
shén miào
  • wonderful;marvellous;ingenious
神妙 [shén miào]
  • [wonderful;marvellous;ingenious] 奇妙而变化莫测

  • 神妙的笔法

神妙[shén miào]
  1. 竟然有神妙的诀窍使火点燃?

    Should kindle fire by wonderful device ?

  2. 时显时隐、时松时紧、时动时静的委拉斯凯兹式边线使得有形的形式与内容和无形的形式与内容相互衬托,相映成趣,创造出更为完美而神妙的艺术意境。

    Significant implicit , disengagement , dynamic static " Velasquez " line makes tangible and intangible forms and contents of the form and content of each other , gain by contrast , to create a more perfect and wonderful artistic conception .

  3. 我神魂颠倒,目睹吸收了多少神妙之处。

    I was carried away , seeing , absorbing many wonders .

  4. 它是如斯的丰盛而长久,精巧而又神妙!

    It is so rich and long , delicate and Shenmiao !

  5. 还有还珠楼主各种神妙离奇的“神功”,利用佛教、道教的思想;

    Also various Shengong from Buddhist and Taoist ideas by Huanzhu Louzhu ;

  6. “看哪,我给你们看一件神妙的事。”牧师念道。

    ' behold , I show you a mystery , 'the vicar read .

  7. 海之为物是超越的、神妙的生存之乘舆;

    The sea is simply the vehicle for a prodigious , unearthly mode of existence ;

  8. 这是一个神妙的计划。

    It is a divine plan .

  9. 她做的馅饼简直绝妙;神圣的莎士比亚;绝妙的盛筵;神妙的表演。

    Her pies were simply divine ; the divine Shakespeare ; an elysian meal ; an inspired performance .

  10. 在那昙花一现的神妙的瞬间,人面对这个新大陆一定屏息惊异。

    For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent .

  11. 以汉字草书规范化、实用化为目标的草书标准化大课题正是凭借右老神妙的书法艺术而受到海内外炎黄子孙的重视与青睐。

    The big theme for the study on cursive hand standardization and practice that attracts attention and gains favor of the Chinese people .

  12. 然而,加芙列拉·米斯特拉尔最终却是借助诗歌这一神妙的艺术留下了难以磨灭的永恒印记。

    In the end however , it was via the delicate art of poetry that Gabriela Mistral made her most indelible and substantive mark .

  13. 造化的神妙,像暗夜之深邃-如此伟大。知识的迷惑,如清晨的云雾。

    The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night-it is great . Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning .

  14. 比这更神妙的事,还有很多,因为我们所见的,不过是他化工中的极少数。

    There are many things hidden from us that are greater than these : for we have seen but a few of his works .

  15. 倘若你能使你的心时常赞叹日常生活的神妙,你苦痛的神妙必不减于你的欢乐;

    And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life , your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy ;

  16. 画家神妙而自传式的设想,触动了广大观者的心灵。而其有力的色彩,更是富有生命力。

    His ingenious yet autobiographical conceptions are aptly able to reach a universal audience , striking in their astonishing colors that seem to bear a life of their own .

  17. 弗兰兹惟一的回答就是舀起了一匙那种神妙的药剂,份量约莫和他的主人所吃的差不多,把它送到嘴边。

    Franz 's only reply was to take a teaspoonful of the marvellous preparation , about as much in quantity as his host had eaten , and lift it to his mouth .

  18. 习语译介是英、汉语言翻译中的难点,运用“等效论”的翻译原则,可以对英、汉语言中习语的译介起到神妙的功用。

    Translation of idioms is the difficult point in translation of Chinese to English and English to Chinese , while application of the principle " equivalent effect " has practical function in translation of idioms .