
  • 网络Social insurance management;Social Insurance Administration
  1. 在系统的建设中采用面向对象分析与设计的思想,运用可视化标准建模语言UML对社会保险管理系统进行了建模,构建了锡林郭勒盟社会保险管理系统的框架模型。

    In the system used in the construction of object-oriented analysis and design ideas , use of visual UML Modeling Language standard for social insurance management system for the modeling , construction of the Xilin Gol League of social insurance management system in the framework model .

  2. 通过开发社会保险管理系统的实践,提出了一个基于四层体系结构的社会保险管理系统,实现了数据库的物理和逻辑的独立,利用CORBA的安全服务,确保了数据库的安全性。

    This paper brings about a new social insurance management information system ( SIMIS ) based on the four-layer system structure , which makes it feasible that the physics of database is independent of the logic , and ensures the safety for the database using CORBA safe service .

  3. 基于MVC模式的Struts框架在社会保险管理系统中的应用

    Struts Framework Based on MVC Pattern in Application of Management System of Social Insurance

  4. 社会保险管理系统核心平台是一个B/S/S结构的软件平台,是以业务导向和驱动的、可快速构建应用软件的基于业务模型的业务基础软件平台。

    SSCP is a B / S / S structured software platform . It is a demand driven software platform that could be used to efficiently build custom-designed application software .

  5. 本文详细论述了在上述情况下社会保险管理系统核心平台的总体设计方案,即采用B/S/S结构和和Microsoft的。

    Here , we will discuss in detail the overall design of SSCP under afore mentioned circumstances , that is , the use of B / S / S structure and Microsoft .

  6. 萍矿集团人力资源社会保险管理信息化的实践与探讨

    Discussion on Informatization Management of Social Insurance of Human Resources

  7. 合肥市社会保险管理信息系统设计模式分析

    The Analysis of Design Patterns to Hefei Social Insurance Management Information System

  8. 广州市社会保险管理信息系统的应用与开发

    Topic : Guang Zhou Social Security Management Information System Exploitation and Application

  9. 《工伤保险管理信息系统》是社会保险管理信息系统的一个子系统。

    " The management information system of injure insurance " a subsystem , social insurance of information management system .

  10. 论文站在信息技术主管部门的角度提出了劳动就业与社会保险管理信息系统建设,首先从湖南劳动保障信息管理现状分析找到我省劳动保障管理信息系统开发中存在的问题;

    From the perspective of information technology manage center , the article puts forward the public demand in employment and insurance .

  11. 因此论文后半部分着重讨论企业逃费问题和社会保险管理体系的建立如何规避行为主体的道德风险问题。

    Therefore , this paper does discuss the enterprise to run away the expense , and how to reduce the moral hazard question through Perfect social security management system .

  12. 在对现行社会保险管理体制的矛盾进行分析的基础上,提出了按专业化分工原则重新整合的构想;

    On the basis of an analysis of the conflicts in the current social insurance management system , it advances the concept of reorganization according to the principles of professional division ;

  13. 随着社会保险管理信息系统的发展建设,社保业务处理的复杂度越来越大,信息化需求与公开化需求也越来越高。

    With the development of Social Insurance Management Information System ( SIMIS ), social insurance business process is becoming more complex . Meanwhile , the demand for information openness is getting higher .

  14. 本文就广州市社会保险管理信息系统建设的目标、原则、业务流程、系统结构、系统的安全性等方面展开了阐述,并提出了自己的看法和建议。

    Here this article gives an expression in the fields of the target of systematic construction principle , working procedures , systematic structures and system security , concerns with Social Security Management Information System , And gives our views and suggestions .

  15. 但是也存在一些问题,论文针对五险合一的社会保险管理信息系统的总体设计进行了探讨,着重对基金征缴进行研究、设计和开发,使之适应社会保险业务和管理信息系统的需要。

    However , there are some problems . The Paper discussed for the " five-one-risk " social insurance management information system design . Focus on the collection of funds for research , design and development to adapt to social insurance and management information systems .

  16. 社会保险基金管理水平评价指标比较研究

    Comparative study of Appraisal Standards for Management of Social Insurance Funds

  17. 提高理财意识强化社会保险基金管理

    Enhance financing sense , intensify management of social insurance fund

  18. 农村社会养老保险管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Rural Social Endowment Insurance Management Information System

  19. 《社会保险信息管理系统领导查询子系统》是社会保险信息管理系统的一个子系统。该子系统主要面向各级领导、决策分析人员;

    The leader-inquiry subsystem of information systems of social insurance management is a subsystem .

  20. 四川省社会保险事业管理局

    Sichuan Social Insurance Administration Xining Welfare Bureau

  21. 切实加强社会保险资金管理;

    Strengthening the fund administration ;

  22. 首先本文是对社会保险基金管理进行了一般理论分析。

    This article is first of all , the social insurance fund management of the general theoretical analysis .

  23. 社会保险基金管理主要包括以下三类:财政集中型、多元分散型、专门机构型。

    Social insurance fund management includes the following three categories : financial concentrated , multi-dispersed , specialized agencies type .

  24. 社会保险经办管理直接关系着百姓的切身利益,关系着社会保险事业的发展。

    Social insurance administration is directly related to the vital interests of the people and the development of social insurance .

  25. 重视医疗保险政策制定,而没有强调与之相关的社会保险经办管理机构的能力建设。

    That is to say , the government emphasizes the medical insurance policy study and ignores the social insurance handling management .

  26. 应用社会保险信息管理系统可使社会保险业务经办机构工作规范化、高效化。

    Apply the social insurance information management system can make the social insurance departments of standardization work , and more efficient way .

  27. 社会保险基金管理制度是社会保险制度的核心,而基金的筹集制度又是社会保险基金管理制度的首要环节。

    The management system of social insurance fund is the core of social insurance system in which The raise of fund is key and first section .

  28. 本文研究的社会保险信息管理系统对其它地方的社会保险信息管理系统开发者和用户具有了一定的使用和借鉴价值。

    This thesis studies the financial information management system for other industries financial information management system developers and users with the use of a certain and reference value .

  29. 社会保险信息管理系统作为一个大型的准金融信息管理系统,具有时效性高、政策性强和严密精确的特点。

    As a large scale quasi finance information system , the information management systems of social insurance have the advantages of high efficiency , policy enforcement and accuracy .

  30. 然后分析了引发提前退休的制度原因,并在此基础上提出了建立科学的养老金给付机制,建立垂直的社会保险经营管理机构等政策性建议。

    By further analyzing of the institutional enviroment leading to early retirement , the writer suggested a scientific payment system and a vertical social insurance management department be established .