
  • 网络Social role theory;role theory
  1. 基于社会角色理论的村卫生室定位方法研究

    Based on Social role Theory of Village Health Positioning Method

  2. 运用社会角色理论浅析医患冲突及其对策

    Using social role theory to analyze hospital patient conflict and its countermeasures

  3. 社会角色理论在发展项目管理课程教学中的应用

    Study of Application of Social-role Theory in Teaching of Development Project Management

  4. 具体阐述了社会角色理论的发展溯源和社会角色的概念。

    The development of the social role theory and the social role concept were also reported specifically .

  5. 第三,参照社会角色理论,引导大学生正确理解社会角色。

    Third , with the reference to the Social Role Theory , we should guide students to understanding of social roles correctly .

  6. 第四章是总结和思考,提出促进农民工角色转换的思考途径,形成对社会角色理论的三点思索。

    The fourth chapter is summarized and thinking , put forward to promote the way workers roles of social role , forming the theory of three thinking .

  7. 前言:国外对医患冲突的已有研究涉及到:社会角色理论、医患交流理论、信息不对称理论和医疗保健制度。

    Research on conflict between doctor and patient on overseas involve to : Social role theory , doctor-patient exchange theory , asymmetric information theory and health care system .

  8. 社会角色理论认为,个体通过承担身份地位和角色行为的职责与更大的社会结构联系在一起,角色是连接个体与社会结构的纽带。

    According to theory of social role , individuals link to the big social structure by undertake the responsibilities of positions and behaviors , roles connect individuals and social structure .

  9. 由于在现有的社会角色理论中难以找到能恰当描述这种状况的概念,根据研究的需要,笔者创新性地提出了职业角色和户籍角色的概念,并对其进行了初步的界定。

    Due to the existing social role in theory of difficult to find this situation can properly describe the need of concept , according to the research , the author put forward innovative vocational character and the concept of household role , and analyses the preliminary definition .

  10. 基于社会学角色理论,建立了一种基于角色的多agent系统模型。

    Based on social role theory , this paper establishes a multi agent system model based on role .

  11. 从社会心理学的角色理论看英语教师的课堂角色

    A New Approach to English Teachers ' Classroom Role & From the Point of Role Theory in Social Psychology

  12. 根据社会学的角色理论,上述问题可以转换为:大学教师应该扮演哪些职业角色以及如何扮演这些角色。

    According the Role Theory in sociology , this dissertation points out that the question raised above may be transferred to " what roles should faculty play and how to play such roles " .

  13. 借用社会学的角色理论,三个时期的青年整体上分别处在角色转型、非角色以及角色多元阶段。

    According to the sociological theory of " character ", three periods of youth as a whole are located as transformation of " character ", not " role " and " character " multivariate phase .

  14. 二是借鉴综合课程和社会角色等有关理论对思想政治学科教学论向综合课程发展的具体改革进行了深入研究。

    The second aspect is to deeply research the specific reformation of the integrated curriculum development of " Ideological and Political Curriculum & Instruction " with the relative theories of integrated curriculum and social roles .

  15. 正文分以下三部分:第一部分运用社会学的角色理论分析了诉讼主体的角色化过程。诉讼角色是刑事诉讼关系的基础。

    The main body could be divided into three parts : The first part provides an analysis of the process how the criminal litigation subject takes on a role , which is supported by the role theory in sociology .

  16. 本文运用社会学的角色理论,通过掌握的各种史料特别是石刻史料,分析了隋唐时期僧尼的理想角色、实际角色,并对这一时期僧尼角色冲突的特点及原因进行了考察。

    By all sorts of historical materials especially of stone inscription , the paper analyzes ideal part and actual part and characteristic and cause of part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty by sociological theory of society part .

  17. 根据社会学有关角色理论的分析,总结概述了图书馆员咨询角色从萌芽产生到形成发展的演进历程,探究了不同时期图书馆员咨询角色的职责变化。

    Based on the analysis with regard to sociology theory on role , this paper summarizes and expatiates the origin and developing course of the consultation role of librarians , and explores the change of the consultation role of librarians at different stages .

  18. 关于在青年社会学中导入角色理论的理论思考

    Thinking on the Role Theory for Sociology of Youth

  19. 第二部分是对社会互动和社会角色理论概念的界定及相关文献梳理,该部分主要是对理论的叙述,是对理论详细的介绍。

    The second part is the social interaction and social role theory concept and relative literature review , which is mainly focused on the narrative theory .

  20. 借鉴社会学中的角色理论、认同理论以及其它相关理论,来阐述角色互赖关系形成途径中的三个具体环节。

    Reference to the role of sociological theory , identity theory and other related theories , the author tries to describe three specific links on the ways of forming the role of interdependent relationship in this paper .

  21. 本文以社会学中的角色理论为研究视角,从介绍角色理论与高校管理干部双肩挑现象入手,阐述了运用角色理论研究双肩挑现象的意义。

    This thesis illustrates the significance of applying role theory of sociology to study " double shoulder task " phenomenon of managerial administrators in universities . It starts with introducing role theory and " double shoulder task " phenomenon of managerial administrators in universities .

  22. 以社会学的角色定位理论为基础,从道德修养、公共关系、市场经营和综合决策等4个方面论述编辑的角色定位,分析青年编辑应具备的素质。

    Based on the sociological theory of role orientation , the authors expound the role orientation for editors of scientific periodicals from morals training , public relationship , market management , and comprehensive decision , and analyzes the diathesis that young editors should possess .

  23. 从社会背景模型理论和社会学习与社会角色理论出发,将欺负行为看作群体现象,干预措施着眼于学生对欺负行为的态度、对自身参与角色的认知上,是切实可行的。

    Based on the theory of social context model and of social learning and social role , the intervention method focused on the change of attitude toward bullying and the realization of their participant role among bullying episode and it is practicable .