
  1. “小毛驴农场”的创始人ShiYan说,在美国它叫做社区支持农业。

    Shi Yan , founder of Little Donkey Farm , said , It 's called Community Supported Agriculture in the US .

  2. 所有员工都是社区支持农业(CSA)会员,所以他们可以吃到当地种植的水果和蔬菜。

    CSA ( community supported agriculture ) memberships , so workers get locally grown fruits and vegetables .

  3. 罗内恩表示,根据人们的购买习惯和购买方针来看,Farmigo最终可能会向20%至30%的美国人提供服务,而目前只有不到1%的美国人参与了“社区支持农业项目”(CSA)。

    Farmigo could eventually reach about 20 % - 30 % of the U.S. population based on people 's buying habits and guidelines , Ronen says , adding that community-supported agriculture programs ( CSAs ) currently reach less than 1 % .

  4. 凡是订购了“社区支持农业”素食礼盒的高通雇员,在总部的一家咖啡馆即可轻松收货。

    Employees with CSA veggie box subscriptions can pick up their produce packages at one of the HQ 's caf é s.

  5. 参与式保障体系与社区支持农业&直销农场需要认证吗?

    The workshop entitled PGS meet Teikei ( CSA ) - do direct sales farms need certification ? Is scheduled as below .

  6. 让低收入家庭通过社区支持农业获取本地、有机的食物。

    The workshop entitled Providing Access to Local , Organic Food to Low Income Families through Community Supported Agriculture is scheduled as below .