
  • 网络politeness strategy;negative-politeness strategies
  1. 本研究重点讨论与N类疑问句相互影响的三个与人际关系有关的语境因素,即习俗角色、权力分配和礼貌策略。

    Central to discussion are three contextual correlates in concern of interpersonal relationships which influence the use of N-type questions , i.e. institutional roles , power distribution and politeness strategies .

  2. 本文使用的语用理论是Grice的合作原则和会话准则,BrownandLevinson的间接礼貌策略和Leech的礼貌原则和准则。

    Grice 's CP and conversational maxims , Brown and Levinson 's concept of face and off-record politeness strategies and Leech 's Politeness Principle ( PP ) and maxims are carefully reviewed .

  3. 同时分析的角度来自于Brown和Levinson的面子保全理论:积极礼貌策略,消极礼貌策略和非公开的礼貌策略。

    However , Brown and Levinson 's face management theory is served in the analysis of functions of hedging , which comprises positive politeness , negative politeness and off record strategies .

  4. 根据Brown和Levinson的面子保全理论,我们在汉、英法庭辩论的语料中辨别出三种礼貌策略:积极礼貌策略,消极礼貌策略和非公开的礼貌策略。

    Based on Brown and Levinson 's face management model as the theoretical framework and Chinese and English court arguments as the data , we find out three politeness strategies in court arguments . They are : positive politeness strategy , negative politeness strategy and off record strategy .

  5. 结合现代语用学中的礼貌策略理论及语义学中关于语义类型及言语行为理论,从三个方面对GonewiththeWind一书中RhettButler这个人物形象的塑造进行分析,并指出其成功与不足之处。

    The successes and flaws as to the characterization of Rhett Butler in the book Gone with the Wind is analyzed and discussed form three aspects and with theories of " Politeness Policy " adapted form modem pragmatics and , theories on Semantic Types and Speech Act adapted form Semantics .

  6. 汉英致歉礼貌策略的定量分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Chinese and English Apologies

  7. 为保全面子所采取的减轻面子威胁行为的言语策略称为礼貌策略。

    Strategies used to soften the FTAs are called politeness strategies .

  8. 相比英文求职信,中文求职信使用更多的礼貌策略。

    Chinese application letters use more strategies than English application letters .

  9. 论文答辩多采用积极礼貌策略和消极礼貌策略。

    Thesis defense mostly uses positive politeness and negative politeness .

  10. 礼貌策略是有级别的,不同的因素决定了在请求中应该使用不同的礼貌策略。

    Speaker 's choice of politeness strategies is decided by different factors .

  11. 浅谈汉语文化中的礼貌策略

    Brief analysis on the politeness tactics in Chinese language civilization

  12. 汉英语中不满言语行为的礼貌策略

    A contrastive study on polite strategies of complaint in Chinese and English

  13. 英汉礼貌策略对比研究

    Politeness strategies in English and chinese : the socio-cultural perspective

  14. 中国面试官与求职者会话中礼貌策略的表现方式

    Realizations of Politeness Strategies in Conversations between Chinese Job Interviewers and Interviewees

  15. 因此,不同的礼貌策略被用来减少其负面影响。

    Therefore , various politeness strategies are employed to minimize its negative impact .

  16. 英文商务信函的礼貌策略研究

    A Study of Politeness Strategies in English Business Correspondence

  17. 中国大学生拒绝邀请的礼貌策略

    Politeness Strategies of Invitation Refusals by Chinese University Students

  18. 汉语异议表达礼貌策略研究

    A Study on Politeness Strategies of Disagreement in Chinese

  19. 通过分析语料可以发现,并不是所有的积极礼貌策略都被用于实施奉承言语行为。

    According to the data , not all positive politeness strategies are applied .

  20. 恭维是一个文明社会里人际交往时必不可少的一种言语行为,是一种礼貌策略。

    Compliments are an indispensible tactic employed in interpersonal relationships ina civilized society .

  21. 从语用学角度分析请求语中的礼貌策略

    A Pragmatic Analysis of the Politeness Strategy in Requests

  22. 用礼貌策略来看律师辩护词的模糊限制语

    Exploring Hedging from the Perspective of Politeness Strategy in the Lawyer 's Argument

  23. 商务英语交际中礼貌策略的认知轨迹

    On the Recognition Track to Courtesy Strategy in the Communication of Business English

  24. 俄汉直接抱怨言语行为语用学礼貌策略分析直接途径和学习途径

    On the Pragmatic Politeness Strategies of Direct Verbal Complaints Between Russian and Chinese

  25. 鉴于课堂教学的特点和师生之间的关系,教师在实际课堂教学中使用相对更加直接的礼貌策略。

    However , in real classroom teaching , teachers utilize relatively direct strategies .

  26. 仪式性辩论中的礼貌策略研究

    A Study of Politeness Strategies in Regular Debates

  27. 广告用语的礼貌策略及其应用模式

    Politeness Strategy and Its Pattern in Advertising Speech

  28. 英汉商贸书信中的礼貌策略研究

    Politeness Strategies in Chinese and English Business Letters

  29. 在幼儿英语教学中运用礼貌策略实施素质教育

    Application of Politeness Strategies in Preschool Character Education

  30. 外贸函电中的礼貌策略

    The Tactics Expressing Politeness in Foreign Trade Correspondence