
  • 网络Demonstration effect;model effect;Exemplary Effects
  1. 同时,外资制度溢出本质上是FDI的制度外部性,而制度的溢出路径遵循示范效应、竞争效应、联系效应和人力资本流动效应四种机制。

    The essentially of FDI spillover effect is institutional externality , and the institutional spillover path follows the demonstration effect , competition effect , four mechanisms of contact effect and human capital flow effects .

  2. 实证分析结果显示,FDI对制造业企业的技术创新和内资企业的技术创新有微弱的促进作用;外资进入程度低的行业,FDI主要通过示范效应,促进了东道国企业的技术创新。

    The empirical analysis results show that FDI in manufacturing enterprise and domestic manufacturing enterprises are all have a faint simulative effect on technology innovation . In low foreign participation degree industry , FDI mainly through the demonstration effect to promote domestic enterprise technological innovation .

  3. 加入WTO后,水利行业应以灵活的策略加快对外资流向的引导,真正实现外资在经济活动中的示范效应。

    After joining WTO , the water sector should speed up the guidance of foreign funds flow with flexible tactics and really realize the pilot effects of foreign funds in economic activities .

  4. 重庆是中国西部地区唯一的直辖市,它起着承东启西、联系东部与西部的桥梁和纽带作用,所以,重庆市如何更好地利用FDI发展经济,会在中国西部地区中形成示范效应。

    Chongqing , as the unique municipality in inland area , has played a role of linking the eastern and the western parts . How Chongqing develops its economy making use of FDI is worth discussing and studying .

  5. 本文以市场营销学中的4C理论对金盾出版社做的个案分析所折射出的农村图书营销智慧,对其他出版社有一定的示范效应。

    And the analyses this article has made on individual cases of the Golden Shield Press are the result of application of the " 4C " Theory of marketing logistics and its wisdom in rural book marketing will no doubt make certain demonstration effects on other publishing houses .

  6. 我们将力争产生示范效应。

    What we will try to do is have a demonstration effect .

  7. 三是儒士阶层的社会示范效应。

    The third is social demonstration effect of the Confucian scholar class .

  8. 大学生党员的培养与群体示范效应

    College Student CPC Members ' Training and Group Demonstration Effect

  9. 论社会转型时期榜样示范效应弱化的根源及对策

    Root of weakening of example effect in period of social transformation and countermeasures

  10. 但它会产生有力的示范效应。

    But it has a powerful demonstration effect .

  11. 金融危机扩散中的示范效应和竞争性贬值效应分析

    An Analysis on the Effects of Demonstration and Rivalrous Devaluation in the contagion process of Financial Crisis

  12. 控制集群行为可通过认知矫正、情绪转化、示范效应来完成。

    Group behaviors can be controlled by means of cognition correcting , emotion changing and example setting .

  13. 论香港全球旅游推广计划&对中国内地旅游营销活动的示范效应

    Talk about Hong Kong global traveling promoting plan & demonstration effect to Chinese inland traveling marketing activity

  14. 先期改革的行业和地区由于价格放开后的高利润率增强了供给能力,其示范效应导致物价高于均衡价格。

    Those early-in-time reformed industries and areas get their motives due to the high profit from price-releasing policy .

  15. 这些问题直接导致资本市场发展受阻,公司治理和资本运营低效,国有上市公司发展滞缓,其示范效应难于发挥。

    These problems hinder the development of capital market and result in mismanagement and low efficiency of capital .

  16. 调整我国现行的贸易结构可能会带来要素推动效应、政策示范效应以及外部性效应,整体说来利大于弊。

    Adjust the current trade structure may bring elements pushing effects , policy demonstration effect and externalities effect .

  17. 其良好的示范效应促发了中国传统医疗格局和医患关系的转型。

    Its favorable exemplary effects promoted transformations of traditional Chinese medical strucure and of relations between doctor and patient .

  18. 烤烟托盘水床育苗大田示范效应研究

    Study on Paradigm Effect of Seedling Production with Plastic Trays and Seedbed with Water in the Flue-cured Tobacco Field

  19. 在此基础上强化区域主导产业的辐射与示范效应和工业主导产业的产业链;

    And above on this , to strengthen the example effects of these main industries and the industrial chains .

  20. 最后,就经济增长点的示范效应,针对阜新地区就经济增长点如何推动地区经济发展做了阐述,并得出结论。

    At last , the thesis expatiates how the point of increasing economy promote the development of economy in FuXin .

  21. 他指出,外资有着强大的示范效应,这会对中国投资者造成心理影响。

    Foreign capital has a strong demonstration effect , which has a psychological impact on Chinese investors , he adds .

  22. 从法律惩治的示范效应和教育功能上考虑对未成年人施以重罚。

    Thinking from the angle of demonstration effect and educational function of punishment of laws , adults should be punished heavier .

  23. 浙江集群的案例表明,一方面,地方企业家的行为引发外部效应(即示范效应和竞争效应),激励地方持续创新;

    The case of Zhejiang province shows , that local entrepreneurs ' innovation can cause external effects of imitation and competition .

  24. 而跨国公司的技术创新全球化趋势及创新方式对我们有着很大的示范效应和利用效应。

    The globalization trend of Multinational Corporation 's technology innovation and its innovation style has great demonstration effect and utilization effect .

  25. 前期外商投资对于跟进投资具有显著的示范效应、信息溢出效应以及产业联系效应,从而直接导致外资的产业累积效应。

    Previous foreign investments have demonstration effects , information spillover effects and linkage effects , leading to industrial concentration of foreign investment .

  26. 银行再造作为全球银行业发展的大趋势,对我国银行改革具有极强的示范效应。

    As the trend of global banking development , reengineering the bank has a demonstrative effect to the Chinese banking system reform .

  27. 第二,欧洲统一的货币区对其他经济体产生了巨大的示范效应,冲击了现行的浮动汇率体制。

    Secondly , EMU will exert great influence of demonstration to other economy unit and huge effect on the current floating exchange rate .

  28. 注重实践,从科学传播的现状出发,有针对性地有效的成功案例进行深入分析,力求取得示范效应。

    Proceeding from the status quo of science communication , it makes in-depth study of effective case and tries to achieve demonstrative effect .

  29. 促进80后农民工市民消费认同的因素既有经济资本的决定作用、城市消费文化的渲染,也有市民群体的示范效应、表征个人成功欲求的心理。

    Economic capital , consumption culture in the city , demonstration effect of citizen groups and desire of personal success promote their public consumption .

  30. 相关服务的提供和改善可以推进本地农村劳动力转移,良好的预期则会增强农村劳动力转移的吸引力,并形成示范效应。

    Relevant service improvement is beneficial for local rural labor migration , while favorable expectation can attract more migration and set a good example .