
  1. 新安理学所倡导的伦理观,是徽州宗族制订族规和祖训的理论依据;

    The ethics advocated ethics became the theoretical foundation for the establishment of clan and tribal laws and teachings .

  2. 前者缘起于《皇明祖训》对其先祖世系的误记,以更正《大明会典》中的相关内容为终结。

    The former originated from the false record in Huangming Zuxun and ended by corrected relative contents in Da Ming Huidian .

  3. 但他并非恪守儒家祖训,而是充满质疑精神,表现为常人难以理解的异端色彩。

    However , he liked more questioning than scrupulously abided by the old doctrine , and therefore expressed his incredible heterodoxy color .