
  • 网络Social Security Fund Management;Management of Social Security Funds
  1. 社会保障基金管理中的公众参与机制研究

    The Research on Public Participation Mechanism of Social Security Fund Management

  2. 加强社会保障基金管理与监督,完善社会保障制度,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要任务。

    To strengthen the social security fund management and supervision , improving the social security system , building a harmonious socialist society is an important task .

  3. 社会保障基金管理与审计监督研究

    Research on the Management and Auditing Supervision of Social Security Funds

  4. 我国社会保障基金管理模式构建研究

    The Research of Constructing Fund Management Mode of Social Security in Our Country

  5. 在我国社会保障基金管理中,日常监督和中、长期预警监督系统缺损问题比较严重。

    It is fairly more serious with the middle and long_term vigilance in advance damaged problem of monitor system that our country society guarrantees the day_to_day control in the fund management .

  6. 然后,以英国、德国、美国残疾人社会保障基金管理模式为研究对象,分析它们的独特内容以及总结对我国的启示。

    Then , this paper selects three countries , Britain , Germany and America , analyzes their unique management model of social security fund for disabled persons and summarizes some enlightenment .

  7. 社会保障基金管理模式不仅关系到我国社会保障基金能否实现保值和增值的基本目标,而且更直接地影响到开征社会保障税后新的社会保障体系运行的效率。

    The fund management mode of social security not merely connects whether the fund of social security of our country could realize preserving value and value-added basic target , and influences the efficiency that the new social security system operates after levying the social security tax .

  8. 社会保障基金筹集管理初探

    Primary Investigation on the Collection and Management of Social Security Funds

  9. 从社会保障基金投资管理来看,都强调安全性。

    As far as investment management , security requirement is very important .

  10. 第二章介绍了有关社会保障基金投资管理的理论。

    The second chapter introduced the related social insurance fund investment management theory .

  11. 社会保障基金及其管理研究

    A Study on Administration of Social Insurance Fund

  12. 第五章是针对我国现状,提出对我国社会保障基金投资管理的一些建议。

    The fifth chapter aims at our country present situation , proposes to our country social insurance fund investment management some suggestions .

  13. 社会保障基金投资管理分三种模式:政府集中型、适当集中型和分散型。

    There are three models in the social insurance fund investment control , that is , the government centralization , appropriate centralization and decentralization .

  14. 研究目的就在于试图构建出科学有效的社会保障基金投资管理体系,以此实现社会保障基金的保值增殖。

    The purpose is to attempt to build a scientific and effective system of social security fund investment management which achieves the preservation of social security funds proliferation .

  15. 三是加强对农村社会保障基金的管理和监督,建立专业资金管理机构,对资金的管理和运营进行严格监督。

    Third , strengthens safeguards the fund to the rural community the management and the surveillance , establishes the specialized administration of the fund organization , carries on the strict surveillance to the fund management and the operation .

  16. 本章研究了VaR模型在社会保障基金投资风险管理中四个方面的应用:风险控制、业绩评价、投资组合管理和资产负债管理。

    Specifically , Chapter Four is about the application of VaR model to social security fund risk management .

  17. 第二,探索VaR模型应用于我国社会保障基金投资风险管理的广度。

    Second , the applications of VaR to social security fund risk management are explored to a deeper extend .

  18. 强化对社会保障基金的运营管理,实现基金的保值增值。

    Strengthen the management of funds for social security and increase the value on the premise of ensuring their security .

  19. 社会保障基金的运行管理增效已成为社会保障领域最重要的前沿课题。

    Thus , how to increase benefits of social security fund has become the most important topic in the frontier of the social security field .

  20. 新加坡中央公积金的集中管理模式所取得的成绩说明,个人账户和基金制并不必然同分散化管理联系在一起,而且,在特定情况下社会保障基金的集中管理具有一定的优越性。

    The achievements of the centralized management model of the Central Provident Fund in Singapore show that personal account and the funded system are not necessary to interosculate with the dispersed management , and the centralized management of social security funds has some advantages in special instances .

  21. 社保基金税务征缴标志着我国社会保障基金的征收、管理、使用纳入法制化轨道。

    The tax collection of social security fund is the objective requirement of the social security system of our country .

  22. 至于其它资产类别,它必须通过人力资源和社会保障部批准的基金管理公司进行投资。

    For other asset classes , it must use fund managers approved by the Ministry of human resources and social security .

  23. 论文通过对国外代表性国家的社会保障基金筹集、投资管理及委托管理等方面的分析对社会保障基金保值增值的国际经验进行了归纳和分析。

    Through analyzing the raise , investment management and relegation management of social security fund the paper concludes international experiences on this problem .

  24. 第三部分是在借鉴日本以上的分析经验基础上,提出了加强我国社会保障制度中社保基金管理制度,提高基金运营效果的对策建议。

    The third part of the article , using the Japanese analysis experience as reference , puts forward the proposals to strengthen the social insurance fund administration system and enhance the fund operating result in Chinese social security system .

  25. 特别是在养老社会保障基金的筹集和管理上,分析和探究当前存在的问题,在个人账户的建立、隐性债务的补偿、养老金筹集的几个关键问题上提出财务可持续发展的建议。

    In addition , this dissertation , based on the analysis and study of present problems of old-age insurance system , puts forward suggestions on financial sustainable development about a few decisive problems as personal account establishment , recessive debt compensation and old-age insurance fund raising .

  26. 本文第一章介绍了社会保障基金的一般理论并且对社会保障基金投资运营和管理做了理论和现实的分析。

    Chapter I introduces some general theories on social security funds , as well as a theoretical and practical analysis about the system of the state social security funds investing and management .

  27. 基金的缴纳办法有待改进。保险保障基金可以对每次索赔应规定最高上限价。本文第一章介绍了社会保障基金的一般理论并且对社会保障基金投资运营和管理做了理论和现实的分析。

    The third is of improving the custody and management of insurance security funds . Chapter I introduces some general theories on social security funds , as well as a theoretical and practical analysis about the system of the state social security funds investing and management .

  28. 从前瞻性的角度出发,提出制定颁布社会保障基本法、营造改善相应税制环境、衔接好新旧制度、完善社会保障基金运行管理等相关的政策建议来应对开征社会保障税可能面临的问题和困难。

    This article suggest to establish social security basic law , improve the relative " tax environment ", assort the new system with the old one , improve the management of social security fund etc. This measurement will settle the problems in course of imposing the social security tax .

  29. 本论文以我国社会保障储备基金的投资问题为研究对象,所谓社会保障储备基金,是指由全国社会保障基金理事会管理的带有储备性质的基金。

    This thesis focuses on problems of the investment of Chinese Social Security Reserve Fund . Social security reserve fund means that the reserve fund managed by the National Council for Social Security Fund of the People 's Republic of China .

  30. 第二、简述我国社会保障制度的产生与发展,我国社会保障管理制度,我国社会保障管理机构的设置,我国社会保障基金管理等内容。

    Part two gives brief introductions on the producing and development of our social security system , the administration system , the administration organ and funds administration of our social security system .