study and application of collector H_ ( 907 ) for phosphate ores

  3. 胶磷矿P2O5最低工业品位研究

    Research on minimum industrial tenor of p_2o_6 in phosphate rock

  4. 结合能常数K值:林地坝平地大棚坡地拆除区磷矿区。

    K : Woodland dam ground greenhouse slope removal zone in lakeside phosphate rock zone .

  5. X射线荧光光谱快速分析浮选磷矿中的P2O5和MgO

    Rapid analysis on P_2O_5 and MgO in phosphate floatation by using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer

  6. X射线荧光光谱法测定磷矿中Na元素的重叠校正

    Determination of Overlap Correction of Natrium Element in Phosphorus Ore by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  7. 磷矿的微波溶样及其P2O5的FIA分光光度法测定研究

    The Determination of Microwave Digestion in Phosphatic Rocks and FIA Spectrophotometric of P_2O_5

  8. TS药剂在磷矿浮选中的作用研究

    Study on Effects of TS Reagent on Phosphorus Ore Flotation

  9. 讨沦了磷矿中的MgO对化学加工过程的影响.在热法加工中,MgO的影响利多弊少,应重视利用高MgO磷矿发展热法磷肥;

    The influences of MgO on various processes for phosphate rock processing are discussed .

  10. ICP-AES法测定磷矿石中主量、痕量成分

    Study on the Analysis of Main and Trace Elements in Phosphate Rock by ICP-AES

  11. 常温捕收剂Gd(703)在朝阳磷矿南矿段的应用

    The application of normal temperature collector Gd_ ( 703 ) in Chaoyang Phosphate Mine

  12. 同时得到了磷矿原料中活性SiO2最少需用量的计算式。

    The formula can calculate the least demand of active silicon dioxide in the raw rock .

  13. e.磷矿粉细度-100目100%,-200目(83~88)%。

    E. The grain size of PR is 100 % through 100 mesh , ( 83 ~ 88 ) % through 200 mesh .

  14. 薄冲积层下磷矿开采地表移动分析的Laplace函数方法

    Laplace function method of analysis for ground movements due to mining of phosphate body under thin alluvium

  15. 氢氟酸溶样ICP-AES法测定出口磷矿石中氧化铁和氧化铝

    Determination of Iron Oxide and Alumina in Export Phosphorus Rock by ICP-AES of Dissolving Sample with Hydrofluoric Acid

  16. 在海口磷矿浮选药剂中,调整剂水玻璃对浮选尾矿澄清性能影响最大,其次为MW。

    The effect of the common used flotation reagents on the clarification decreased according to the sequence of waterglass , MW and collector .

  17. 研究结果表明:pH、反应温度、反应时间以及磷矿粒度对磷、镁脱出率有着不同的影响。

    The results showed that pH , reaction temperature , reaction time and particle size distributions of phosphate ore have different effect on the phosphorus removal and magnesium removal .

  18. X射线衍射结果表明:磷酸盐矿物中以胶磷矿为主、碳酸盐矿物主要以白云石为主、氧化物中以石英为主。

    The consequence of X-ray diffraction indicate : the majority of phosphate is collophanite , the majority of carbonate minerals is dolomite , the majority of oxide is quartz .

  19. 介绍了用基于AHp的Fuzzy综合评判法评价磷矿区可持续发展程度的基本模型及步骤;

    This paper introduces a Fuzzy synthetical judgment method in view of AHP . With the method , it judges sustainable development degree and shows its essential model and process .

  20. 采用Fuzzy测度理论,建立了山区磷矿开采岩体移动变形预计的数学模型并用于山体失稳预测分析。

    Based on results of the statistical analysis of a large amount of measured data in mining engineering , the fuzzy model of displacement of rock mass is established by using the theory of fuzzy measures .

  21. 应用ESCA研究SCO在胶磷矿和白云石表面的吸附特性

    Adsorption properties of SCO on the surfaces of collophane and dolomite by ESCA

  22. 纯矿物浮选试验研究表明:在自然PH值时,TS对胶磷矿和白云石均有捕收作用,白云石的上浮率大于胶磷矿的上浮率。

    The results of flotation test of the pure mineral show that TS can collect cellophane and dolomite in natural PH and the floating power of dolomite is stronger than cellophane 's.

  23. 可见P17菌株等解磷微生物能够有效地溶解、转化磷矿粉中的难溶磷,用微生物学途径来提高磷矿粉直接施用效果是可行的。

    So strain P17 could solubilize and transform difficultly soluble phosphorus .

  24. 日产C法和Norsk-Hydro流程磷矿溶解槽内不同氧化钙析出率对结晶体的影响

    The influence of different precipitation rate of CaO on crystallization in phosphate rock digester by the both Nissan C and Norsk-Hydro processes

  25. 环咨(hzresearch)化肥分析师luyan表示,自2008年以来,由于磷肥价格迅速上涨,再加上中国缺乏高品位的磷矿资源,低磷肥的需求持续增长。

    Low phosphorus fertiliser has seen increased demand since 2008 , owing to rapidly rising phosphorus prices and the fact that China is short of high-quality phosphorus resources , said Lu Yan , a fertilizer analyst from Hz research .

  26. 从技术的可能性和经济上的合理性对胶磷矿P2O5最低工业品位问题进行了研讨,对合理开发与利用我国丰富的磷矿资源和发展我国的磷化工业,均有重大意义。

    In this paper , the technic feasibility and economic rationality of minimum industrial tenor of P_2O_5 in phosphate rock are discussed , which is important to develop and utilize the rich apatite ore resources and to develop phosphorus chemical industry .

  27. 随着我国磷矿资源的不断开采,磷矿品质下降,导致磷酸二铵产品氮含量达不到出口要求〔w(N)≥17.5%〕,影响DAP产品的出口。

    The reason why the nitrogen content in DAP is lower than 17.5 % ( w / w ) is discussed , for continually mining phosphate rock to lower rock quality and limit the export of DAP .

  28. 磷矿酸解料浆与高分子絮凝剂形成的絮团特性研究确定了水稀释法结合絮凝剂提取IgY的工艺路线,水溶性蛋白得率为84.47%。

    A procedure was therefore developed for the extraction of IgY by using water dilution combined with floc clarification reagent . The recovery of water-soluble protein was 84.47 % .

  29. 采用Laplace函数导出了薄冲积层下磷矿开采引起地表移动变形分析的数学模型,并用该模型对矿山开采工程实例进行了具体的计算分析。

    In this paper , the mathematical models of ground surface movement caused by underground mining of phosphate body under thin alluvium were established by using Laplace function and the engineering example was analyzed by using the model .

  30. Pemoline工艺路线的探讨磷矿的晶体结构和酸解动力学特性

    Study on the Synthetic Route of Pemoline The Crystalling Structure of Phosphate Rock and its Acidulation Kinetics