
shè huì fú lì yuàn
  • social welfare institute;Social Welfare Home;nursing home
  1. 镇江社会福利院创作设计谈

    Talking about the Design of Social Welfare Institute of Zhenjiang

  2. 据人民日报报道,调查人员并未发现该市的孤儿院&邵阳市社会福利院,向带来婴儿的官员支付回扣的证据。

    Investigators found no evidence that the city 's orphanage , the Shaoyang Social Welfare Institute , paid kickbacks to officials who delivered babies , according to the newspaper 's report .

  3. 在此模式的基础上,本文采用SWOT分析法,分析指出成都市第二社会福利院所拥有的优势与劣势、面临的机遇与挑战。

    The SWOT method is adopted to point out the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and threats of Chengdu Second Social Welfare Institution .

  4. 阳泉市社会福利院老年颐养中心设计体会

    Design experience of the aged center in social welfare institution of Yangquan

  5. 把她交个了社会福利院。

    Social services will find her a home .

  6. 长沙市社会福利院老年人6年纵向研究报告

    A Six - year Longitudinal Geriatric Study of the Aged in Changsha City Social Welfare Institution

  7. 集中供养一般通过举办社会福利院、敬老院、疗养院、儿童福利院等福利机构进行;

    Concentrated establishments include social welfare homes , old-age homes , sanitariums , and children 's welfare homes .

  8. 武汉市社会福利院老年人群高血压现状调查

    Survey on prevalence , awareness , treatment and control of hypertension among the elderly people in Wuhan welfare institution

  9. 据财新报道,当地官员抓住“非法儿童”,把他们送到孤儿院(即社会福利院,译注),用来被人收养。

    According to Caixin , local officials would take " illegal children " and pack them off to orphanages where they were put up for adoption .

  10. 该片的炮制者凯特-布莱维特等人是假冒“美国儿童基金会”工作人员来到湖北黄石市社会福利院的。

    Kate Blewett , producer of the program , and others visited the Huangshi welfare home , disguising themselves as staff members of the American Children 's Fund .

  11. 在众多的敬老院和社会福利院服务的大都是妇女,她们像照顾自己的亲人一样照顾老人和孩子。

    Most of those who serve in old folks ' homes and social welfare institutions are women . They treat elders and youngsters like their own kith and kin .

  12. 事实是,因市儿童福利院旧房子大修,部分孤儿被临时安置到第二社会福利院,这是很正常的。

    As a result , some of the orphans were sent to the social welfare home temporarily , which was only normal . In fact , the same thing had happened before .

  13. 为欢庆中秋佳节,中国大饭店向北京市第五社会福利院的老人们捐赠了月饼,表达了对社区老年人的关爱。

    To celebrate mid-autumn festival , China World Hotel contributes mooncakes to the elderly at The Fifth Social Welfare Instiution of Beijing to express the care to the elderly in the community .

  14. 由镇政府开办的福利性社会福利院存在的问题主要是:资金普遍短缺、工作人员素质偏低、硬件设施简陋和养老观念落后等;

    Short of fund , low diathesis of staff , poor of construction building and lag the conception of provide for the aged are the main issues in social welfare institution , which operated by government .

  15. 对无依靠的老人,国家开办社会福利院,集体企业开办敬老院,免费提供食宿和其他服务。

    Welfare institutions and senior citizen homes have been set up respectively by the state and the collective enterprises to provide board and lodging and other free services for senior citizens without relatives to depend on .

  16. 据《中国青年报》报道,由河北省石家庄市社会福利院去年6月份建立起来的弃婴保护仓引发广泛批评,许多人称,这会鼓励不负责任的父母抛弃婴儿。

    A baby hatch , set up by Shijiazhuang Social Welfare Institution in Hebei Province last June , has attracted widespread criticism with many arguing that it could encourage irresponsible parents to abandon their babies , China Youth Daily reported .

  17. 家庭寄养模式是一种由社会儿童福利院机构,以一定的法定手续使孤残儿童,进入那些愿意对他们提供家庭照顾责任的家庭实施养育的模式。

    Family foster care is a kind of social welfare homes by institutions to certain legal procedures to gu incomplete children , into those who are willing to help in providing family care responsibility implementation mode of raising a family .

  18. 为探讨深圳市社会福利中心(福利院)收养人群的微量元素营养状况,给防治微量元素失衡提供科学依据,分析了该中心人群和同龄社会人群6种元素营养状况。

    To explore trace elements nutrition of Shenzhen Social Welfare Centre ( institution ) adoped groups to combat micronutrient imbalance provide scientific basis , their nutrition status were analysed .

  19. 本研究结合音乐治疗学、心理学及社会学相关理论,以北京市第五社会福利院15位老人为实验组研究对象,进行为期近四个月的团体音乐治疗干预。

    In this study , based on the combination of the former music therapy , psychology and sociology theories choose The Fifth of social welfare in Beijing as the experimental group of 15 elderly subjects for Four-month music therapy group intervention .