
  1. 我第一次看的TonyLeung的电影是《辣手神探》,那是很多年以前。

    The first Tony Leung film I saw was HARD BOILED , many years ago .

  2. 在普通话里,juan就是卷曲的意思,指的是康伯巴奇在神探夏洛克里的一头卷发造型。

    In Mandarin , " juan " means curly , referring to Cumberbatch 's curlyhairstyle in his role as Sherlock Holmes .

  3. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。尤娜·斯塔布斯逝世后,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇表示悼念,他说:

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .

  4. 《神探夏洛克》的编剧们正在为BBC正式改编《德古拉》。

    The creators of Sherlock are officially adapting Dracula for the BBC .

  5. 来自:神探夏洛克词汇讲解:n.天才;天赋;天才人物;(特别的)才能他以为自己是天才.

    eg : He thinks himself a genius .

  6. 提起BBC的电视剧《神探夏洛克》,美国观众会想到什么?

    What do American audiences think of the BBC One series " Sherlock " ?

  7. 最佳电视电影:《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》(Sherlock:TheAbominableBride[Masterpiece],PBS)

    TV Movie : " Sherlock : The Abominable Bride ( Masterpiece ) " ( PBS )

  8. 说到作为双向通讯工具的智能手表就不能不提到《至尊神探》(DickTracy),但Gear确实就是像那样的。

    It 's almost impossible to talk about a smartwatch as a two-way communicator without mentioning Dick Tracy , but the Gear is just that .

  9. 《神探夏洛克》再登榜首!这次是在一个全球民意调查中荣获BBC最受欢迎的电视角色。

    Sherlock has come out on top again - this time in a worldwide poll of most popular BBC television characters .

  10. 《神探夏洛克》第三季有望于2013年早些时候开拍,而《Elementary》势必会成为CBS台2012-2013秋季档的一大热门。

    A third series of Sherlock is expected to begin filming in early 2013 , while Elementary is a strong contender for the CBS 2012-13 television season .

  11. BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》回归了,下面是关于这部剧你可能有所不知的10件趣事:

    As Sherlock returns to our screens , here are 10 curious things you might not have known about the BBC series : 1 .

  12. BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》的执行制片人表示,自己已被粉丝们呼唤“卷福”和“花生”“在一起”的邮件淹没。

    The creator of BBC TV series Sherlock has been inundated with fan mail urging him to make the detective and Dr Watson gay lovers .

  13. 《神探夏洛克》男演员MartinFreeman今年将会过一个相当古典的夏天。他已经确定会在伦敦上演的莎士比亚的戏剧《理查三世》中扮演主角理查三世。

    Sherlock star Martin Freeman is going classical for his summer . The actor will play the title role in William Shakespeare 's play Richard III in London .

  14. 昨天,在英国和美国新年第一天播出之后,BBC探案大剧《神探夏洛克》的最新大电影正式登陆中国大银屏。

    The latest episode of hit BBC detective show Sherlock hit Chinese cinema screens yesterday , following its airing on British and US television on New Year 's Day .

  15. CBS电视台正在为新剧《Elementary》努力,这部剧描述福尔摩斯生活在现代都市中的故事(非常像BBC的《神探夏洛克》),只不过现在夏洛克生活在纽约。

    CBS TV Studios is working on ELEMENTARY , described as a modern day take of Sherlock Holmes ( much like BBC 's SHERLOCK ), only now Sherlock lives in New York City .

  16. 《神探夏洛克》在将来几乎可以肯定有一个角色会死掉:MaryWatson,neeMorstan将会在未来的剧情中死掉。

    Sherlock has at least one nearly definite death in its future : Mary Watson , nee Morstan , will die at some point in the series .

  17. 不只是英国的粉丝在焦急地等待BBC热门剧集《神探夏洛克》揭示福尔摩斯在第二季末的假死之谜。

    It was not just British fans who had been waiting anxiously to find out just how Sherlock Holmes dodged death in the final instalment of the massively popular BBC drama Sherlock .

  18. MTV新闻逮住了这位极具天分的忙碌的演员,他将《神探夏洛克》的成功,归因于一群不同寻常、聪慧、忠诚的粉丝。

    MTV News caught up with the very busy and talented actor , who attributes the shows success to its extraordinary and very intelligent , very loyal fans .

  19. BenedictCumberbatch给《神探夏洛克》已经去世的14岁小粉丝写信,并在小姑娘的葬礼上被公开朗读。

    Following the tragic death of a 14-year-old Sherlock fan , star Benedict Cumberbatch sent an open letter to be read aloud at the girl 's funeral .

  20. 维多利亚表示,这个系列的灵感来自于连环漫画《至尊神探》(DickTracy),它运用了明亮的色彩,比如该系列中的宝蓝色绉纱露肩拖地长裙以及翡翠色弹力修身褶底连衣裙。

    The collection , she said , drew inspiration from'Dick Tracy'comic strips , and featured bright colors like a sapphire-blue crepe column corset dress , and an emerald stretch felt drape front frock .

  21. 据Cumberbatch说,这部美剧对他影响不大,他并没有觉得Miller也要出演夏洛克这一著名的神探角色而感到有任何威胁。

    According to Cumberbatch , the actor has no issue with the new series , nor does he feel threatened by Miller also taking on the role of the famous detective .

  22. 如果说电视评论协会为期一周的媒体邀请会中有什么可值得期待的,当首推PBC在周一下午举行的英剧《神探夏洛克》精彩见面会。

    If there was a most anticipated session during the weeks-long Television Critics Association press tour , it might have been PBS Masterpiece 's presentation of British drama Sherlock on Monday afternoon .

  23. 日本漫画《神探夏洛克:粉色的研究》将于六月登陆英国。该漫画改编自2010年BBC出品的英剧《神探夏洛克》,其中由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯和马丁·弗瑞曼饰演的华生医生以经典日漫风格登场。

    Out in June , Sherlock : A Study in Pink adapts the BBC series , which started in 2010 , transforming Benedict Cumberbatch 's Holmes and Martin Freeman 's Dr John Watson into classic manga images .

  24. 《神探夏洛克》第三季结局集《他最后的誓言》将会在英国时间1月12日播出,而《神探夏洛克》第三季会在1月19日在美国PBS播出。

    The Season 3 finale of Sherlock , His Final Vow , airs on Sunday , Jan. 12 in the UK , while the third season premieres in the US on Sunday , Jan. 19 on PBS .

  25. 英剧《神探夏洛克》的编剧暗示称,BBC出品的《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑引用了一个秘密典故,只有说汉语的人才能懂。此举旨在向广大亚洲影迷致敬。

    The BBC 's Christmas special of Sherlockis to contain a secret reference viewers will have to speak Chinese to understand , the show 's writer has hinted , in a nod to the show 's huge Asian fanbase .

  26. 他们两人意外获奖,以及这部仅用大型美剧预算一小部分的成本制作的系列剧成为艾美奖的最大赢家,凸显出《神探夏洛克》如何成了BBC的摇钱树。

    The surprise victory for them , and for a series produced on a fraction of the budget of big US TV dramas that dominate the event , highlights the financial boost that Sherlock has provided for the BBC .

  27. 而除了这些独一无二的历史宝藏,参观者们还将看到两件奇怪的现代展品:英国广播公司(BBC)出品的系列《神探夏洛克》(Sherlock)中,夏洛克扮演者“卷福”本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(BenedictCumberbatch)在剧中所穿的大衣和睡袍。

    But alongside these one-of-a-kind historical treasures , visitors will find two curiously modern artifacts : the coat and dressing gown worn by Benedict Cumberbatch in Sherlock , the BBC 's 21st-century reboot of the Holmes stories .

  28. 在第66届年度艾美奖上,《神探夏洛克》不仅分获最佳迷你剧/电影男主角和最佳迷你剧/电影男配角,其主创之一史蒂文•莫法特(StevenMoffat)还荣获最佳编剧奖。

    Winning gongs respectively for outstanding lead actor and supporting actor in a mini series or movie , Sherlock 's co-creator Steven Moffat also picked up the best writer trophy at the 66th annual Emmy Awards .

  29. 《神探夏洛克》在BBC全球的销量中占据重要地位,观看该剧的中国粉丝达9800万,这些中国影迷还给两位主演起了昵称:华生又叫“花生”,福尔摩斯又叫“卷福”。

    The programme is already a key part of BBC Worldwide 's sales and is watched by 98 million fans in China , who have special names for its stars : " Peanut " for Watson and " Curly Fu " for Holmes .

  30. 最近,斯塔布斯以哈德森太太的身份赢得了年轻人的喜欢。她在BBC电视剧《神探夏洛克》中饰演贝克街221B和221C的女房东,与本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇和马丁·弗里曼合作。

    More recently , she won new generations of fans as Mrs Hudson , the caring landlady of 221B and 221C Baker Street in the BBC series Sherlock , alongside Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman .